Good morning readers, this post almost didn’t happen because I’m in the middle of switching hosting companies for my websites (this one and and it’s a big BIG pain. It’s frightening how much of the technical mumbo jumbo I don’t know even after blogging for so many years, and everything is much more difficult for this chick than for most. Oh well, I haven’t yet resorted to sobbing my eyes out over it like I normally do when dealing with these types of frustrations, so I guess things are going okay. I did manage to get a few things pulled together for you today, though…
- Did you see this?! It's a video from the Baker's Green Acres hearing last week, where the Assistant Attorney General shows us who he is. Very sad.
Here's the local news article update on the case.
Local readers, soon Mark Baker is speaking at our local Weston Price chapter meeting on Tuesday, March 18th, about his case and how to stand up for food and farm freedom! Get the details here.
- Does anyone have one of these radiation blocking laptop pads? “Defender Pad blocks and eliminates any harmful radiation from your laptop” — I’m thinking this is a good idea for someone like me who is on my computer a lot…
- Have you heard? The Romeike family can now stay in the U.S. Read more here.
- Remember I told you last week how excited I was to get my new Skechers running/walking shoes at the mall for only $65? Well now I'm ticked because it looks like they're even cheaper here! I do love these babies, though, I feel like Tigger, they are SO light and bouncie. 🙂
- I that know for some, sleeping is a chore, but I'm thankful that I looooooove crawling into my bed and falling asleep in less than 30 seconds, and then I wake up feeling great 7-8 hours later. “Your body does incredible things while it sleeps, and sleep is anything but a waste of time. While many people think of catching ZZs as the body “shutting off” until morning, nodding off actually activates a complicated process that helps you feel rested and healthy the next day.” Read more here.
- Spread the word! Check out this picture about diet soda dangers and pass it on, OR join the conversation on Facebook by clicking here. Over 400,000 have seen this last I looked:
- Did you see this from last week – it’s an actual fairly good picture, which is especially wild from me — an amazing, melt-in-your-mouth peanut butter cake: Mrs. Zimmerman's amazing peanut butter cake recipe. You can pin it for later by clicking here.
- Do you ever wonder how many eggs other real foodie families go through each week? Check out what others on Facebook said by clicking here, or let us know in the comments how many you go through? (We go through about 4-5 dozen a week, by the way.)
- I know, I'm always showing you guys movie trailers that I think look awesome, well here's another one called, Front of the Class:
I can't wait to watch the whole thing with our kids; Avivah's blog is where I heard about it and you can watch the whole thing over there.
- Anyone else swearing at their internet a lot lately? I thought this was interesting: Why is American internet so slow?! “The country that literally invented the internet is now behind Estonia in terms of download speeds.” Tell me THIS doesn’t tick you off: “Huge telecommunication companies” such as Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon, and AT&T have “divided up markets and put themselves in a position where they're subject to no competition.” It’s so wrong!!! We have Charter and I think they should reimburse us for all this stinkin’ downtime. (OK, yes, I do feel a little guilty whining about this, when we're SO blessed in so many ways… So I'll stop now.)
- I love it when reader friends send me interesting stuff they find that might be a good fit for the Monday Mix-Up post. Thank you for this one, Shayna! The World’s Oldest Cheese.
- Anyone near San Francisco may want to go to this: On March 22nd, there will be a march and a rally to remove Fluoride from the city's water. Read more about the event here. And click here to read about a bad experience with Fluoride.
Have a great week!
Magda says
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing the trailer to ‘Front of the class’. I watched it twice last weekend and loved it!! Such inspiration. Turns out Brad taught his first class at an elementary school down the street from me!! How wild is that??!! I’m going to suggest to my 9 year old’s teacher that they watch this in class. What an amazing way to show acceptance and appreciation… Thanks again.
KitchenKop says
Magda, I’m so glad to hear from someone else who loved it, I was so moved and couldn’t believe what a powerful movie it was! How cool about the school being near you, wow!
As a side note… Avivah, who told me about the movie (it’s her blog I link to), is in the hospital with bad burns (click “home” at her site to read more), so say a prayer for her. Thanks!
Peggy says
That the Romeikes can stay is a blessing and an answer to prayer. But in all our celebrating, let’s not gloss over a scary truth: the Department of Justice, in revoking the Romeike’s request for asylum, has stated quite clearly that they believe there is no parental right to homeschool, and that they have no problem with a government removing children from the home of parents who believe they have that right. Now I’m not advocating panic, but it seems we are one tiny step closer to banning homeschooling in the United States outright as we move closer to the European management of social and monetary issues. I don’t expect it to be a problem in my lifetime, but should the Lord tarry, I can absolutely see it being a problem for my children’s families.
Aspartame poisoning. Oh my. Don’t even get me started. I have a relative with five of the listed problems plus a rare one: Raynaud’s, which is absolutely tied to aspartame poisoning. She has four or five diet drinks a day, plus everything she eats is low-fat and sugar-free. She doesn’t hear my suggestions that she look into it, because (in her words) she’d rather be “thin and uncomfortable than fat and comfortable.” Sigh.
Anna says
Maybe she would respond to studies that suggest diet drinks may actually cause weight gain. There certainly isn’t much evidence they help people stay thin.
Soli says
I have a Defender pad and love it. When my mother passed away last fall I did a lot of house reorganizing and as such have not been sitting at my desk with the laptop. I had it in my lap. (I know, I know…) Decided it was worth buying one to see if it would help, and it does! I even traveled with it when I went to Florida in December.
Vivienne says
Watching the video from the Baker hearing absolutely offends and incenses me. The assistant attorney general’s hubris is almost laughable, if not for the real-life cost to both the Bakers and the Michigan citizens. I had a visceral reaction to his disdain and arrogance. Boy, he sure thinks he ‘s something else and everyone else is an idiot, doesn’t he? I find it unbelievable that the judge was worried for his safety; it seemed that everyone in that courtroom was well into middle age! I plan on contacting the AG’s office regarding his behavior. And by the way, the AG’s actions have prompted me in the recent past to happily give money to the Bakers. I’m sure many of the Bakers’ other “internet followers” have done the same, simply to spite Hal’s ridiculous and juvenile behavior.
mereditih says
When I began a Traditional Diet around 2009, I added eggs in to my regular day.
Then when I went on to GAPS, I became even more serious about regular eggs and the origin and quality too!
Two years after GAPS, I couldnt figure out why I still was struggling with some of my symptoms that seemed to say I was reacting to something like gluten, but had no gluten going in. Then I listened to Tom O’Briens E-Summit on Gluten. Big eye opener, especially learning that some foods we eat act like gluten even if they’re not. I did the cyrex testing he recommended. Tested for cross-reactive proteins.
I found out that I was now producing antibodies to EGGS. of all things. Who woulda thought? Also oats and coffee and soy ( wasnt eating those anyway)
I stopped eggs in December and feel great. Dont miss them much. except for ICE CREAM. It was suggested I could begin to add in yolks so I did have some homemade ice cream (with yolks). I didnt get a reaction that I can see. But then, I couldnt really tell before I knew either!
o well.
Eggs are great protein. a wonderful food. I highly recommend them. Even so, they may not be for all of us. all the time.