I'm gaining more hope again! A medical doctor, Dr. Donald Miller, speaking to other medical doctors about the saturated fat myth? For REAL?
100 years ago less than 1 in 100 Americans were obese and coronary heart disease was unknown. Pneumonia, diarrhea and enteritis, and tuberculosis were the most common causes of death. Now a century later, heart disease and cancer are the most common causes of death which account for 75% of all deaths in this country. There were 500 cardiologists practicing it he U.S. in 1950, there are 30,000 of them now, a 60-fold increase, in a population that has only doubled since 1950. In 1911 Proctor & Gamble began marketing Crisco, as a new kind of food. Crisco, “crystallized cottonseed oil”, was the 1st commercially marketed trans fat… They decided to promote this new fat as an all-vegetable derived shortening, which the company marketed as a healthier alternative than cooking with animal fats. At the time, Americans cooked and baked in lard/pork fat, tallow/beef fat, lamb fat, and butter. The company succeeded in demonizing lard and vegetable oil gradually replaced tropical fats and animal fats in the diet…“
As you keep watching you'll hear how the whole cholesterol myth took hold, what Ancel Keys had to do with it, how the government got into the nutrition business, and then how all of this snowballed to make us One. Sick. Country.
Indoctrinated in the low fat dogma by health organizations, nutrition organizations and the government, I would instruct my patients to eat a low fat diet, telling them to cut all the fat off their meat and not eat more than one egg a week. Following the USDA food pyramid, I did not express any concerns about how much carbohydrate they might consume…“
He goes on to tell how Mary Enig's article, The Oiling of America, caused him to look into all of this more and he found out how wrong he was. He even discusses the important difference between meat and dairy from animals in confinement vs. the bright yellow nutrient-rich foods from pastured animals. I love the great clip from Julia Child who slams McDonalds for changing their French fry oil from tallow to a “nutritionist” oil.
Let's work together to keep the momentum going and make this craziness stop.
How many depressed, infertile, chronically ill people do you know?! Keep telling everyone around you about these TRUTHS, and I hope you'll share this video far and wide!
When you watch this, let us know your favorite part. 🙂
- More posts on healthy fats that you may want to share with others. Find pastured beef tallow here!
Thank you Nancy, for bringing this to my attention, you can read her whole post here: Another look at saturated fats, they may save your life. Oops, I just realized that she found the video at Raine's blog, Agriculture Society.
Charlie b says
Hello all!
I wanted to leave my opinion on cholesterol in one place on this site to tell about my odd experience with it– yes it is very good, the brain is made of it, but my personal experience says there is one exception. First briefly: I got an MMR vaccine in high school, shortly thereafter I had memory and concentration issues – noticably increasing after each school holidays (I know its the vax because I counted back to the middle of the same year as the gov said students should get it). So I decided to always keep my brain moving, even during the holidays and it did slow or stop (although I still have my bad days). Anyway, much later (after school) I began to have heart palpitations and panic attacks, and I was diagnosed with depression – I heard of the side effects from somewhere and refused the medication immediately. These two symptoms left with a better diet – but the depression itself and what I called the “impenetrable cloud” at the top of my brain remained. I was still doing plenty of research on new stuff – i am still keeping my brain busy, even today.
I came across Bates’ cure for eyesight. I read his newsletters till I got sick of it (book was published prior to latter newsletters, it reiterates, skip it if you got time for the newsletters). But just before I ceased, Bates recounted someone getting cured of depression – and of all people, this patient was an MD. I started to do bates stuff, but was getting nowhere. I then discovered a way to force it to work. I after wearing my glasses once after a long period of disuse, I pulled a muscle in my eye. I discovered i had unintentionally contracted a muscle while wearing the glasses. The next morning before getting up I decided to look for muscles that were still contracted in/around my eyes. The sensation to look for is faintly like a cramp you get while running (I can now cure these without even stopping). I found a few (tense and relax to release). The next morning I decided to look elsewhere for more – I found like seven in my brain. They say the brain is a muscle, I believe now! But no cure of depression yet – it was not till I had given up finding more to do for my eyes and resorted to “shifting” again when something unlocked and my brain felt really comfortable, next day I was like 120% happy. It seemed I loosened something between my brain and eyes. That was the cure for the last two symptoms. (note: I have progressed much, discovered heaps but no vision cure for me yet. Eg: I never noticed my lower eyelid didn’t close – does now! It also worked to remove the dark spots under my eyes – because those muscles are now being used.). The sun stuff IS required (it forces the muscles i call the “crushers” to reposition, but is v.v.v.hard to make happen – 1 moved, 3 to go.), lower-uv afternoon sun will still work. If you get migrains/headaches often, please ensure you cure that susceptibility with vegetable juices first (doctors, its N O T gatorade!; See Dr Gerson) – freed muscles will ache (for a month). I discovered prior that even a brief ache in the head will trigger a headache soon – now only dehydration causes headaches, or eating too many apple seeds…
Later I heard cholesterol was good for you, so i maximised my consumption (loads of genuine butter). I noticed my brain started to clam up again (i took it as a challenge to keep it unravelled, tinnitus is another symptom of a clammed brain). This is why depression people have to be low on cholesterol, and this perhaps helps motivate the drug doctor to say it is bad for “all” people. The probable reason why I was susceptable to depression was the mercury exposure, and also because: Dad was getting the mercury fillings removed and originally planned to do all of them but something stopped him, much later on I remembered this and decided the exposure might have been the trigger for the depression he got, and he trusts doctors and is faithfully taking the depression and statin meds. I will note he did have something mildly before. I hate doctors… but not “doctors” – “Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.”.
What is probably happening is the mercury is competing for a place that cholesterol takes (due to ionic bonds) – they both have a positive charge. Maybe high cholesterol will help chelate, maybe saunering will chelate (Dr Wilson. I use my greenhouse as a sauna)… Also note that candida eat mercury and can create mercury related symptoms if targeted. I also feel that body acidity is related to mercury’s alkaline property tricking the body into regulating towards acidic (which candida like). Mercury is also in some pesticides (as alcohol), and is also in fertilizers and fish. (Note that I havn’t fixed my low self-motivation issue yet – it stops me from getting a job or building stuff – but other than the memory issue I can still think liberally, i use the memory issue to allow me to “switch” professions quickly, but it has to go – go see what Dr Moulden has to say on vaccines!). I also know if I am cured to the point where I start to build stuff (or have to get a job), I will begin to “camp” around what I had discovered already and it will stop further innovation.
As for fats causing obesity? There are other potential candidates. High estrogen foods (GMOs, besides birth control pill) are known to enlarge breasts, and I notice you can buy chemicals to fatten your cow – what is the effect on humans eating their meat and fat? Fat in the body is known to harbour chemicals… (it becomes an issue when saunaing. So, what about the milk?). While I am on the soapbox, I will also say I noticed the most stupid thing people do is what they do with nutrients – a deer eats and poops nearby, returning the matter to the ground. Man eats and dumps it in the ocean! As for drug and chemo laden matter what should we do with that? Avoid chemo (I count 20 things one can do to improve your chances against cancer – go look! Two have been mentioned already), ozone and uv for the rest of the chemicals.
I have run out of stuff to research and have begun learning languages (which should keep me busy for the rest of my life).
I hope you learnt alot and enjoyed it – I love discovering new stuff and solving problems!
The government hoped to destroy my mind, but the opposite happened – I was forced into overdrive (and no, I do not have fluoride, but am yet to quit the crackers).
Charlie b says
Please note!!!! I do not endorse saying “no” to vaccines. You have to say “yes” to something(s) else. If you say no with no backup plan and you get caught, you will only lead to statistical support for vaccination and even boo-hoo story on TV. I have a handfull of backups, with another planned. Minerals and good diet is not good enough, you need something that is aggressive against the invaders that do get through and preferably harmless to you – eg. one that uses electricity…
Robert says
I love the line:
Blaming Cholesterol for Arthrosclerosis is like blaming Firefighters for the fire they came to put out!
Sara R says
This was fascinating. Thanks for passing it on. I’m beginning the journey of convincing my in law side of the family that saturated fat is good. I want to go back and write down the books he showed to do more research. I’d just pass on links but they’re all Spanish speakers so I’m going to have to translate a lot!
TamiB says
Dr. Miller created an interesting presentation including video clips that were pertinent to understanding how the “low fat” message became “main stream” and eventually regulated by the US Government.
Please keep this online and searchable. I am sharing this with many people.
CateK says
As for Dr Miller. I found his presentation to be very genuine. He does need to refine his public speaking skills a bit, but I was actually touched when he nearly could not say, “I was wrong.” This took courage for him to present to that roomful of doctors and I’m sure he faced ridicule (and knew he was going to be ridiculed in advance). This is radical stuff to present! I was sorry, too, that he did not handle the Q&A well. Practice, however, makes perfect. I’m trying to think of how I could get him invited somewhere else to share this message.
CateK says
When I was little (very little) I remember my grandfather (who was French) admonishing his flock of grandchildren at meals to “Eat the fat! It’s good for you!” He made a ritual of carefully trimming the crisped bits of fat from roasts and hams and crispy chicken fat as he prepared to carve and then serving them as small delicacies along with each slice of meat. But he also shared with us how to enjoy meat gelatin and fish roe and even fish eyes! He lived to 89. We think he actually died of a broken heart because our beloved grandmother died the year before in a car accident (she was a passenger). He missed her terribly and seemed to lose his desire to hang around after that. Other than that depression, he was in very good health when he died with no heart disease. He just stopped eating. It was very sad.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
What a smart man. I’m curious, did the family listen through the years or did they think he was crazy? And if so, are they coming back around yet to realize how wise he was?
Stanley Fishman says
Wow, what a nice change1 I hope this knowledge spreads through the nutrition ignorant medical community, and that enough doctors spread the word to their patients to make a difference. Nothing would do more to reduce medical costs than good nutrition.
However, nothing would do more to reduce drug and medical profits. Are our medical and drug industries willing to reduce their profits for a healthier America that has much less need of their services? I sure hope so.
Dion Boffo says
I thought it too bad that after a really interesting and compelling talk, Dr. Miller not only did not have a cogent response to the question of fiber, but tried to assert that one would get fiber from eating lots of meat. Fiber from meat? Really?
That said, I very much appreciate Dr. Miller for his thoughtful investigation of the “facts” regarding saturated fats. It’s high time that studies are properly peer reviewed so that this kind of government cherry picking of the facts does not occur.
Yolanda says
This is a wonderful video. I wish everyone would watch it. I now want to know what a diet this high in fat would look like. We are trying to eat in a accordance with the WAPF guidelines, and I do soak any grains or seeds or nuts that we eat, but I’m thinking maybe we eat too many grains? Our meats are now grass fed and we raise goat milk and use good butter, and the other healthy fats, but I really can’t afford more meat. How can this work?
D. says
I had trouble getting through the first 3 minutes of the vid, and finally gave up after 30 minutes. What an awful presentation. I already believe in saturated fats, but if I were a doctor who had to sit through this speech I can’t imagine that a real message about saturated fats got through to them. Most of them were probably asleep, messing with their phones or just plain not paying attention. I’m shooting the messenger. I mean, really? He READ the entire “speech” from a paper. If I were a fellow doctor trying to learn from him, I’d have to wonder how much he really knew about his subject.
I’ve read quite of bit of what Dr. Miller has to say about iodine in years past, but if he wants to bring a message to his fellow doctors about saturated fats and the goodness of cholesterol, he better sit down and write a book because this video is not going to cut it.
Just because we’re onto something good here about saturated fats, the message has to be effective in order to gain interest, whether it’s from the public or from other doctors. This was so cobbled together it wasn’t even funny. Or was it? They should have had Sarah Pope make the video!
Jill says
Excellent information and very thorough! I wanted to help him a few times, as he seemed nervous and his voice was pretty shaky, plus he froze a little on the Q and A at the end (vegetables have lots of fiber, but I think he was so relieved to be finished that his mind wasn’t clicking along so smoothly!). What an excellent, and well prepared presentation. I appreciated the little-shared stats about the people groups with the lowest incidence of heart disease having the highest (60-75%) dietary intake of saturated fat and the information on hunter-gatherer diets.
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom says
Thanks for sharing, Kelly! I just forwarded this to a friend whose husband is upset that she recently bought coconut oil. My son asked me the other day what margarine is :-).
Happy New Year!
gary says
my grandad ate beef dripping snawiches every day of his working life he lived till 95, the whole low fat process and the bulking agents put in product to make a simmilar texture i am sure is what is causing most problems, i recently saw a program on how they make low fat spread and they fill the spread with a gelly like mold or fungus to get the texture very worrying, i am sure if you eat proper fat sensibly then people will be much helthier,
Joy says
Thanks for sharing, Kelly! It’s heartening to see experienced doctors catching on and getting the message.
A big part of the problem with so much of the conventional wisdom on saturated fat that gave things like tallow a bad name is that it looked at fat from animals raised in the industrial model. Yeah, industrial “food” – and industrial fat – is bad for you!
He addresses this starting around 42:53 and it’s really nice to see. So many people (and doctors) have forgotten that we are what we eat!
We need to revamp how we see food production, and we need to find a way to make good fats from healthy animals available to mainstream consumers. This is a challenge for sure, and many people think it can’t be done. I’m an optimist, though, as you can see from this post:
Our family has experienced miraculous healing by eliminating grains, sourcing all our food carefully, and cooking with traditional methods. I’m happy to see so many out there opening their eyes to the potential benefits of this way of eating.