Good morning, readers! I don't think I've told you yet where I get to go later this week… You know how it is, you don't really get excited about going somewhere until you're there, because for Moms especially, there's always a lot to do before we can leave. Anyway, I'll be in Anaheim for Expo West, a HUGE natural foods show. It'll mostly be a business trip, and very interesting I'm sure, but I can't wait for any bit of time I'll have to EAT good food, feel some sun on my face and walk barefoot on the beach!
Okeedokie, now on to our links for this week!
- Remember last week I told you about our son complaining that I make a ‘butter scene' wherever we go? Well, the other day we went to a different restaurant and what a refreshing change from the last place, where they only had a ‘butter-margarine' blend – sick! This time I called before we went in to make sure they had real butter, and then when I ordered it they said, “It's all we have here, that other stuff is gross.” For REAL! I ended up chatting with the owners and they were telling us how they make everything fresh, and “we don't have any onions sitting around in a chemical solution, we just chop 'em as we use 'em.” I was so excited that I had to take their picture and tell you where to find them locally and on Facebook: The Cheshire Grill on Plainfield, owned by Eric & Lori Vorpi. They even had sea salt on their tables!
- Did you hear or read this NPR story? Bloggers Replace Mom's Recipe Box as a Source of Food Knowledge. “Food companies are taking note of the growing influence of social media over people's consumer habits. And they don't necessarily see it as their friend. “Food companies are confused and overwhelmed by social media; they feel vulnerable because they don't have the authority they once had,” says Sousa.”
- I love this article from Healthy Child on 5 Natural and Safe Sugar Alternatives for Baking. I was so thankful to not see things like Splenda or Xylitol listed. There were only truly healthy alternatives. 🙂 One mention was to use coconut oil, and here's where to buy the coconut oil that I use. (Have you read, “Do artificial sugars cause weight gain?” or “Are Xylitol and other ‘sugar alchohols' SAFE?“)
- Don't forget to enter the newest $40 Kitchen Kop giveaway for the handheld blender WITH the fun attachments! Also at that post you'll meet my friend, Kimmi, who helps me here at the blog. (She's a hilarious sweetheart, you'll love her.)
- Have you seen this disturbing blog post and video from Kristen? Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher. The part about how once you're on an anti-anxiety med you may never go off it again made me especially sad, because of all of those I know who take them. Have you read this post: Coming on anti-depressants, a reader shares her story?
- It's surprising (to me anyway) how much attention this post has gotten last week: Health care workers: how to refuse mandatory vaccines at not get fired. Sadly, that shows how often these issues are coming up lately…
- Adrienne is a local blogger here in the Grand Rapids area and she shared a post last week that might help someone out there: “Did vaccines cause my son's Autism?“
- Do you know anyone dealing with grief after the loss of a loved one? I pulled together this post (which was actually a letter to friends) to try and help: Comfort for those who are grieving.
- From the Kitchen Kop archives: a whole list of tips on how to get your kids to eat Real Food!
- Let me know what you think of the links this week!
Have a great week!
Peggy S. says
Please stop at the To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. booth at EXPO and say hello to Jeff and Roxanne.
KitchenKop says
Hi Peggy, yes, we’ll be sure to do that! 🙂
Michele Z says
Nice write-up Kelly for the Vorpi’s! When we lived in the Rockford/Cedar area Lori was our Chiropractor. They are great people and their resturant ROCKS! =)
Jeanmarie says
Jealous of your trip!!
Marcia says
Thanks for letting us know about the restaurant. I’m always asking about their “butter”, too.
On another note, I’m glad you don’t consider xylitol a safe sugar. I had switched to using it in my morning coffee for awhile after hearing only good things about it. I began having nasty bouts of diarrhea every day, but didn’t make the connection for 2 months. When someone mentioned that the xylitol could be causing it, I stopped using it and was instantly cured. Couldn’t believe that a couple teaspoons a day could wreak so much havoc on my digestive system!
Soli @ I Believe in Butter says
Enjoy your trip!
And eeeeew, butter-margarine blend? No thanks.
Mary @ Homemade Dutch Apple Pie says
Thanks for letting us WM people know about another good local restaurant!