Good morning everyone! I hope all of you Moms out there had a good day yesterday. As I wrote in this post, For Those Who Long to Be Mothers, I also said a prayer for anyone not feeling very sparkly on a day where it seems like happy moms are everywhere.
But let's get to the really important stuff… What'd you guys eat yesterday?
We split up because my one sister has a super stressful job right now and didn't want to drive all the way up north (she teaches in a terrible school district and things are going from bad to worse), SO Kent took a couple kids and made this recipe for his Mom: Father Bernie's Tortellini Soup, and I took a couple kids and we went to my other sister's where she made homemade chicken cordon blue (yum) and we had salads (I made a classic potato salad with my homemade mayo), and other delicious stuff.
Anyone want to share about a special meal you had?
Here are the links I have for you this week…
Have you ever thought of making your own natural sunscreen and ditching the ones with the crappy ingredients or the super expensive ones at the health food store? Here's a recipe that seems so easy I just might try it. How to Make Natural Sunscreen. Let me know if you try it first!
- Wait 'til you hear this one! A reader contacted me last week and had this to say: “I discovered an unintended side effect of the cod liver oil/butter ‘diet'. I have had some sort of issue with the toenails on both of my big toes for several years now. They just turned white and got crumbly. I thought I had gotten an infection of some sort from a pedicure, but nothing has worked to make them clear up. I have had my nail girl putting artificial nails on for me when I go on vacation or need to wear open toed shoes. Not much fun and very expensive! So, I've been eating the oil and butter for about two months now and I just happened to notice that my toenails are almost completely normal again!! Just in time for summer!! So THANK YOU!!!” I told her that that was a new one I hadn't heard before! Here's where to get cod liver oil and butter oil. 🙂
- Emily had an interesting and well-thought out post last week on why she eats white rice instead of brown.
On a quick homeschooling note, I'm SO excited about a new math program I just came across for Algebra! It's called VideoText and it has pre-algebra, algebra 1 and algebra 2 in ONE course, and later geometry, trigonometry and pre-calculus in ONE course! I was going on and on about how good it sounded to our 8th grader and he said, “You know there's a downside to it somewhere…” I said, “You're right, the downside is that you still have to do the work.” (See all my homeschooling posts here.)
Did you see this yummy-licious recipe I posted last week for Dessert in a Cloud?
- Here's something I put on Facebook last week that I thought you might also find interesting… I don't watch smut TV or read smut books, I don't even flip on the news much, so I'm not sure why this book caught my eye at the library yesterday, but it did and I'm partway through. If you've read it, let me know what you thought? One line that I thought was especially insightful: “I have come to realize that the worst possible punishment for a man is not to be given the chance to atone for his sins.” UPDATE: I finished it and it was only so-so. I'm reminded now of why I don't read stuff like this or watch the news. My brain can't handle it. The level of corruption, immorality and dysfunction in this world is chilling. It's better if I mostly focus on the good, because I worry enough about our kids' safety and their future in this messed up world without adding to it, especially when I accidentally get a glimpse of stories like the one out of Cleveland last week. It seriously throws me into a funk. I'm sticking with my light-hearted happy reading from now on, like these books from Hallee, or even mystery-type books as long as they don't pull your heart through the wringer.
Kerry says
Re: toenail issues from reader above… Sounds like a fungal infection. Essential oil of lemongrass is effective. Vicks Vapor Rub (name brand only) a.m. and p.m. on un-painted nails works, too, but you must be consistent.
joleigh says
My BIL treated our family to pork loin and grilled shrimp w/ all the fixins. It was nice to just show up and eat and not have to clean up (at least, not from THAT :P) My mother’s day gift from the hubs was a day out w/ my GF and I think the kids enjoyed an easy day w/ dad and lunch at a local greasy spoon.
I’m hoping FCLO has or will do something for my ear infection. It started a week ago and I’ve yet to regain hearing or get a handle on the pain. Going to the specialist tomorrow. Even though I’m very much against abx, bleeding was enough to scare me into it. The homeopathic garlic/coconut oil ear drops I just don’t think were going to cut it.
Becky says
We had a wonderful meal here at home: grass-fed chuck roast with garlic (slow cooked in the crock pot while we were at church); fresh from the garden organic asparagus oven-roasted with brussel sprouts, onions, and cabbage wedges; relish dishes of black olives and palm hearts!
And I had a sweet tiara to wear 😉
I have been considering the jump to FCLO, just not there yet 🙂
My second son used Video Text Algebra and it was a big help to him over Saxon Math.
And my dd 16yo has been asking me to help make a natural sunscreen for her….this recipe looks great!
Thanks, Kelly!!
Leah G says
I hosted a family style brunch. Was oh so fun. My girls and I made challah bread the night before and we made french toast casserole, biscuits & gravy, bacon, fresh fruit, fermented lemonade, 2 types of quiche, and finished by hand cranking some raw ice cream. All in all we ate almost 60 eggs between the 10 of us and about 1 gallon of raw cream plus fresh milk. so blessed to have our own flock of birds and cows. so rewarding to see the family enjoying such a great meal all made from scratch. I hope everyone had a beautiful day!
KitchenKop says
My mouth is watering! 🙂
ValerieH says
I’m so glad you posted about the toenails. I have had an infected toenail on my right foot. I think I got it from a pedicure. I don’t even remember how long I have had it – maybe over 3 years. I figured it would grow out because the nail is healthy at the root, or nail bed. I just noticed it looks pretty good. I have been more conscientious about taking FCLO. It is quite amazing how much healthier it looks and feels. When i get these annoying little health challenges, I always wonder what caused it. When they heal I’m equally curious as to the cause.
l says
I will openly admit on this website, where no one knows me, that I would have picked that up too! I remember the summer of the trial. My mom and I laid out on the deck, by the pool, watching that trial! That is one of my crazy childhood memories! I would totally pick that up at the library, too.
DS says
Read the Perfect Health Diet by Paul and Sou Ching Jaminet. White rice is one of their “safe starches.” Also white potatoes and sweet potatoes and plantains. There is a LOT of good information in that book. You really should read it.
KitchenKop says
That’s been on my nightstand forever. I should’ve picked up that book instead of the one I mentioned in the post… I will soon.
Maryjane says
I used VideoText with my kids, and we loved it. Great program!
Elizabeth says
The desserts do look dreamy! also, they would be easy to tweak — as in using stevia instead of sugar, changing fruits, as you did, etc. Can’t wait to give them a try!
I live on the coast and I’m very interested in trying the sunscreen — but the link doesn’t seem to be working. Could you double check that for me?? Thanks! 🙂
A faithful reader from Georgia,
KitchenKop says
Good morning Elizabeth!
I just checked it and it’s working for me. Maybe try clicking it in a different browser?
Thanks for being a faithful reader!!! xoxo
Kel p.s. I hope you appreciate living on the coast, I’ll bet it’s beautiful!!