If you really wanted to make it to the Weston A price Wise Traditions conference in Chicago but were unable to, and if you didn’t have a chance to see the pictures and read the Tweets over the weekend, I’ve got all the details for you here.
This is how we spent a big chunk of our weekend: blogging and tweeting of course! Pictured here: Alex, me, Kimi & Jenny.
Here's a picture of all the Real Food Media bloggers who could make it this weekend: Jenny, Ann Marie, me, Kimberly, Kimi.
Ann Marie took this cute picture of Dave from Green Pastures playing with his little boy:
Check out Donielle from Naturally Knocked Up, pecking away on her computer with her sweet baby girl strapped on…what a devoted WAP Mom and blogger! 🙂 Here's her blog post about the weekend!
Here are a couple of my awesome readers: Erica & Jen E., modeling our super popular shirts – it was so fun to meet them and all our reader friends who stopped by the table to say hello!
This is what our Real Food Media table looked like:
For more pictures from the weekend, including pictures of various vendors who were there as well as lots of yummy food pictures, visit Ann Marie's Flickr page. She was great about getting a good variety of shots and still has more to upload and label, so keep checking back.
The Soy Prison Case
Here’s a link to Kimberly’s post on the Soy Prison Case press conference in Chicago on Friday. Try to take a few minutes and watch these videos.
Now for the weekend’s Tweets: (START AT THE BOTTOM! Also, if you see the word “twitpic”, click on it for a picture.)
What a relief, I made it home safe and got through Chicago traffic without *too* much stop-and-go. Can't wait to see the fam in the morn…
It has been a blast meeting so many fun people, too many to name. Next year we'll meet again in PN! #wapfconf
Packing up soon to head home…after I buy a big ‘ol cup of coffee. Don't tell Sally Fallon. 🙂 #wapfconf
“Nutrition is like a 3-legged stool. Keep the bad stuff out, put the good stuff in, properly prepare your food.” #wapfconf
“Give thanks to the farmers by name before meals. Know local farmers and how food is raised – build a relationship with them.” #wapfconf
“Record-keeping is critical. Learn the true costs of food you eat, choose foods lower in cost and higher in nutrition.” #wapfconf
Anne Sergeant: “I know 2 families of modest means who are super vigilant in these practices because they can’t afford not to be.” #wapfconf
Anne Sergeant: “Modest finances need not force anyone to eat an unhealthy diet.” #wapfconf
#wapfconf David Gumpert: Public health and much of the medical establishment want us to think food is food and don't like that challenged.
#wapfconf @KristinCanty: “Joel Salatin said it's good that I'm doing this film – these are the important issues to the farmers.”
#wapfconf @KristinCanty: “When I learned about the farm raids I couldn’t let it go, I knew I had to get involved somehow.”
#wapfconf David Gumpert at awards banquet:Support organizations such as WAPF and FTCLDF who are trying to take the fight to the authorities.
Friends & bloggers all here in lobby, interviewing @KristinCanty about her movie and how the project began, amazing!#wafpconf
David Gumpert: We are still a capitalistic country, the most important thing we can do is create a demand for raw milk. #wapfconf
Awards banquet: standing ovation for the chefs who prepared our amazing meals. One said, “We’ve had a blast doing this!” #wapfconf
#wapfconf Meals unbelievable! And the desserts, oh my! Raw milk cheesecake after lunch and key lime pie after dinner…In my happy place.
Natasha Campbell-McBride: “Sorry I can’t be there. I’m grounded by my doctor & my husband, I’m not sure which is worse.” #wapfconf
#wapfconf Letter to Sally from Karen Lubbers, my raw milk dairy farmer: “Sally, you were instrumental in saving my 6yo daughter’s life.”
RT @NourishedMama: Sally Fallon Morrell: There's no force greater than the informed consumer. #realfood #wapfconf
RT @ChaffinOrchards: @cheeseslave was our olive oil displayed nicely and received well at the banquet tonight? #wapfconf IT WAS SO YUMMY!
KitchenKop Talking with @KristinCanty, filmmaker of Farmageddon – thanks for making more of us aware of attack on small farms! #wapfconf
Thx John & Megan @USWellnessMeats for the soft, warm jacket!! Love you guys! #wapfconf
Hey, that's @MorganPolotan! RT @cheeseslave: https://twitpic.com/pez5g – Amos Miller's Amish farm at #wapfconf #grassfed #rawmilk
My favorite: beet kvass! RT @lactoferment Scott's new line of Zukay fermented vegetable juice https://twitpic.com/pegkp #wapfconf
My first chance to Tweet all day – having a blast meeting readers and sponsors at our Real Food Media booth at the #wapfconf!
RT @donielle: https://twitpic.com/pfgjg – Look ma! Organ meats! And yes I did eat the organ meat sausage. #wapfconf
Soon we'll set up our Real Food Media table! Our name tags say “press” and “exhibitor”. My shirt says, “Butter was framed.” #wapfconf
RT @lactoferment: Some pancakes with your butter? Breakfast, Sally Fallon-style: https://twitpic.com/peh58 #wapfconf #fb
#wapfconf Talking with John Wood from U.S. Wellness Meats – they were my first blog sponsor! 🙂
#wapfconf Coffee & tweeting before the next talk: “Food, mood & behavior”, then dinner, Mmmmm
@Zacharycohen Wish you were here, too, Zach – would love to meet you! Next year…
#wapfconf Amazing lunch!! My favorites: the arugula salad w/ rosemary fennel ranch, herbed corn polenta, lacto-fermented spiced carrots.
#wapfconf – More pics from Ann Marie and she's uploading more all the time: https://bit.ly/3NZwlw
#wapfconf – Also, I'm selling my new Real Food Ingredient Guides (finished JUST in time for conf.) – will also be available online soon.
#wapfconf Tomorrow & Sunday Ann Marie & I are selling “Butter was framed” t-shirts and “Legalize Raw Milk” t-shirts & shopping bags.
Soon we'll set up our Real Food Media table! Our name tags say “press” and “exhibitor”. My shirt says, “Butter was framed.” #wapfconf
What we had in the soil when we first came to this continent no longer exists. We'd better get back to it quick. Tim Wightman@ #wapfconf
#wapfconf When row crops come in they take much more out than a farmer can put back in unless he really understands the system. Tim Whightman
Just had some raw jalepeno cheddar from USWM – looooove it. Also got some new FCLO gummies to try on the kids! #wapfconf
#wapfconf We all know veggies are good for us, but the fermentation process turns them into something INSANELY healthy. (Scott Zukay)
https://twitpic.com/pbjfw – Dinner at the Bristol in Chicago before the #wapfconf – they support sustainable farms!
https://twitpic.com/pbj5f – Our dinner before #wapfconf – bloggers!
Latest post: Kitchen Kop’s Beef Stroganoff Recipe (The whole family loves this!): Beef Stroganoff has always been… https://bit.ly/4skvp4 about 16 hours ago from twitterfeed
Made it to Chicago with very little traffic issues and before dark, 1st we'll eat duck fat fries w/ a fun group, then #wapfconf – yay!
RT @NourishedMama: Looking forward to most about #wapfconf ? I won't be creeped out by bad food. The menu is great! https://ow.ly/BmHK
Is there anything you wonder about the conference? I’ll answer anything, let me have it! 🙂
KitchenKop says
Hi Ann!
Yeah, let’s just keep that between us, eh?! LOL
Ann Duncan says
Thanks so much for the pics and tweets, Kelly! Going to dinner with Sally Fallon this Monday. You sure you don’t want me to tell about that big cuppa Joe? 🙂
Keep up the good work!
Bonnie says
It was great to meet all of you to have faces (beyond photos) to go with names. I am already looking forward to next year and more great information!
Jen says
What a blast! It was great meeting everyone! I’m home now and am unpacking my “loot” ; ).
Looking forward to seeing everyone next year!
KitchenKop says
Jen, I love love loooooved meeting you! 🙂
KitchenKop says
Tammy & Soli – the mp3’s will be available soon through our blogs, and with a coupon, too!
Laurie, that’s a cute idea!
Laurie N says
Thanks for sharing! Waiting for the t-shirt – does it come in pastured butter yellow?
Soli says
I want the butter shirt!
PA isn’t as far from me, but unless I have a big turnaround I don’t anticipate making the conference next year. :/ Might treat myself though to a CD of this year’s.
Tammy says
Kelly, I’ve enjoyed all the updates from the conference from you all the foodie bloggers. Good stuff!
Like so many others, wish I could been there. Do they make recordings of the meetings available for sale later to anyone? That would be so awesome! Seems a shame that the whole world can’t listen and learn from all the wisdom there. Thanks!
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
Hey Kel please tell your readers to check back when I’ve finished uploading ALL the Flickr photos. I’m uploading another batch right now — and I still have to go through and label all of them (right now hardly any of them say who the people are).
I’m going down to get a latte and then coming back up to the room to blog some, then go for a swim in the SALTWATER pool before the chapter leader meeting. Wish you were still here!