Don't look for me in this picture above, these are the fast people out in front…
Today I have some personal and shocking news: I ran my first 5K race Saturday and survived! I've written a little in the past about my exercise habits, but I don't know if I've really explained what a wimp I was when it came to running – I was winded after about a block, literally. Which is exactly why I decided to make myself do it. It's something I really never thought I could pull off. OK, maybe part of it was that I was approaching 40, and didn't want to just grow old and overweight.
It was neat running my first 5K in the little town where I grew up. Hello to Deb from Fowler, who I tailed most of the run. It seems I was behind everyone except the walkers. When people took off like a shot and left me in their dust, I was moving along at my humble pace and wanted to yell, “Guys…?? GUYS! Don't you want to start off a bit slower?! Maybe pace yourselves a bit?” I became self-conscious thinking, “Wow, I didn't know I was thatslow. Maybe I should've had another cup of coffee?” I felt a little better when I passed the elderly woman. I'm embarrassed to tell you my time. 39 minutes even – 12 1/2 minute miles…pathetic! I'm trying to go easy on myself since I only started running in July, this was my very first race, and I ran it without walking at all–a small miracle!
Kent is training for his first 25K in a couple weeks and said he's thankful he can often run for an hour or two and nothing will hurt. Not me. I don't get too winded anymore (unless it's a really hot day), but my legs still hurt and I want to stop every single time I run. It comes and goes, there will be long streaks where I feel great and my mind is wandering about something else or I've got my music loud and I'm loving it, but the pain always returns. I'm constantly amazed at what a mind game it is, though. I have to talk to myself and say things like, “You are not stopping until you go 3 miles” or I'll find a good AC/DC song and just make myself keep going.
So now I want to step it up somehow and get my legs stronger. I'll take the advice from a friend: start doing short sprints in the middle of my 3 mile runs (I've heard that's a good way to burn fat, too), and also getting more consistent with using weights…I'll let you know if that helps anything by the time I run my next one. Please comment below if you have any more tips to share.
Is there something you've always wondered if you could do? Some goal you've always thought was out of reach? Miracles happen all the time, believe me. Be different than the typical unhealthy channel flipper or “too busy” Mom. Pick something you enjoy. Get your motivational self-talk going. Ask God for help. Don't make excuses. Go do it. Then tell us about it!
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- Update: read about my 2nd unimpressive 5K run!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Deb left her 5K comment on the other post by mistake, so I’m cutting and pasting it here, along with my reply:
Deb Snyder said…
Hi Kelly!
I’ve been waiting for your post about the 5K–you missed the best part, PANCAKES!
Me and my friends will be running in the Muir Twin Rivers Festival on May 17th–see you then?
Deb–from Fowler!
April 28, 2008 9:37 PM
Kelly the Kitchen Kop said…
I was hoping you’d sign in and say hello! I didn’t mention pancakes because I couldn’t stay for them! We had to get back home for a couple soccer games. I was so bummed I missed them, that I made pancakes and sausage for dinner tonight.
Can’t do the one on May 17th (2 soccer games and an anniversary party), but good luck, you are one motivated girl!
You left your message in this post instead of the 5K one, so I’m going to cut and paste our comments/messages over there…
Thanks for commenting and for your last-minute encouragement Saturday!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
We definitely have to be creative as Mom’s, don’t we?! 🙂
Natalie says
Good job Kelly! I trained and walked a marathon once as part of Team in Training for the Leukemia Society. It took me 7 hours and 34 minutes to complete the marathon in San Diego, CA. It was one of those “once in a lifetime” events.
I have found that since having two children it is near impossible to find time to exercise as never do the two nap at the same time. While I do take the kids for a walk in the stroller, that isn’t a hard enough workout to really count. I have found that the solution that is working best for me right now is to get up before Doug and exercise/shower while he gets the boys up and feeds them breakfast. I love having exercised and being ready for the day before Doug even leaves for work, but it does make me quite tired some days as I’m up early and usually don’t get a nap.
I also do take an occasional exercise class through Rockford Community Education in the evenings when Doug is available to watch the boys.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks Jen, and that’s interesting about having more energy on work-out days – good for even more motivation!
Anonymous says
Congratulations Kelly! That is a great feat! I’m proud of you. Keep running. I am one of those “to busy” to find time for a run/work-out. So I decided that 5 AM is the only time I could sqeeze in a work-out. It was very hard the first few weeks. But once I was in the routine, my biological clock adjusted. The funny thing is although I’m getting up earlier, I have more energy on the day’s I run.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Shauna, I’m glad to hear you’re back at it! 🙂
Liz, next time Amy & I go out we’ll call you! I find I’m the opposite of you, though – if I’m with someone else, I’m all about the chatting and we’ll run for a mile or so, then walk and talk. (I can talk much faster than I can run.) But if I’m on my own, I can keep the “self-talk” going more, turn up the music, and keep myself running. But I like to shake it up and do both – sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. 🙂
Holly, I saw you and Pat walking the other day – that’s awesome, what a great way to recover after your surgeries. I’ll bet the boys love doing stuff together as a family like that, too!
Beth, I’m so glad you commented because it was a great reminder that ALL goals are huge – as long as you’re making them and going for it. They’ll be different for everyone depending on many various factors, but they’re all so good for us, not just physically, obviously, but mentally, too. Even though I was the slowest runner Saturday, I still feel great just that I finished! It’s a rush to meet your goals, no matter what they are. 🙂 Hey, comment again later (maybe at the book recommendations post?) and let us know how that diet goes.
Thanks everyone!
Bamboo says
Go Kelly! Yeah!
You asked: “Is there something you’ve always wondered if you could do? Some goal you’ve always thought was out of reach? Miracles happen all the time, believe me.”
After years of chronic illness and muscle atrophy my two goals/desires were: 1) take the kids to the park, even if I just sat, and 2) walk the dog just to the corner and back. I’m happy to say that I can take the kids to the park now and even walk around and follow squirrels with them. I’m also thrilled that I can walk the dog to the corner, back across in front of our house a few houses the other way and back. How pathetic compared to others’ goals/achievements, lol, but to me this IS a miracle and encouraging. I still have to build up my stamina and muscle and it’s sloooow going, but at least I’m finally headed in the right direction. 🙂 Yesteray I just knew that I had left my legs on the sidewalk unattached at the end of my walk, but they’re still connected, barely!
I’m going to try the Recovery diet in Eat Fat Lose Fat (thanks for the book recommendation on your book list) but I’m still reading the book and haven’t started yet.
As always, I appreciate your blog and info.
Holly says
Pat and I have started a daily walking routine since his surgery. There is much pain and mutual encouragement between us! We are up to about 2 1/2-3 miles. It is so nice to talk during that time, though in between the groaning and wheezing-HA! Last night we took the kids and splurged on Rocky’s. I couldn’t believe how much longer it took us, but it was great to get them moving along with us.
Congrats on your race!
Liz says
Congratulations Kelly! I’m proud of you. You are so right about running being a real headgame. Earlier this year I thought I would start training for the 25k again (I ran it 2000) and steadily worked my way up to 7 miles and then stopped training. Yep. I stopped. I just simply could not make myself keep going. I know timing is always an issue, but if you’d ever like to run together I’d love the company. It’s a funny thing, as moms we’re always looking for that few minutes alone, but whenever I run alone I find it to be way more challenging than with partner. Best of luck to you as you continue your training.
Michigan Mom2three says
Ooops – I meant to say “biked from our house, to the library, then to Horrock’s and back home again.” Just to Horrock’s and back isn’t 8 miles!!!
Michigan Mom2three says
CONGRATULATIONS KELLY! That is a great accomplishment! To go from just beginning running in July to a 5K in less than a year, especially when you weren’t previously a runner…. that is awesome! It’s all about making a goal and working towards it! If it makes you feel any better, I used to BE a distance runner. I ran the 2 mile in track and the 2 mile relay when I was in high school. Well, I then went through an aerobics phase (step aerobics in particular) through college and early adulthood, but when I had my first child 12 years ago, all consistent, dedicated exercise STOPPED. I’ve had a few spruts here and there where I’ve tried to start up. BUT I, too, recently, have rededicated myself to daily exercise. I started running again (but I’m only up to 1 mile without stopping….. I used to run 3-7 a day!), and I’ve started some free weights, and just this week, I pulled my bike out. The kids and I biked 8 miles round trip from our house, to Horrock’s, back to home again for some errands last week, (You know, the high price of gas and all…. but man was that a workout pulling my 4yo and all our “loot” in the burley!!!!). Again, CONGRATULATIONS! 🙂