Sadly, many parents are being harassed by their doctors these days if they want their kids to get vaccinated on a spread-out schedule, and especially if they choose against vaccines all together. (Thankfully our doctor is cool about it, read that story here and find out what I asked him to watch: Why I love our doctor even though we strongly disagree.)
Hopefully you can help this pregnant Mom, here's the email she sent me…
Hi Kelly,
I've been watching The Truth about Vaccines. Thank you so much for promoting this and for all the work you do to help people make healthy decisions for themselves and for their families.
I have 4 children and I'm due with my 5th in July. We stopped all vaccines around my 3rd child's 6th month appointment after hearing and reading so many bad things about them. That was 11 years ago. We were basically kicked out of the most popular pediatric office in our smallish Michigan town. Thankfully, we knew of a more natural-minded family doctor from our parish and we started going to him. He was wonderful! He did not suggest vaccines at all and didn't even think too many well child visits were necessary, but when my youngest was just a few years old he retired (quite possibly due in part to the fact that he wasn't giving vaccines and that some thought he was a ‘quack').
We started seeing a new family doctor who has always been pro-vaccine and ‘definitely recommends them.' I have resorted to having my husband take the kids to their appointments so I don't get harassed. They tend to harass him less. Maybe because he is a man? I don't know. So far we have avoided well check-ups for the most part. But we have been in for other issues a few times. A few of my kids have asthma, allergies, eczema, etc.
I guess what worries me is when I have my baby in July, I'm afraid the doctor will be adamant about giving her vaccinations. My youngest right now is 9 and she hasn't had any. I bought Dr. Paul Thomas' book (The Vaccine Friendly Plan) and see that he does recommend some vaccines. But after watching the docu-series I'm really not sure about giving any of my children any of them.
I don't know where to go if our current doctor kicks us out of his practice for refusing the shots. We live in a small town and are very low income. My children have Medicaid for insurance and of course the government wants them to be updated on their shots. We Catholic homeschool so we have avoided the school issues.
Needless to say, I anticipate this being an ordeal with our doctor.
Do you have any suggestions with what to say to him or ask him to see or read that will give him a starting point to consider our views? And/or how to go about finding a new doctor that won't pressure us into getting vaccines? Thank you Kelly for reading ALL of this!
God Bless,
She gave me permission to ask all of you, my super smart reader friends, for advice…
Can you help this pregnant Mom?
Have you been through this? If so, how did you handle it?
I also sent along these suggestions…
- Read about the time I gave our doctor a copy of Vaxxed and what he said: Why I love our doctor even though we strongly disagree…
- In the meantime you may want to check this out for more guidance: The Truth About Vaccines. (If this is no longer available, just register to be notified of when it's live again.)
- And have you seen this new book by Genevieve (a.k.a. Mama Natural)? Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Thank you for your help!
More you might like:
- Read about our own vaccine decisions here: Vaccination Safety Issues and the 7 Factors That Led To Our Immunization Decisions {PART 1}
Phyllis says
Be careful about what you say at the doctor’s office. They can refer you to the department of children’s services and try to remove your children due to “neglect.”
Rebecca says
Look into homeoprophylaxis and if you do it, tell you doctors. They won’t know what to say for a while. I think the website is
J says
With my last two babies, (I have 5 kids )I purposely chose a doctor who was not a pediatrician and took my babies in for well checks for the first 2 to 4 months, and then stopped going for well checks. Our really great pediatricians both moved, then the next two doctors who were OK also moved and I was left with a very condescending male pediatrician who was plain mean. So I stopped going to that group and went to the general practitioner in the next town. I said at the 3 day check and later checks that we were not going vaccines “right now”. And we’re “waiting a bit”. That seemed to pacify the doctors and after the first moths of well checks I stopped going. I wanted my newborns checked out for the first couple days to months to make sure sure all was ok (for jaundice checks after birth etc) but the main reason well checks exist is for vaccines. They aren’t necessary. And by the time you have 5, you can tell if your baby is gaining weight and hitting milestones without a doctor. Well checks after the first weeks/months aren’t necessary in my opinion. In fact, when my kids had a cold at a well check or if they had thrush or something that made them “unwell” then I believe we were charged for a “sick visit” and not a “free” wellnesss visit. So much for a free doctor visit. We generally stay out of doctors offices as much as possible and are blessed to live in a state with plenty of naturopathic doctors who we do like to see.
Shelly Palmer says
I was bullied but stood my ground with my research. Found an amazing pediatrician for my boys who supports not vaccinating and drinking raw milk. Now to find a doctor like that for me!
Susan Hutchinson says
3 kids, haven’t been to a doctor in years, like close to 6. Herbs, good food, essential oils, fresh air, sunshine, good rest, homeschool. A great chiropractor for various occasional issues. No meds, no vax. Small town, pushy docs. You don’t have to be bullied. Arm yourself with knowledge. You are more than capable of dealing with a lot of issues right at home.
Allison Rae says
If she joins the nonprofit Michigan For Vaccine Choice she will have access to a list of vaccine friendly doctors.
Allison Rae says
A general practitioner or a chiropractor
Kristi Dykstra Celata says
I had 4 babies at home with no doctor, should have stayed home with all 5 as the one I did go to the hospital for, the doctor put me at risk of hemorrhaging. 2 babies u had a midwife for, but after we moved to a super small rural town in Montana, the closest midwife was over 2 hrs away so we didn’t even have that.
Keziah says
You are awesome! I have one, had her at home and I love to hear of other mothers doing the same. So beautiful!
plainbelievin' says
Become a herbalist. Go to your library and borrow books or check yard sales and second-hand book stores. Anything by Rosemary Gladstar or David Hoffmann is good. Another author is Dr. John Christopher. Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health is a great one to start with. Herbalism brings the whole body into balance which prevents the issues she’s dealing with.
plainbelievin' says
Correction to my post: *helps prevent the issues she’s dealing with. Sorry, I can’t see how to edit the original.
Inger Grape says
I have nothing to add to those links, except for maybe this: I don’t see how ANY Catholics can vaccinate due to the fact that there are fetal cells from abortions in the vaccines. Guess what is driving the “sale of baby parts” (aborted fetal cells) …. Somehow the Pope deemed it OK ….
I had a CDC link to the “inert” ingredients (excipients) in vaccines, but now they’ve made the link into a download, which makes it harder to share. Just google “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary – Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine” and it’ll probably take you straight to a download and you won’t have to wade through all the lies and propaganda on the CDC’s web page where the link now is.
Points for your doctor to ponder:
Why has Japan banned the MMR vaccine for years now? Why do fewer than 50% of French doctors recommend routine vaccinations? Why has the federal vaccine court paid over $3 billion in damages since only the 1980s?
Yes, he needs to see “Vaxxed” — about the CDC whistleblower, sr. scientist Thompson, who Congress refuses to call to testify. It negates the study used to bolster the claim that there is no connection between autism and vaccines. The number keeps going up almost every time I go on this link:
KitchenKop says
Inger, what do you mean, “Somehow the Pope deemed it ok”?
Inger Grape says
It is my understanding that one of the previous Popes, or his tribunal, looked at vaccines and deemed that it was too important of a cause to protest.
KitchenKop says
Katie (from Kitchen Stewardship) just sent something about this in an email today. She paraphrased from this site ( and took it to mean this: “I’m reading that to say that we need to speak up about aborted children being used to make vaccines! We need to make change, but in the meantime, it’s morally permissible to get those vaccines if there are no alternatives.”
Personally, after all I’ve learned, our family won’t be getting any vaccines. The system is just too scary and no one really knows what they’re doing, nothing is tested before they’re wanting to shoot our kids up willy-nilly.
Take care,
Sarah Mokma says
I suggest working holistically on your children’s health issues at least with food. Asthma and allergies are primarily gut-health related. There are so many resources online to learn about this – this blog being one of the best! This helps you need the doctor less in general as well as supports your children’s immune systems to fight whatever they need to and gain true immunity. In addition, remember that you are hiring the doctor for a service. They are essentially employed by you. You have the right to do as you choose with your children no matter what they say. As far as vaccine info specifically Dr Sherry Tenpenny is a great resource as she has spent thousands of hours researching from the CDCs own documentation and is a wealth of information. I stopped vaccinating my kids years ago and was “kicked out” of the pediatricians office. They do this because they are told the families who don’t vaccinate are a “liability”. They are under a lot of pressure to make sure every family is compliant. I have since found a family doctor for sports physicals and my kids have not needed him other than that in 10 years.
Kristen says
My advice is to always stand your ground and be thoroughly informed when you take your children in to the doctors. That means not only about the vaccinations themselves but also the current laws within the state in which you live. Also, if you can, it is extremely helpful to go on NVIC and get on their email list- be a volunteer, meet people that believe as you do. We are stronger together! Go on FaceBook and look up those pages that are for “choice” and ask to join their group or “like” their page. When you go to the Dr., be blunt and tell them that you do not like being harassed and that you have your rights. If it gets heated, let them know that there are attorneys out there that support your choice and start throwing out what the law actually states! If your children live in Michigan, they may send mailings to you about what you need, but that is a scare tactic- they are not coming to your home to get your children. I get those notices and I rip them up and throw them out. It’s a waste of government money to even send them. As long as you are fully informed, you are your childs only advocate, be strong and let that protective instinct come out when you feel pushed into a corner. Knowledge is power! Stay strong!
KitchenKop says
Excellent Kristen, thank you!