I need your help!
Contrary to what the TEDx organizers say (did you see my post over the weekend about the talks they're rejecting these days?), MANY are healed of all sorts of health issues with Real Food. I'd love to start regularly publishing your success stories here on the blog, so would you pleeeeease email me your story, short or long? ([email protected], please put SUCCESS STORY in the subject line.)
Maybe you've cut only a little of the junk out of your diet but you already feel better. Maybe you had major health issues and went on the GAPS diet and have been healed. Or you may have lost weight, seen your kids' behavior improve, or gotten pregnant! (This was one of my favorite posts here on the blog: Real Food Makes You Fertile!) Whatever you can share with us, we'd love to hear about the benefits you've seen in your life since incorporating more Real Food. Thank you!
- A reader broke my heart last week and I'm hoping you might be able to help him. (Commenter #48, Brandon, at this post on Fighting Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue Naturally.) Jill shared some great advice (thanks Jill!), but maybe you have more ideas?
- I've told you before how much I love these cultured veggies, I keep them in our freezer so they're always on hand to pull out as an easy side dish. But the other day I tried the cultured beets. I know they may not sound like they'd be good (I didn't used to like beets), but OH MY, they were SO delicious. They reminded me of the yummy beet salad at one of our favorite local restaurants. (Amore on Alpine in case you're wondering.)
- Did you see Cara's recent challenge to go media-free one day a week? I've always made it my goal to stay off the computer on Sundays, but it doesn't happen consistently. I'm recommitting myself to do that now. (But if you see me online on Sundays don't get all over me about it, ok? Hah!)
- Last week the three younger kids and I went downtown for what I thought was a great little field trip and a good way to teach them about our military and all they do for us. They made this sign and we joined many others lining the streets here in Rockford to honor a fallen soldier. Read more about his sacrifice here.
- Check out the latest here on Dr. Burzynski's fight to treat cancer patients:
High Brix Nutrient Dense Foods says
Health challenges at age of 17 and before: frequent debilitating colds, flus, viruses; poor energy, very little stamina, hard getting up in the morning; moody and very argumentative and scandalous; near diabetic and overweight; allergies and asthmatic; poor appetite, bloating, gas, cannot handle many foods; hair falling out; tooth decay.
Now, at 26 years of age, all challenges are a thing of the past. Fantastic energy, an abundance of vigor and stamina. Feel wonderful mentally and physically. Have not had colds, flus, viruses for many years. Eye doctor remarked even though I had and still have 20/20 vision, I can see farther now. Last time I had cavities was 6 years. Some women cannot help playing with my hair, as it has become much thicker and lustrous – an appeal to my vanity? Rather than finding myself with pathetic health as I once had, with my mother wondering whether I will have tuberculosis I know very few people who have the health I have today. Diet has played a significant role in my health improvements.
KitchenKop says
That is awesome Jamil!!!
JMR says
I read Brandon’s symptoms…chest pain, ringing ears, numbness, anxiety…those are low thyroid and low cortisol symptoms for me. When I start feeling that, I get a blood test and adjust my thyroid meds, then I try to figure out what I’ve done to stress my adrenals and give myself a relapse, and I stop doing whatever it was and get some rest.
Jo Schoeneck says
Do you have your recipe for the cultured beets that you would share?
KitchenKop says
I get them online – click on the “cultured veggies” link in the post. 🙂
Karen says
I replied on the original post to the guy who was having anxiety troubles.
Kimberly says
I have a plea for anyone battling anxiety, fatigue, and/or depression. I’ve been there, and after years of searching for relief, have finally found it. Please see a doctor who deals naturally with bioidentical hormone replacement. I was in my early 30’s, so I didn’t think I could need it. After years of no relief, I tried a BodyLogic doctor. My life has changed dramatically.
Soli says
Oh beets, they get such a bad rap. Nowadays I love boiling up beets, because they smell so good!
Hannah Healy says
Great post Kelly! I’m shocked about the TEDx talks. I always thought they were so progressive, but it’s just saddening to hear how closed minded they are…