Happy Monday, readers, I hope you all had a yummy Thanksgiving weekend. 🙂
- Coming soon! I sold hard copies of my new Real Food Ingredient Guides at the conference and soon I’ll have them for sale here on the site. You’ll be able to either download a digital copy or I can send you a hard copy if you prefer holding it in your hands.
- I’ve finally finished my posts on vaccination safety issues and the decisions we made when I was pregnant for our youngest. How I wish I’d known enough to grapple with these same questions before the birth of our oldest…
Today is the LAST DAY to get 15% off at U.S. Wellness Meats – just use the coupon code found at this giveaway winner post. I used the coupon code last week and look what came to my front porch! (Jeanne & I are splitting it.) Kent & I were wondering what the Fed-Ex guy thought when he saw the huge pail that said, “Pure beef lard” on it.
- Speaking of Jeanne, I finally tried her Cheeseburger cups last week and everyone but Kent loved them, and that’s only because he’s not a Sloppy Joe kind of guy – the hamburger filling in these definitely resembles that. Forget what he says, they were really good.
- Check out this Food Timeline I found through Twitter. Interesting, huh?
- I liked this post last week from Scott: Caffeine, Alcohol & Health, because it justifies me continuing with my minimal coffee habit…I don’t drink it every day, but when I do, I sure love the stuff. Let’s talk coffee, ya wanna? Tell me how you like it. This is my fav: black flavored coffee such as hazelnut, vanilla, caramel, macadamia, etc., NOT with any of the flavored sweet syrups – ick, and NOT anything with cinnamon in it. I can’t stand cinnamon in my coffee. I also don’t like Michigan cherry flavor, pumpkin spice or the coconut flavored coffees. Nasty. And I have to have just the right straw to drink it with – a skinny straw, not a soda straw. Good thing I’m not picky about my coffee, huh?
At least I don’t like the expensive, sweetened foo-foo coffees. When I hit it right and go down to my favorite coffee house and they’ve got hazelnut or vanilla brewed – pure heaven. 🙂
Elizabeth from The Nourished Life says
Nothing gives me the creeps more than seeing the word “flavorings” on an ingredient list. Of course, it could be harmless, but chances are if they aren’t willing to list it, you don’t want to know what it is… much less actually consume it.
That said, I do have a couple things in my cabinet with “flavorings” in them. I just try to stay away from them as much as possible. 🙂
NancyO says
I drink organic coffee, too, for the most part. I do think this article is referring to coffees that are flavored in their bean state, then ground and brewed. So if you start with organic, is it as bad? I have to tell you, I was kind of sick when I saw them squirt the flavoring on the beans to make a flavor called Mistletoe Mocha…I just never dreamed. I am skeptical of ANYTHING “flavored,” you know?
There is a roastery in a town near me. I’ll call them and ask about it. I am hopeful… Isn’t it amazing how hard it is when someone starts messing with our comfort foods? I really don’t know what I’d do without a warm cup or two in the morning…I love tea, but it’s just not the same.
KitchenKop says
Nancy, surely all this junk can’t be in there if I’m drinking organic coffees, right??? I hope!!! Please???
NancyO says
I post this fully realizing that it’s a common practice to shoot the messenger…ha! Seriously, we all enjoy things that aren’t totally the best for us from time to time. I think there are lots of things worse than flavored coffee. So, while I’m not going to have it often, when I do, I’m really, really going to enjoy it…but I still want to know what’s in it.
“Flavoring oils are combinations of natural and synthetic flavor chemicals which are compounded by professional flavor chemists. Natural oils used in flavored coffees are extracted from a variety of sources, such as vanilla beans, cocoa beans, and various nuts and berries. Cinnamon, clove, and chicory are also used in a variety of coffee flavors. Synthetic flavor agents are chemicals which are manufactured on a commercial basis. For example, a nutty, woody, musty flavor can be produced with 2, 4-Dimethyl-5-acetylthiazole. Similarly, 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine is used to add an earthy, almost peanuty or potato-like flavor. Flavor chemists blend many such oils to achieve specific flavor combinations. While other food flavors may be composed of nine or 10 ingredients, coffee flavors may require up to 80 different compounds to achieve subtle flavors. Virtually any taste can be reproduced. Marketers have found that consumers prefer coffee flavors with sweet creamy notes. The ideal flavor should mask some of the harsh notes of the coffee yet not interfere with its aromatic characteristics.
The pure flavor compounds described above are highly concentrated and must be diluted in a solvent to allow the blending of multiple oils and easy application to the beans. Common solvents include water, alcohol, propylene glycol, and fractionated vegetable oils. These solvents are generally volatile chemicals that are removed from the beans by drying. Older solvent system technology produced beans which dried up and lost flavor. Current technology uses more stable solvents which leave the beans with a glossy sheen and longer lasting flavor.
The flavor chemicals and the solvents used in flavors must not only be approved for use in foods, but they must also not adversely react with the packaging material and the processing equipment with which they come into contact. Furthermore, they must meet the desired cost constraints.”
Soli says
Incidentally, the coffee I drink now is fair trade and roasted locally. If you’re trying to get the coconut oil into your diet via the coffee, just start off with a little.
That story above also has me never wanting to touch flavored coffee again… not that I drank much of it anyway.
Karen@Cook4Seasons says
Love the food timeline!
Thankfully, I’m caffeine-free but wine is another story (married to Prez. of a winery;-) Scott’s analyses of alcohol are right on the mark.
Martha says
Interesting time line. There are some strange foods on there. Mushroom ketchup anyone?
Betsy says
Ann Marie, I get the chocolate-flavored stevia at either Amazon or VitaCost. I think Whole Foods and such carry them too, but at a much higher price. They make a dark chocolate one that I prefer but it’s hard to find. There are a lot of flavors: chocolate raspberry, lemon, valencia orange, peppermint, and more. It’s made by Wisdom Naturals and marketed as SweetLeaf.
I noticed on Amazon that NOW makes a dark chocolate. I’ll have to try that – it’s a whole lot cheaper if the bottle’s the same size (forgot to check!).
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
I do drink coffee every day. 1-2 cups in the morning. I tried quitting but could not pull it off.
We get regular organic coffee — I buy the pods; it’s so easy to make — and I add stevia and raw milk. I’ve been drinking it with a little coconut oil as well.
What is chocolate flavored stevia? Where do you get that? Sounds neat!
Oh, you know what I love? The holiday coffee drinks they have at the coffee places this time of year. I rarely go get lattes anymore but I love holiday lattes (although I have to admit, they are a little too sweet for me now).
Rich Z says
Like most things if you have to ask you don’t want to know. Many roasters use cheap syrups and other frutose substitutes to mix in while roasting their coffees. In all fairness if everyone used 100% real and natural products you’d never be able to afford a cup. However, it’s like with all things – moderation. As long as you support locally owned and operated small businesses and not the corporate chains, chances are you’ll get a better cup of coffee 🙂
Mindy says
Very interesting coffee report. I drink organic coffee, half organic decaf – swiss water method. We grind our own beans, sweeten with a nutritive sweetener, and use Real milk. 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon. I also carry Stevia in my purse and use 1/2&1/2 when I am out.
Motherhen68 says
I L.O.V.E coffee. Can I say it again I love Coffee I used to dump about a 3tbl spoons of sugar + half n half into a cup. Not anymore. I just use heavy whipping cream and coconut oil. I don’t need the sugar/splenda/whatever. Seriously, I feel some days, coffee is all I eat! 🙂
If we go to the coffeehouse for a treat, if they have the Thanksgiving blend or Christmas blend brewed, I’ll have a cup of that with heavy cream. You have to ask for it, it’s not in the self serve carafes. If none is brewed, I’ll get a cinnamon dolce (sugar free, I know!) latte.
Beth says
We actually have a coffee farm but I can’t afford the organic free trade coffee from El Salvador at the HFS that most likely has our own coffee in it!!! (we sell to the co-op and our coffee is shade/organic) How sad to buy Wal-Mart coffee when coffee is in your family, eh?? Truth is, it loses money but my mom keeps it going just enough to keep it going, KWIM? I can tell you that WE sure aren’t making money off of the $12/pound coffee into which our coffee goes!
Coffee is STILL my last hold-out for trans fats. I vaguely remember seeing this but can’t remember where…. Does anyone know where they sell low-heat pure powdered milk to switch from my powdered creamer? Real cream/milk doesn’t sit well with me. I like it with powdered creamer and exactly one drop of stevia.
(who has been drinking waaaay too much coffee lately)
KitchenKop says
Nancy, you’re rockin’ my world with that story………..I’ll have to ask about it at Frenz…I’m scared though.
Great idea about half Dandy blend, why didn’t I think of that?!
NancyO says
I hate to even bring it up, but I went to a very upscale coffee house to buy their specialty for my SIL who lives in another city. They were out of what she wanted since it was a seasonal flavored coffee, so they said they’d have to make some up. I watched them put regular beans in a container and squirt a black syrupy liquid over it that said the name of the coffee flavor, stir it up and bag it. I asked if all flavored coffees were made that way and the owner said they were. I don’t know what was in the bottle of flavoring, but I have to wonder…anyone know? BTW, I do drink coffee every morning…I make it weak with half the normal amount and then add a heaping tablespoon of Dandyblend to the pot. It gives me the coffee I love, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that dh never even knew the Dandyblend is there. Eventually I’d love to go to straight Dandyblend, but not this week… 😉
Betsy says
I forgot about the coconut oil. I put a glob of that in my first cup. I usually try to remember to do that a couple of times a day, but after the first time it’s usually in tea.
I know what you mean about the teeth. I didn’t have much trouble with yellowing when I used toothpaste. I switched to tooth soap and I guess that doesn’t whiten as well. Now I’m trying homemade tooth powder. Too soon to tell how well it whitens.
KitchenKop says
Those of you who drink it w/ coconut oil, raw milk or cream are lucky you like it that way since it’s a great way to get more nutrients…maybe I’ll have to try to get used to something new…but…I so love it like I love it…
Jeanne, yes, I’m with you on the pecan coffee!!
BTW, the straw habit began when someone said it was a good way to prevent coffee from staining your teeth, but my teeth are still yellow-ish, dang it.
Elizabeth from The Nourished Life says
Believe it or not, I actually quit coffee. *gasp* After switching to nourishing foods, my reaction to coffee seemed to become stronger (or maybe I’m just more sensitive to what’s going on in my body now?). I mean, seriously, one cup of regular coffee and within an hour I’m a starving, hypoglycemic mess (even when I drink it with a protein-rich, fat-rich meal!). Decaf seems to affect me the way regular coffee affects a “normal” person, so when I want a treat I spring for decaf.
I LOVE hazelnut-flavored coffee with lots of liquid stevia and heavy cream. It tastes just like a dessert. And goodness knows I have a heck of a sweet tooth. 😀
jeanne says
My all time favorite coffee is Southern Pecan. I discovered this coffee over 20 years ago when coffee shops were first coming into malls. We lived in Atlanta and I was a retail supervisor. My local coffee house ordered it for me a couple of years ago and now carries it . When you purchase it there are pecan halves in with the coffee beans.
Fresh ground with half & half is wonderful!
Shannon says
I wish I could quit coffee, but frankly, I don’t wanna.
It’s really important to drink organic, so I either make my own at home or go to our local coffee shop that carries organic. I like flavored, but strong black is yummy too. Cream and stevia in mine!
Soli says
When I am home, I just want coffee, no extra flavor. During the week I use a large mug, and on weekends I drink two smaller ones. All that goes into it is a packet of stevia and raw milk, and a little coconut oil because I used the same spoon to stir as I do to dose out the oil for my weekday oatmeal.
Betsy says
I loooooove coffee! But nothing fancy although I do put “adulterants” in it, as my brother would say.
We make it with cinnamon at home (we’ll make you a separate pot, Kelly). I put chocolate-flavored liquid stevia in mine, just a couple of drops, and a lot of raw milk. If I get something at Starbucks, it’s just coffee 99.9% of the time. I carry the stevia in my purse and use their half-and-half. Once or twice a year I’ll get one of their fancy drinks, but I’m starting to find them too sweet.
I belong to the coffe club at work and have already paid for December. I think I’m going to quit in the new year, though. I would probably be better off with less coffee. I’ll lay in a supply of tea.
LOL about the straw. I don’t use them at all in coffee. Iced drinks – absolutely. Otherwise I end up with a lapful of ice. 🙂