Have you seen these videos with Jenny McCarthy on the show, “The Doctors”? I thought it gave a fairly balanced view of the vaccine debate and the issue of vaccination benefits and risks, although I wish I could find the entire show online somewhere instead of just a couple short excerpts. I can't wait to hear what you think after watching these…
Vaccine Debate:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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Jess says
I thought the “anti” vaccine guests had GREAT points that were never addressed or debated. Instead a big emotional show was put on that distracted everyone from the fact that “The Doctors” really don’t know all sides of the issue.
I’ve stopped watching shows about “The vaccine debate” because our side (non/delayed/selective vaccination) is rarely ever given the chance to truly speak and have a voice that’s respected and heard.
PBS Frontline’s “The Vaccine Debate” was an example of this, and I LOVE PBS!! Even though they interviewed a few doctors from the side of the debate that questions vaccines, they instead decided to never air their interviews and instead pitch it as a ” Doctors” (pro all vaccines) against “The ex playboy bunny” (Jenny McCarthy) debate. Shameful.
Steve says
Wow… It certainly got heated! This is a tricky subject. When my daughter was born I opted to have one vaccine done at a time with months apart. It’s too much of an overload otherwise. I feel terrible for parents struggling with the cause of autism in their family. I hope and pray for a reasonable cure!
Ravi says
it’s so VERY IMPORTANT that the vaccine fraud is exposed for exactly what it is – a big pharma push to make money and further sicken our population with chronic ailments that they will then give you more of their toxic chemicals to “treat” – i am not fanatic – but i am emphatic – this is a free choice issue and all of you better realize that big pharma is moving to LEGISLATE you out of that choice! forced vaccinations are closer than ever and a huge threat to our liberties and health.
I have a beautiful and exceptionally healthy 3 year old because i stood at the hospital door (we sadly ended up in a hospital after 36 hours of labor at home…) and i GUARDED my child and partner (after 52 hours no sleep…!) against a constant barrage of well-meaning but WRONG conventional medicine attempts to “test for this” “shots for that” and on and on and on– We have not been back to a doctor since and are in excellent health – all 3 of us-
Pregnant women – ADJUST YOUR DIET during pregnancy and while breastfeeding – eating good fats (yes – animal fats!) and dairy (if you have not intolerance), and a wide range of vegetables, not too much fruit, very little sugar and NO GRAINS -NADA -PERIOD! (grains are a mineral robber baron – they steal vital micro-nutrients and essential minerals from you body that is trying to properly grow that child…)
Give your unborn and your infant the best array of the proper nutrition you can muster – and NO DOCTORS! (well – a good natro-path midwife is actually great…)
Renee says
Fascinating. Dr. Natasha Campell-McBride says about 10% of her patients seem to develop autism immediately following the MMR, and another 10% following the DTP. She has an interesting article about it here: https://www.gapsdiet.com/uploads/MMR.pdf
Heather@Food Ponderings says
Autism cannot be explained just by vaccines, as Adrienne says. It’s a complex illness caused by, likely, an intersection of genetics (particularly in terms of language issues) and environment. Vaccines are more likely a trigger for many who are later diagnosed, but they are not the only trigger.
That being said, the science surrounding vaccines is poor. Moneyed interests seem to trump actual scientific research, and people suffer because of that. I don’t vaccinate my daughter because I don’t want to inject harmful substances in her body and risk untold damage that I can either see right away, or have effects later in life. There are far too many unknowns that I am not comfortable with.
Another problem is that we non-vax parents are simply seen by the mainstream as just following Jenny McCarthy blindly, and that we are only systematically worried about autism, which is not the case. While I appreciate her trumpeting the cause, we need more people to address non-autism related vaccine issues loudly!
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom.com says
Thanks for sharing these clips. I have long felt that the issue surrounding autism and vaccines and other causes is very complex. But in a nutshell, it is this: There are a lot of things going on in our children’s bodies and brains and they all intersect. Toxins our environment, damaged digestive systems, poor food choices and vaccines, all have come together to create a perfect storm of sorts that has lead to the huge increase in autism and auto-immune disorders today.
Our son is a case in point. We held off on almost all of his vaccines until he was over 5 years of age. He had had signs of autism as a baby, but at age 6 his issues became unmanageable and he was diagnosed with autism. There are even visible changes in photographs from before and after his diagnosis.
Individuals struggling with autism and the other ailments that I mentioned are truly the canaries in the coal mine. We need to realize that something is very very wrong and we need to pray for wisdom to do what we can to change it.
Nickole says
When Mr. Handley in the audience started speaking, that is when I started nodding my head. 🙂
I have done quite a bit of research on vaccines – the more children we have, the less we do. And our last has had the vitK shot and that is all we will do and after the research we have done, we feel very comfortable with that. I was very impressed with Handley’s statistics. There was such an obvious difference in how he versus the doctors on this show dealt with the issue. Handley pleads, “you have to be honest about the science” whereas the doctors give generalities such as saying vaccines have helped decrease the incidence of disease, they have “proven” to not cause autism (so glad Handley corrected that quickly!), and yet no statistics or numbers at all. And as a few of you have pointed out, they just get personally offended. That speaks to me of the pride of the medical community. Not all are like that, for sure, but for some it really does blind them to listening to anyone outside of the community simply b/c they feel they alone are the experts.
I really like that Handley guy and I like how he debates with passion yet does not get angry.
shannon says
Wow, that doctor in the scrubs was way to whiney for me. Gag me. Nothing the other person said was personal. And he kept asking for open discussion. I get so tired of that phrase, politically, let alone in the medical community. Let’s get some true RESEARCH and quit talking about it and defending poor acts through “open forum”. Now I’m just annoyed…
Stanley Fishman says
Jil, thank you for your insight. So many doctors want to be obeyed and trusted completely, without question, even when they do not know anything. How dare we question them! They are Doctors!
Well, it is OUR bodies. We have a complete right to understand what they are doing and why, and to refuse any treatment if we do not understand and agree with it. It is their duty to explain the risks and benefits of everything they want to do to us in understandable terms, and our right to refuse anything we do not understand and agree with.
Jil says
Interesting clips. I’m glad the producers of the show were open enough to have the anti-vaccine guests on. While the doctor in blue kept saying he wanted an open discussion because we don’t know what is causing autism, he got so angry and defensive when he was corrected on his wrong facts, I don’t see how he hopes to have any sort of discussion at all. It wasn’t a personal attack to explain how vaccines have been studied and how many vaccine ingredients have been studied. My own autoimmune diseases have made me become virulently anti-doctor for this very same reason. The doctors don’t know anything, but to question them is to make them irate and irrational.
Stanley Fishman says
As ab attorney, I have often observed how an advocate who is losing an argument will often resort to claiming that he or she was personally attacked. That is done to draw attention away from the fact that the offended party does not really have a decent answer to the points that were brought up. That is exactly what I saw on this video.
“The doctors” come across as so nice, caring and friendly. But that does not mean that they are right.
I personally will never be vaccinated again, not for anything.
Laura L L says
Great post, Kelly! So many need to hear this. We need more research and more debate. So that the decisions made by parents; can be based on accurate information, not junk science. Our future generations are at stake!
Jami says
I am new to the whole debate. My oldest who is five has had most vaccinations until she was three or so. My middle daughter has had maybe six and my son who is 15 months has only had the K and HepB from birth. I only did this out of intuition at first. It didn’t seem right to give my babies four shots in one day. Now I am glad that I slowed the process and have now brought it to a halt. No more shots for my kids.
I do have a question though, another poster said something about recovering her twins? Is she saying she cured autism with diet? I didn’t know that was possible! Amazing! I do believe in a traditional diet and our family has recently been “converted”. I can’t wait to see how our health changes!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Here are some posts to look over to answer your question:
Jane Casey says
I am one of the lucky parents who have recovered their kids. Their is a HUGE gut/brain connection and it is a imperative that parents (who’s kids have been diagnosed with Autism, ADD, ADHD and the rest us too!) work on their families diet. You are absolutely what you eat! I can tell you there is NOTHING more horrifying than to have two boys (I have twins who have recovered) I had an opportunity in 2002 to sue the vaccine manufacturers but chose to work on recovering my kids with all my heart and soul and with GOD’s guidance. Now it is time to help others do the same. At the same time, I pray that others will continue to take the World to task on the vaccines and their SAFETY.
Great post Kelly. You will get some interesting comments from both sides I am sure!!
Jen says
Wow. How that doctor say he was attacked personally? The expert that was sitting in the audience simply said very passionately that he was wrong. That is not attaching him personnally. AND HE WAS WRONG! He said that vaccines have been so carefully looked at. That is not true. Only two have been and only one ingredient. I get why that expert is so angry. Either “The Doctors” are lying or they are not well informed and they need to be told that. It’s like they wouldn’t even listen!
Ashley says
I am glad that there was a debate about vaccines because parents need to know the facts. I am due in June and i plan to not get my baby the vit k shot and hep shots at birth. I know that i will need to eat lots of greens as well around the last couple of weeks. I plan to switch to a family dr since the pediatricians will do their best to tell me otherwise, so hopefully i will be ready to guard myself against their scare tactics. My first 2 had jaundice after birth and i just wonder if those shots caused it since their liver is not able to detox the synthetics in it. Thanks for posting this.
Btw, does anyone know of a coupon code for gapsdiet.com site? TIA
Mrs. Nine says
I just ordered on gapsdiet.com and coupon code MNTR worked for 10% off!
Heather M says
That is great that the debate took place, but there are facts missing and I believe JB was trying to get them across but the doctors were taking it personally.
How many doctors (across the board) know that research done by the vaccine companies is by their people who have stake in the vaccine industry or that particular vaccine.
How about hygeine has greatly increased and cleanlieness of food supply.
How about God gave parents a brain and intuition. Doctors don’t always know best. We as parents have a responsibility to proctect our children even from welling meaning doctors.
Doctors are schooled by Big Pharma. Buildings at the colleges have doctors and pharma companies names on them.
How about bringing nutrient dense (as you know Kelly and others) food back to our food supply and not this crap that is packaged in our stores. To keep people healthy and not letting greed stand in the way in these companies pushing their crappy chemical foods.
I’m charged now Kelly:)
Debbi Does Dinner Healthy says
I agree, I would love to see that whole thing. I haven’t done a whole lot of research on vaccines but I guarantee that if I had another baby, I seriously doubt that I would be vaccinating my baby. My 3 are older, my baby is 9 and I had DOUBTS with my younger 2 based on what I had heard but was still naive enough to go ahead with it, I’ve been hearing SO much controversy and hearing about autism on the rise that there is serious issue for more research and debate.
Doctors try to help. That is their job. But they are also guessers. They have to guess what is wrong with you and then guess what will help you. I get that these diseases that have been or almost been eradicated is great, but at what expense?
I do agree also that it is probably not JUST the vaccines. There is a HUGE amount of “crap” out there that we are eating. I have tried to become cleaner and still have a long way to go. I believe that if God didn’t created or “invent” it, then we don’t need it. I don’t always practice that but it is what I believe.