In the last “Be Nosy” post, I gave you a peek inside my own shopping cart and showed you all my recent online purchases. Today I'll let you take a peek inside my readers' shopping carts, because don't you wonder about the stuff other Real Foodies buy?! (Don't worry, I can't tell WHO, only WHAT people have ordered.)
Top ten Real Foodie online purchases around here recently:
- Here's something I'd never thought of before, which would be great for those of you who don't have automatic ice makers: Stainless Steel Ice Cube Tray – BPA Free
- Aren't these cool?! Stainless Steel Popsicle Mold
– what a good idea, huh?
Rubbermaid Produce Saver Containers
– I just got the ones I ordered and now need to go buy some produce so I can take these for a test drive. I want to see if they're really as good as everyone says they are at keeping produce fresh longer. (Those of you who got some, let me know what you think.)
- I'm glad others love this, too, because we use ours all the time (with coconut oil, of course, which makes popcorn tastier and healthier – even Dr. Oz sings its praises!): Stainless Steel Popcorn Popper
- A couple of people bought this Porcelain One-Cup Coffee Maker
that I use for my coffee with my Hot Water Faucet
– it's so simple and quick, and way better than those Keurig doo-hickys with the plastic cups. (More on that: Hold the plastic toxins please!)
- If I didn't have the hot water faucet mentioned above, I'd get this adorable: Bonavita Stovetop Kettle.
- These pans have been popular lately, too — I think many are becoming more aware of Teflon dangers and want to get it out of their lives by using Stainless Steel Bakeware instead.
- A few have ordered the Essential Oils Pocket Reference book
, especially after Tara told us how to make a homemade first aid kit so you can have everything you need on hand! (Where to buy essential oils.)
- I'll just mention one more book, because I love this title and have heard great things about it: How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
- If you are one of the people who have ordered some non-toxic/eco-friendly cleaning products lately, you must be cleaning a little more than I have these days. (Did I mention how much I'd love to be able to afford a cleaning lady?!)
FYI: There are affiliate links included above, you may want to check out my Icky small print stuff: privacy policy, copyright, disclaimers, terms & conditions.
Ina says
The How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor book seemed interesting, so I looked it up on Amazon. After reading the reviews, it turns out the book was published in 1987. I’d love to read a similar title with more current research. And according to one review, it promotes bottle feeding over breastfeeding! That can’t be right.
KitchenKop says
Wow, you’re right, that can’t be right… I wonder if that reviewer was ‘off’ on that.
Carrie P. says
I love this list!
I have this on autoship through Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal vitamins. They are food based Organic vitamins with probiotics. I cannot believe the junk “vitamins” most people buy, but the thing is they just don’t know any better. It even comes in a glass bottle. Also, Mercola Ubiquinol( CoQ-10). No disgusting rancid swine oil in this product. Most brands have a nasty smell to them…that is basically pig fat and if it smells bad…well it’s rancid. They Always smell bad…The companies claim its ok, but how could that be?
Kate Mockus says
Does anyone know what the Produce Containers are made of? I didn’t see it in the product description on the Amazon site. I’m hoping they’re glass and not plastic.
KitchenKop says
Unfortunately I haven’t found glass yet, but I don’t ever put anything even warm in these, so I don’t worry too much.
Carrie P. says
I use the Pyrex brand glass ones. They do have rubbery plastic lids, but I like them much better than Tupperware etc. Tupperware still uses bpa as far as I know and does not plan to change their plastic formula.
Perry E says
I own the Bonavita kettle and it works great. All stainless on the inside except for a tiny 1/8″ diameter piece of plastic that keeps the knob on the lid from turning (this does not come into contact with the water). I use mine with a induction cooktop to boil water. It’s extremely fast.
Suzanne says
We used to have the metal ice cube trays when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s. They bring back great memories. I couldn’t find them for my apartment and had to buy the plastic ones. I’m putting them on my Amazon shopping list.
ValerieH says
I have not ordered this, but I just ran across a very interesting item, possibly worthy of a blog post: it is a blanket that shields the body from radiation targeted at expectant mothers. (though anyone could use it)
This goes along with the earthing discussion about protecting ourselves from EMF radiation.
Maryjane says
Thanks for the tips! I added some things to my Amazon wish-list.
Wow, I can’t believe the price of the stainless steel ice cube tray! And to think that we probably threw away the ones that my parents’ had when I was a kid . . .
KitchenKop says
I know! We had one of those when I was a kid, too! 🙂