Saturday I ran my second 5K: 3.1 miles. (Be sure to read about my first 5K run last spring if you want to feel really good about your own running abilities.) Yes, after today I'm still solidly in the embarrassing times range, but I've at least improved since spring, and besides, I still can't believe I can run at all!
Here's why I have a fakey smile in this picture: Kent was just giving me a hard time because we were 5 minutes late and he didn't want Sonia to take our picture, HOWEVER we were still plenty early, made it to the farm market before the run, AND had time to spare, HA!
Some wives nag, I just run slowly
I probably only improved a little because Kent ran with me this time and I didn't want to embarrass him any more than I already was. I really didn't want to run together because I wasn't crazy about being a method of torture for him. Can you imagine trying to run at nearly half your normal pace? (Going by my time in my first 5K run anyway.)
When I wasn't gasping for air today and could form some words, I asked him, “Is it torture going this slow?” He said, “No, it's fine.” Translation: “This is unbearable, but I'm too nice a guy to say so…” We came across the finish line together, what a big sweetie he is. (He never broke a sweat, and I was dripping wet.)
My Results (including place standings – ouch!):
- =Time: 32:50=
- =Overall Place: 882 / 1193 (total participants – I'm scared to find out, but I'm pretty sure this includes the walkers!)
- Gender Place: 387 / 572
- Division Place: 55 / 78 (women in my age-group…I've really got to speed up somehow!)
- Total Pace: 10.48 minutes/mile
Enough of those pathetic standings, here's the fun part:
As I said, my times are still in the embarrassing range, but in the spring I ran 12 1/2 minute miles for a total of 39 minutes (hard to believe anyone could run that slow, I know), this time I ran 2 1/2 minutes faster per mile and took 6 1/2 minutes off my total time, so I'm still excited. 🙂
Since spring I've been rollerblading 8 miles once a week or so (I love that much more than running), trying to be consistent with weight training, and I've been adding sprints into my runs. The furthest I've been able to run so far is 6 miles, but that was only because Megan and her sister, Mary, took me out running when we were staying at their parent's cottage on Lake Michigan last month. I didn't know the roads and they told me we were going 4 miles. It was a mile further than I'd gone before, but I was ready to try it. When we got back and my tongue was dragging and I thought for sure I'd done something to my knee, they told me it really was 6 miles! Cute trick, girls. (But yes, it was fun knowing I could do it. I made myself do it again that next week, just to be sure.)
Did I have fun, you ask?
Heck no. I detest most every minute I'm running, and I only found out after I took it up last summer that not many people love to run, they just love the feeling of accomplishment afterward. When I want to stop and walk (most of the time), I have to constantly say to myself, “Yes, you hate it, shut up and keep running…” (Although my friend, David, said he really does love to run while he's running… what a weirdo.) The only thing that helps me have a better run one day compared to others is if I've had my coffee beforehand. I had my coffee today, but still ran slow!
Okay, there were a few neat parts…
- Running with that many people was a fun change, since normally I'm running all by myself around town.
- I LOVED when the runners in the front were coming around and going like crazy, their strides are so beautiful and fun to watch.
- After we were done, our 9 year old ran a 1K with a couple buddies in his age group and had a blast.
- We know many people who run or go watch and it's fun seeing everyone down there–the atmosphere at this race is amazing…
- Mitchell's Run raises a lot of money for Muscular Dystrophy and this is their 10th year organizing the 5K. My step-Dad's twin grandsons also have MD, so knowing we were doing something for a bigger purpose was much more meaningful than just seeing what time we could get…especially when your times are in the range mine are!
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Jenn says
Running a 5K, no matter what the speed, is awesome! Kudos!!! I’m a slower runner, too, AND my husband is a fast runner, so I feel ya on this. My body really loves a 10-minute mile pace, so sometimes he’ll run with me on his light days or we’ll go to the track and run “together” but not side by side. 🙂
Nixi says
Congrats on your second 5k! What an accomplishment. I hate running too and can’t see myself doing any run. You should be proud!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hey Shauna,
“Awesome” isn’t quite the word I’d use, but thanks for your sweet comment! 🙂
Michigan Mom2three says
Kelly – I just went through and re-read this post…. what are you talkin’ about girl???? 10 minute miles are a GREAT place to start! This is only your second race… BE ENCOURAGED! I’ve never run a 5K! I raced the 2 mile in high school and kept up running until I had kids….. so give yourself some credit girl! 6 minutes shaved off since your last race???? THAT’S AWESOME! SERIOUSLY!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
YAY! I can’t wait to hear how your runs go. Maybe I’ll show up and see you at one of them. 🙂
I’m going to get that book right now and add a link on this post, thanks for the tip!
Michigan Mom2three says
Kelly – That is AWESOME! You HAVE to get this book: The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchick. I’ve got it out from the library, but I’ll be buying it! It has already helped my running a lot. There is a whole section in there on increasing mileage and speed workouts, training for a race, etc. It’s just an excellent book, very inspiring and very reader-friendly. I’ve been running too this summer, I just started in the spring (I used to be a runner, but haven’t for over 10 years since kids!). I am really enjoying it, and I never regret a run – NEVER, but running is a HARD sport. HARD! There are days that I have to mentally push myself to finish. I am planning to run my first 5K in the spring. I was all starry-eyed and had my sights set on a 10K, but HA! I forgot how much work it is to train for that! Maybe the following year. Anyway, I’m planning to do 5th/3rd and Reeds Lake. I didn’t know there was one recently – I’m sure there are many I don’t know of…. bummer – I may have done this one. Atlease it would have given me something to shoot for…. anyway – my times will probably be where yours are – so TAKE COURAGE! And get the book – it will make you feel SO much better about being a runner!
Kudos to Kent! What a man!