Food Additives and Learning or Behavior Problems
In a recent post, you learned about the Gaps Diet, which can heal learning & behavior issues (and many more health problems) by first healing the immune system. There are many facets of the Gaps Diet, or other similar diets, and for some, one piece of the puzzle is the turning point. Often that piece is related to the additives in our food. I recently became aware of The Feingold Association – they specifically address the issue of food additives, how detrimental they are, and how they affect our kids.
The Feingold Association helps you learn how to avoid these additives:
- Artificial (synthetic) coloring
- Artificial (synthetic) flavoring
- Aspartame/Nutrasweet – artificial sweeteners
- Artificial (synthetic) preservatives BHA, BHT, TBHQ
Read more about the Feingold Association.
Next, read a copy of this great letter I received from Jane Hersey, director of the Feingold Association.
Hi Kelly,
I just sent this letter to a Boston paper and wanted to share it with you as well. The school I mention at the end is described on the School Lunch site.
Subj: Better school foods for kids
Providing better school food really isn't so difficult or complicated. Think back to the school food of the 1950s and if you're too young to remember, I will tell you about it.
Each morning the ladies in the white uniforms and hairnets prepared meatloaf or spaghetti or mac & cheese, etc. They cooked real potatoes and mashed them, and sometimes they made cookies, cake or cupcakes.
Yes, it took more time than microwaving a frozen disk, and yes, in many cases they were not especially talented cooks. But it was food, and most children were able to sit still after lunch, to focus and learn. Some kids were a bit “slow,” some were chubby, and some didn't behave so well, but we didn't have a need for IEPs, body-mass index screens, and metal detectors at the doors.
Sometimes a child was sick, and there was an occasional bloody nose, but on most days the school nurse wasn't very busy. She did not have to keep tabs on dozens of Ritalin prescriptions, asthma medications, drugs for diabetic children, and epi-pens.
Sadly, what is currently being served in most school cafeterias can no longer be called “food.” It is a collection of hard-to-pronounce chemicals that give the appearance of food. They fool our eyes and might even fool our taste buds, but there's no fooling our bodies. Humans need food in order to thrive, and this is not food.
The good news is that we can combine the technology of the 21st century with the wholesomeness of the 20th century. One remarkable mom in a small town in Vermont has shown the way. She provides wonderful, healthy food that sounds like it came from an upscale bistro; but the astonishing thing is that she is doing this for far less money than the school previously spent on the usual foodless offerings. It is enjoyed by the children, teachers, staff, administrators, visiting parents, as well as an occasional grandparent. They all come to the cafeteria in this modest school to enjoy what is created in a dated kitchen by a small staff. You can read about it at
Jane Hersey
More you might like:
- Healthy school lunch alternatives – scroll down here for a whole list of healthier ideas. Also at this post you can read more about the impact of rotten food on our kids, and on their ability to learn.
- Read about how Jane's daughter got her involved with the Feingold program
- More success stories
- By the way, they are a non-profit organization, but they do have a resource page for some helpful materials.
- Read about the GAPS DIET and how it can heal issues like ADD, ADHD, Austism, constipation, candida, asthma, learning/behavioral problems, depression, and many more health problems
- Need some healthy new recipe ideas?
- FAQ's about this site
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Deborah,
I just went to your link…one word…WOW! All that eliminated? That is amazing. I know that means a LOT of extra work for you, what a gift you’ve given your kids!
Deborah says
We’re another Feingold family. Thank you for helping to spread the information.
We started Feingold for our oldest daughter who was (then 6yo) displaying ADHD symptoms. After three years, I have a list of over 20 problems (health, emotional, and behavioral) eliminated from our family simply by changing our diet. And yes, when we have a diet infraction, they all return. (See this link for the gory details:
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Wow, that is so so sooooooo fun to hear. “That wildness and nervousness in my son’s eyes have all but disappeared…” Not easy, but PRICELESS!
Good luck on the breadsticks (leave a comment there and let us know how it went!), and THANK YOU for sharing such a special testimony to what can happen when we feed our kids REAL FOOD.
p.s. I wish MY son would turn down a Pop Tart if offered one!
Anonymous says
My family is a recent convert to healthy whole food living, began mainly to help our son who has ADHD, but now our whole family has embraced this way of living. We did try different ADHD medications for about a year, but our son’s side effects from the drugs made me look for alternatives. After much study on the different diets/vitamins, I came across your site some time ago and found a veritable gold mind of information all in one site! My son no longer takes meds, but instead takes vitamins including flax seed/fish oil, B complex and a multi-vitamin, along with cutting out artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and upping the organic, whole foods in his diet. I now read every label that goes through our door and even have several of your recipes in my cookbook. This is not a quick fix, but is a life style change that was not easy. I still rely on some packaged products, although I read the label closely and make sure that it fits in our new life style. Since we began these changes, that wildness and nervousness in my son
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks, Sara! I’m including a link here to your blog in case people want to read more, what a great story!
Kelly p.s. Congrats on the new baby girl due soon. 🙂
Sara says
We are a Feingold family too. We have all benefited from the change but the difference in my oldest son is amazing.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
LucasMomma, I’m so glad that you shared about your great experience with Feingold, thank you! (What a cute pic by your comment of your kids hugging.)
Katrina, I’ll say a prayer for your brother and his son, that they are led to the answers they’re looking for – I know they’re out there, it’s just more tricky to find for some than others.
Katrina says
I will call him today about this GAPS diet and I’m also going to refer him to your site. I know that they are trying. I’m also interested in the GAPS plan for myself and my family although we already eat well.
Have I mentioned that your site is amazing and that you and Shauna have changed my life in regards to foods? You guys are great!!
LucisMomma says
Kelly, thanks for mentioning Feingold on your blog. My family follows it for our oldest son, but we’ve all benefitted from it. I do hope Katrina’s brother will contact the FG association, if they are not already members. The diet has so much more help available to we users that was not available in the 70’s. And the bulletin board for members is a good, encouraging place to ask for help and find some more answers.
Thanks again for mentioning Feingold on your blog! It has made a wonderful difference for our family.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Katrina,
Has you brother contacted the Feingold Assoc. with that question? I’m sure Jane would be glad to help him.([email protected]) Also, maybe with his son the triggers have more to do with another issue (another single trigger or maybe his immune system as a whole??) and not just food additives – maybe they need to look into the GAPS diet? For some kids I’m sure it takes a lot more trial and error to find the root problems. What a challenge for some very strong, brave, tired parents! My heart goes out to them.
Katrina the inquisitive one says
This is interesting. Back in the mid 70’s my brother was diagnosed with ADHD (rightfully so–I remember!) and my mom refused medication for him. Instead she was recommended and tried the Feingold plan and it worked. Now his son is struggling with similar issues and they are attempting the Feingold way of life as well but have seen no changes. Kelly, do you have any idea how long it takes for the body to detox and to start seeing some results?