Have you heard the controversies surrounding the war on cancer? I told you last week that the comments have recently fired up again at my post, Politically incorrect thoughts on breast cancer, and then a comment from a reader friend, Susan, showed up, with a mention of this new movie. I literally shook as I watched the trailer…
Watch the trailer for “Cut, Poison, Burn“:
I think it upset me so deeply because as much as we're eating a diet that's a zillion times better than it used to be, it's still far from perfect. And then there are the many environmental concerns. And of course genetics. There are no guarantees. If cancer hits in our home, I have no idea which path we'll take toward recovery. Obviously we'd be praying like crazy for wisdom from above (and I'd be asking all of YOU for help, of course), but it would be the battle of our lives, to be sure. The thought of the government or drug companies who could end up fighting any decision we might make, or treatment we might NOT opt for, would be too much to handle! How can this be happening in America?!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and if you're interested, you can read Susan's entire comment here:
I am a big fan of Suzanne Somers. This chick knows her stuff. She has been researching health with the most advanced, forward thinking docs in the world. She knows that the Western standard of health care is killing us and she goes out and finds doctors who think outside the box for superior health. She also eats like us! If you are not familiar with her work then I suggest you borrow “Knockout” or “Ageless” or “Breakthrough” from the library. I guarantee you will end up buying copies for yourself. There is that much info packed into these books.
As a breast cancer survivor, Suzanne is often asked why she never participates in “The Race for the Cure.” But the reason she doesn't support it is because she thinks that the millions of dollars being thrown into it are going towards the wrong thing. Of course, she wants a cure, but her research has made her think a step further: What the hell is the CAUSE of any kind of cancer? She has been called many names for not supporting the whole Komen cause, but I have to agree with her. No one is ever going to find a cure because cancer makes $200 billion dollars a year. Suzanne would rather support those who will search for the cause because she believes that is how we will finally help so many people. Suzanne, BTW, is now cancer free from using Iscador (mistletoe) and still uses it to this day. It is a superior immune system builder. Thomas Cowan from the WPF is also a believer in Isacdor's efficiency.
And lastly, watch the movie, “Cut, Poison, Burn.” It is a REAL eye opener on what is happeing in the current cancer industry.
Dawn Turner says
I watched CPB when it first came out. I have to admit, I had to watch it in short pieces, pause it and get up and walk away for a bit. The information it provides comes so fast about what’s really happening in the medical industry, particularly with regards to cancer, that I needed time to assimilate all that information. Then the emotional aspects of watching what that family went through…. It’s purely criminal what’s going on in the medical industry. I anticipate the day coming when they will try to force “treatment” on adults as well as children because of the simple fact that they are so determined to keep the money coming in. As has been illustrated beautifully by Jacob’s case (and others), they don’t care about the patient. If they cared about the patient, why all the delays in getting things resolved in court? You’d think they’d want to expedite things as quickly as possible. But it’s not about the patient. Shoot, when it comes down to it, most Rx’s for drugs aren’t about the patient. When everything in the medical industry is “one size fits all”, the individual is irrelevant. Throw in the fact that doctors have no nutritional training and are trained to be against supplements and natural medicine, we the public really need to educate ourselves and be our own advocates. Those in the medical industry, by and large, won’t do it for us! Keep up the education, Kelly! 🙂
Leon @ Organically Thought says
I have not gone to the original post to see what generated this comment yet. I just had to leave one here first. Thank you Kelly for posting this. And thank you Susan for bringing to my attention Ms Summers position on this. Cancer is one of my most passionate categories on my blog. I wrote my 3rd cancer post around alternative cancer therapy in October. I thought it was appropriate cuz of the “national breast cancer month”. I tried to be very tasteful and keep it on my beliefs of which work and not around my disapproval of things like Susan G Komen for the Cure. I thought I talk enough about big pharma and the greed induced corruption of the corporate class enough. And what better time to keep calm then when honoring those who suffer and a hope for a change. But then I read Butter Believer’s post outlining the employee payment structure of the “not for profit” organization. So I posted an excerpt and a link to her post. I just had to I was outraged. I highly recommend the read. I will share that I am an active supporter of an alternative cancer therapy organization. And through this I have aquired a list of cancer survivors who have resorted to the type of metabolic cancer therapy that I support and believe in. This list comes with phone numbers and is done voluntarily by the survivors to help get the word out. I contacted one of them and had an emotional conversation. I explained to her some of the struggle I am currently having with a family member not listening to me and taking chemo and radio therapy. She understood and said she had no support from her family in her decision to stop chemo. Her Dr told her she would die if she stopped and it has been a year and she is doing well. I asked her if there was something she would say to someone faced with this and she said “Question your Dr. and FOLLOW THE MONEY”. I quote her in one of my osts and I plan on calling more people on the list to put a post together of testimonial of people who have rejected main stream cancer treatment and lived to tell the truth. You can find much of what I have learned in my cancer category. For more than that I recommend the book “World without Cancer” by G. Edward Griffin. My biggest faith in this information is the way in which it was brought to me. That is too much to tell here if anyone would like to know they can email me.
Sally_Oh says
Thank you, Leon. You and I are on the same path, sounds like. I LOVE that you are contacting survivors: that is what is missing in all this. A contactable list of survivors! This is the thing that will give integrative cancer doctors credibility. Thank you, thank you.
Please read my comment above (#8) and check out the cancerdocs link. The series has given me so much hope and assurance that I am not crazy or just into “wishful thinking” to believe an alternative approach to healing cancer is nuts. I think you will appreciate it.
I’m going right now to sign up for your blog.
Stephanie says
Good!! I hope this movie makes a difference. I am currently reading Suzzane’s book….watched my mother die with breast cancer, but even worse saw her suffer through chemo and radiation. They are not an option for me and I am not worried about being forced to because they don’t do that to adults here. What I am worried about is my children. If they were to develop the disease….technically our children belong to the state and as such they can decide to force treatment if they think we are neglecting them by not accepting it. The fear of that would keep me awake at night if I let myself think about it too much!!
France @ Beyond The Peel says
My mother died of cancer many years ago and I have since lost countless relatives to the disease. I’ve always felt in my bones like there was a natural way of curing cancer without all the toxic chemicals. You only need to see what those chemicals do to a person once to know that it is not the cure!
Jen says
For those who don’t have Netflix, you can watch The Bursynski Movie for free on Youtube. I watched it a few weeks ago, and was incredulous.
Even though it says it will only be free to watch until June 13, 2011, it is still available.
Mike Lieberman says
Sadly it’s profits over people when it comes to the world of big pharma. Thanks for raising awareness and about this and educating others. That’s what it’s going to take when it comes to fighting this disease – the disease of cancer and the disease of our corrupt government.
Cristina says
I saw Dr. Burzynski in this clip, whom I would not have known about if it hadn’t been for the documentary about him that we watched last week on Netflix. “Burzynski” is a “must watch” movie — the greed and corruption that surrounds the cancer industry is mind-boggling. The FDA, the pharmaceutical industries, American Cancer Society, etc., do not want a cure — cancer is a money-making machine. The lies and deceit that perpetuate this industry are insidious — and most people wouldn’t dare look upon these agencies as anything but caring, sincere, and helpful. Even the Oncology Nurses Society is funded by many pharmaceutical agencies.
I philosophically struggle with chemotherapy every day as an RN in an infusion center who is forced to administer it (a departmental requirement), and have no other employment options. I truly believe that in the future, chemotherapy and radiation will be looked upon as barbarism.
Susan says
Cristina- Dr. Burzynski is featured in Cut Poison Burn and he is also interviewed by Suzanne in “Knockout.” I haven’t seen “Burzynski” yet, but I will watch it. I still have to let myself calm down from seeing Cut Poison Burn! It just burns my hide. It is so dissappointing to realize that there are some things about our country that aren’t always so great: Like the way a blind eye is turned to our nutritional and medical needs. My fear is that will only get worse now that campaign donation limits have been raised. Our politicians will be working for whomever donated the most money to them. That is frightening, really. Big Pharma may one day run our country by ensuring that the politicians do whatever they request simply by donating to his/her campaign.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you, hoping that a better job position will come your way, and that it will be a position that will fill your heart with peace as you bring true healing to your patients.
1ofeach says
Yep. Reminds me of when I read Dressed to Kill (about the link b/t wearing bras and breast cancer) and how this couple’s research went ignored by organizations supposedly committed to finding a cure for breast cancer.
chuck says
here are 3 blog posts that anyone concerned about cancer should read. the info could help people fight cancer and better yet, prevent it.
Sue S says
I haven’t read all of the comments on the other post but my husband and I have recently watched “The Beautiful Truth” documentary. You can find it on youtube. It is long but worth it. It goes into a lot of stuff we already know about food but then it researches the Gerson Therapy. This involves a completey vegan mostly raw diet, which I questioned knowing how beneficial nourishing meats can be. I searched it on the WAPF website and it stated that the original Gerson therapy from Gerson Sr. (and not his daughter’s version) included lots of liver juice along with the veggie/fruit juice. It really opened my eyes to the other possibilities for cancer treatment out there. I have to agree about Suzanne Somers. I had done her diet years ago and it really made sense. I haven’t read any of her latest stuff but I hope she has updated her diet to include soaked grains and not using canola oil (yuck!)
Susan says
Sue- I’ve read all of Suzanne’s books. You should definitely read some of her newer works. “Ageless” and “Breakthrough” are encyclopedias of health knowledge covering a wide range of health topics, including Suzanne’s best topic, bio-identical hormones. I could never list all the things she covers in them, but many of the supplements I take today are because of the info from her books.
Her book “Knockout” is also an excellent read as she devoted the entire book to cancer and alternative ways of treating it. I keep the book proudly on my shelf in case I ever need to refer back to the info she shares -I pray I don’t!! There is so much info in the book that is outside of what we’ve been told because we have been so brainwashed to believe that conventional is the only way we can be saved. Through researching for all her books, she has come to realize that our western ways of medicine are rarely the best ways to treat anything. We prescribe more pills in this country than the rest of the world COMBINED.
Suzanne gets lambasted a lot (usually by the conventional folk) but I applaud her for speaking up and letting us know that Big Pharma is going to kill us, all for the sake of the mighty dollar.
I don’t know how she feels about canola or soaked grains, but I know she eats fat, meat, and tons of veggies. She may not be one hundred percent where you are on your journey, but I have found that by taking info from many well informed people, I am then better able to heal myself with the knowledge I’ve acquired from the many sources.
Suzanne doesn’t update her blog a lot, but she usually has some good topics.
Sue S says
Thanks for the info. I saw her on the shopping network one time and really wanted to get her book but didn’t get around it to. Maybe I’ll put them on my Christmas list : ) I have kept her cookbooks and flip through them frequently for grain-free recipes. I just tweak them to be WAP friendly!
Pavil, the Uber Noob says
My sense of the matter is that cancer research has become such a racket, that anyone seriously claiming to have found a ‘cure’, would wake up dead.
What happens to cancer tissue after the research? Is it warehoused for posterity, is it discarded? Who knows?
Thanks for the post, Kelly.
Ciao, Pavil
Heather@Mommypotamus says
My dad was nothing if not a healthcare insider. He was a top hospital executive who pioneered things like emergency helicopter transfer for critically injured patients. And . . . he died at the hands of his own system.
It’s hard to touch these kinds of issues but oh so necessary. I wrote a post about my frustration with the governments attempts to mandate certain types of treatment back when the most recent healthcare bill was passed (https://www.mommypotamus.com/govt-healthcare-me-not-meant-to-be/). If we don’t know our options, we don’t have any. Thank you for speaking up, Kelly. The world needs to have this conversation.
Raine says
This is such an important topic, and one that I feel very passionate about. I’ve written several posts on this subject and I will continue to lobby for natural and alternative treatments in cancer care. I am such a fan of Suzanne Sommers, and grateful that she speaks out against and opposes the mainstream medical and cancer industries. I have a good friend who is a nutritional consultant, the last student of Dr. William Kelley, who pioneered a protocol which is very successful, and is also used by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who I saw speak at the WAP conference this year. The approach is threefold – WAP style diet (modified for those who have especially compromised digestive systems, which most cancer patients do), supplementation, and detoxification. I used to put together the books for her clients and the information was incredibly fascinating. These are some of the items on the list: coffee enemas, epsom and salt and soda baths, far infrared saunas, colonics, probiotics, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, mineral supplementation, various homeopathic treatments, and others. It is my hope that more people will hear these messages and listen. Thanks for this post and sharing the video Kelly. I hope you have a great time at the conference! 🙂
Judith says
You really need to watch, “cut poison burn”, it is a documentary that really nails this issue and brings it to light. Cong. Dan Burton IN-R has a Bill called HR2736, “Access to Medical treatment Act.” You can go to https://www.govtrack.us to see where the bill is now and also see who your reps and senators are, so you can tell them to support medical freedom/choice.
Katherine says
Even better you can go to Popvox.com https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/hr2736 and tell your Congressman what you believe about the bill. Your comment will show on the site to help educate other people who come browsing for information about the bill. Popvox links to govtrack so you can get that information before you comment. I know my representatives read what I write on Popvox because I have received responses from them in emails.
Linda says
This reminds me of the mother who stopped treatments on her son because it caused him so much pain and when he died she was put in prison for murder. I guess our govt is in cahoots with big pharma so won’t allow alternative treatments. Where are our rights to choose?
ValerieH says
the part that scares me is when some oncologist with an ego the size of Lake Michigan gets a court order to force your child into chemo or radiation.
Stanley Fishman says
Do not be afraid. Fear weakens us and is often used to control what we do. The natural functions of our bodies can protect us from cancer. The key is to keep those natural functions working well.
There was a paper published by Harvard University a few years ago. The paper stated that the average American has cancer ten times in their lifetime. Most of the time, they never even know they had cancer. Their bodies handled it, without any medical treatment. The healthy peoples studied by Dr Weston A Price did not have cancer. It was unknown to them.
The natural functions of our bodies need care to function properly. Malnutrition, stress, anger, fear, drugs, unnatural foods, trauma, and toxins can all weaken our natural functions. Eating a real food diet, rest, love, joy, faith, and courage strengthen the natural functions of our bodies. It is important to practice forgiveness, for anger and hatred put terrible stress on our bodies, and weaken them.
One of the worst aspects of our greed driven medical system is that conventional cancer treatments often destroy the natural functions that our bodies naturally use to prevent and heal illness. The movie” Cut, Poison, and Burn” describes this in horrifying detail.
A few years ago, I was sitting in a lecture at the convention of the Weston A Price Foundation. Two people behind me started talking as we were waiting for the lecture to start. It turned out that both of them had been diagnosed with terminal cancer years ago. Both of them had refused conventional treatment. Both of them refused to accept the Medical death sentence. They rejected it with all their hearts, and simply refused to accept that they were doomed. Both of them had alternative treatments, and both of them ate a traditional diet as advised by the Weston A Price Foundation. As they shared their stories, I came to understand that there is hope, and that even the worst illness can be healed. After the lecture, I I got up to leave and looked at both of them. They both glowed with health and vitality.
Sally_Oh says
Yes, I LOVE Suzanne Somers! She changed my life with Ageless and I changed my opinion of her. She is a warrior woman. (I feel the same way about Jenny McCarthy. Smart women unashamedly using their sexy celebrity to teach.)
I also just participated in the Healing Cancer World Summit with Kevin Gianni and bought the recordings of the over 10 hours of cancer doctors talking about their treatments, their success rates and the political climate. $50 for all of it; you can get it here: https://tinyurl.com/cancerdocs.
At 56, my husband is 61, we are prime targets and have lost too many friends and family to the disease. I am telling EVERYONE about this series.
One in 3 women and 1 in TWO men will get cancer in their lifetimes. This is obscene! Conventional therapy (chemo and radiation) has a 2% success rate and many people believe it’s the treatment that contributes to the death of the patient.
An integrated approach (the word “integrated” is generally preferred over “alternative”) has a higher success rate. Plus, you aren’t killing the healthy cells along with the cancer cells. They all use nutrition, supplements, pancreatic enzymes, probiotics, fermented foods, meditation/prayer, exercise of some sort, sauna, detox, coffee enemas… all the stuff we know and love if we’ve been on the healing path for a while.
Most would go green during the critical healing phase with very little if any meat, returning to an appropriate diet for you afterwards. More than a couple of them are WAPF-inspired healers.
Not a single integrated doc said s/he would use radiation. It causes cancer.
Many of the docs on this series use “optimized” chemo: they wrap the chemo in sweet (either insulin or sugar) and drive it to the cancer location. The cancer eats it up never knowing there is poison in the middle. Rat poison wrapped in cheese.
Why don’t conventional doctors know this? Why do they insist on poisoning the entire body???? I could go on… get the series. It is worth every penny. Statistically, at least one person in our families will be getting cancer. Sickening, yes, but I want to be prepared.
Disclaimer: if you buy the series thru my link, I get a commission. This doesn’t cost you any more, of course, and I appreciate it.
One final thought: there are so many successful cancer treatments on the planet today and our FDA (along with other countries who are busily outlawing integrative approaches) outlaws them here! This is criminal and we need to lobby for medical freedom while we are lobbying for food freedom. I know, I know… my plate is full, too. Just wanted to put the bug in everyone’s ear. Thank you, Kelly!!!
Erica says
Food heals, drug steals!
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
You know how I feel about the industry!
I’m pretty well convinced just about everything they tell us about health is a total lie. I completely ignore it. Magically, my kids are healthy! Even my mom, who was VERY skeptical when my first was a baby, has started to say, “Hmm, you must be doing something right!
We would not take chemo. Chemo kills the cancer, but at huge costs to the rest of your body. It doesn’t address the underlying cause. That is what is crucial in ANY illness — find the underlying cause, address it, and you find a cure. Chemo doesn’t do that. I refuse to take any drug that suppresses an illness except if we were faced with a health crisis where we felt that temporary suppression was necessary for us to buy time to figure out the root cause, a life-or-death kind of thing. It wouldn’t be our “cure” though, it would only be a way to buy time.
A “cure” basically means — find what is causing your body to be sick, and get it out so that your body can heal itself. Since the mainstream doctors either don’t get this definition or don’t have any definition, they can never find a cure. They don’t know what they are looking for!
Roberta, Redefined Foodie says
You could not have said it better Kate!!
Crystal says
“A “cure” basically means — find what is causing your body to be sick, and get it out so that your body can heal itself. Since the mainstream doctors either don’t get this definition or don’t have any definition, they can never find a cure. They don’t know what they are looking for!”
Love this- am posting it to my fb status…We think that the cure is a magic pill from the doctor.
Alison says
Great post Kelly, I think the book is going on my Christmas list!
Melissa Boersma says
THANK YOU for posting this. This is something I struggle with too – knowing that all of these Cancer research/fundraising things aren’t going about it the right way.
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma says
The root of all ills is in the cause. Cancer hasn’t hit my home {and hopefully won’t}, but autism has.
And the causes of these issues, indeed, overlap.
I’ve read that sugar is the food of cancer cells. And given all you’ve read, Kelly, on excessive carb consumption, gluten and the like, what are your thoughts on that? If our bodies process carbs and such as “sugar”, this really makes me think and rethink grains and sugar.