My friend, Anne, was one of the first “freaks” I got to know. You know, one of “those people” who buy raw milk, make their own butter, drink Kombucha, and cook most meals at home… and that's only a very small part of the list. I remember the first time she showed some other friends & I around her kitchen and everything seemed so foreign. Well, as you know, now I'm considered a freak as well (although I still have quite a ways to go before I cook as healthy as she does), and she has taught me a lot through the years!
If you aren't a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, then you probably haven't seen this article Anne wrote for the fall issue of their quarterly publication, Wise Traditions. (Or maybe you've got a whole stack of them in your closet that you haven't been able to get to yet, like someone I know…)
It is 11 pages long, but WAIT! Before you hit your little red x up in the corner because you don't have time to read it, keep in mind that there are some interesting pictures and some GREAT charts that take up a good share of that space.
- The first chart is, “Annual Medical Costs for our Family of Six“
- The second chart is, “A Week of Meals for our Family, the Weston A. Price Way“
- The third chart is, “The High Cost of the Standard American Diet“
Check out Anne's article and be sure to comment and let me know what you think:
- How to vacation for FREE!
- Find many of the Real Food resources that Anne spoke about in her article, including the fermented cod liver oil!
- Index of posts on frugal meals in case you've missed some
- Read my original post, 12 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget
Flo LaDuke Richards says
A long article but well worth the read. Who is the gal in the pictures at the end?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Flo LaDuke Richards — There are pictures at the end of the article Anne wrote, but the captions told who they were, so I’m not sure which pictures you mean?
Flo LaDuke Richards says
How are they related to the author?
KitchenKop says
Oh, they are just from a sidebar article in the WAPF journal, no relation to the author.
Tim Robinson says
(Sarah) We were just discussing this today! Good reminders and reassurances that we are doing a lot of these things already!
Mary says
Thanks, this link works for me.
Mary says
I tried the link but it’s giving me a 404 error. Any thoughts?
KitchenKop says
I just tried and it opened up ok. Can you try using another browser? For example, if you’re in Internet Explorer, can you try opening it in Firefox?
Mary says
I was using Chrome. I tried Firefox but it still gives me a 404 error. This is the link it tries to take me to
KitchenKop says
This is where the link should be taking you:
A pdf article should ask to open on your computer.
If that doesn’t work I can email it to you.
JenZ says
I had trouble downloading the first time I tried, but I tried again and it opened fine.
Lori says
I am unable to open up the article. Could you please send to me? Thank you!
KitchenKop says
Heather, isn’t the link above to the article working for you? It’s right in the post. I thought I had it all fixed…?
Heather says
I can’t find the article in my book. What is the title of it. Also, if it is that good we all need to send a copy to the president (via email) since he wants and is changing the way americans can do things.
Heather M
KitchenKop says
Sorry, I’m working on this! It started acting up after I updated my WordPress…
Lizabeth says
I was really looking forward to reading and printing out this after skimming over it a couple nights back. Now for some reason it won’t open. I have tried yesterday and today. Is it just my computer or are others having a problem? Please email to me if you have the time. Thanks!
Maria says
Ok, great! It works now!
Maria says
The link doesn’t work for me :((
Anne says
Great article! Thanks!
Amy says
This is one of the best posts to date. Thanks, Anne and Kelly for sharing! I have been thinking of doing the comparison thing from our old life full of med bills to our new life this past 21 months of barely seeing a doctor. Anne has inspired me.
It’s truly a blessing to have a community of health-conscious people to help us be the best version of ourselves that God created us to be.
Erin K. says
Thanks for posting this. I am just starting to make healthier changes for my family and am taking baby steps, so I don’t anticipate doing any of this right away, but it is such good food for thought. (No pun intended!) I loved seeing the cost comparisons, especially when you take the medical bills into consideration.
Christy says
I wish we could buy “raw milk”…that would be great!
Kirstin says
thanks for the links. I’m going to check them out as we’re always on the journey of healthier eating.
Shauna says
Yes, this was an EXCELLENT article. Very balanced, and very practical. I even learned some good planning and budgeting tips!
Kent says
Great article, Anne. Well researched and well presented. This is exactly the thing that people need to see.
Shauna says
I just wanted to say a “hello” to Anne Seargant via your board Kelly! Anne – I kept thinking, WHERE do I know you from????? Then it hit me – SCOUTS! Great to see you! I didn’t know you were a fellow WAPF nut! Cool!
(Shauna Brentana)
Ann says
Thanks for posting the link to the article. I really enjoyed reading it.
Rebecca in Michigan says
I can’t wait to read all of the 11 pages. I leave for Florida tomorrow by van and guess what I will be reading. Thanks.
Janet W says
I got the article without any problems, and thank you sooooo much for posting it.
Kelly says
JoAnne and everyone, thankfully, I think the link is working now!!
JoAnne says
I would love to read the article, too! Please send me a copy when you get the chance.
Kelly says
OK guys, here’s what I have to do for now: email me (address is in the post above) and I’ll forward this article to you, sorry I’m not more technical so I can figure this out!
Kelly says
Crappy Carumba! I’m terrible at this stuff, I hope you’ll all check back when I figure this out!!!
Sorry!! I’ll get to it now, say a prayer for me that I can pull it off…
bev says
I wasn’t successfull either.
Trudy says
It wants me to sign in, too, but I’m already signed into my google account. Since it’s not just me, there must be something funky going on!
Heather says
I also want to read the article but cannot access it. Heather
Judy says
While I’m waiting to access Anne’s article, I’ll tell you something I’d love to hear more about, especially where people will comment. Die-off and odd things that happen when you drink Kombucha, Kefir, and fermented vegetables. I began to have funny reactions well after I began to eat traditional foods……why? So, I’d love to hear a Wed. carnival about that.
Natalie says
The link didn’t work for me either.
Shannon says
I really wanted to read this, but the page says “sign into your account at
Any ideas?