Friday Kent got home after work and I asked, as I always do, “How was your day?” He said quietly, “I've had better.” This wasn't unusual, for months he has been *beyond* frustrated in this job that seemed to have great potential when he took it 15 months ago. The way he said it this time concerned me though, and then, “I'm done there.” I wasn't exactly shocked. It's a long story, but I know he did everything he could and then some.
Here's where ‘the rubber meets the road', as they say, and we show our trust in God not just with our words but with our whole lives.
He's never let us down before.
So I'm asking if you'll please pray that He gives Kent clear direction as to where He wants to use him next!
In the meantime we are cutting expenses everywhere we can, and now my little online business will need to rise up and hopefully support us for a while.
Many friends have businesses similar to mine that do support their whole family, but for whatever reason, profits have only been marginal around here. Honestly I probably haven't tried as hard as I could have, maybe I should've worked more on the business side of things and not focussed so much on just getting the truth out; not to mention that homeschooling is all I can pull off most days!
Now I'll need to step that up, so please also pray that He gives me clear direction on the wisest way to do that.
Here's where you, my regular readers, come in…
Don't worry, I'm not asking for charity or donations or anything like that, all I'd like to ask is that IF you are a regular reader and you've ever benefitted somehow from the information you've read on the Kitchen Kop blog or from something you've learned here, I'm hoping you could do a few easy things that would help me now in return.
5 easy ways you could help:
1. It costs the same for you if you buy something from Amazon whether you click through using my link or not, but if you use my link it'll give me a tiny piece of Amazon's huge pie. So if you would from now on (not just today) make a habit of *clicking onto Amazon through this link*, I'd be grateful and it would be a really cool way for you to help support my continuing quest to keep you informed as best I can about real food and health, as I've tried to do through the years. 🙂
By the way, an Amazon link is always in the sidebar of any post you might be reading on the site. But if you're on the homepage OR a mobile device, then just scroll down to find the little “a” picture in a circle that looks like this:
2. The same is true no matter what you may be buying online, I probably have a link to it here on my resources/shopping page, and buying through that link, again, costs exactly the same from your end, but it helps me a little. I'm revamping that page soon, but to find what your looking for just scroll down & look through the categories OR click command F (on a Mac)/control F (on a PC) and put in whatever you're looking for in the search box that'll pop up: “coconut oil” or “pasta” or whatever it is, and it'll take you right there on that page to my recommendations and what brands I like to buy.
3. If you haven't bought one of my books yet (or one for all your family & friends for Christmas!!), I'd appreciate that, too. 🙂 Click here to read more about Real Food for Rookies or click here to buy one.
4. If you're not already signed up for Kitchen Kop newsletter, this helps a lot, too, just because it gives me a way to easily get in touch: click here to sign up, too. ***When you do you’ll get a FREE grocery store cheat sheet from the first chapter of my book right to your inbox!
5. Lastly, did you know that anytime you like and especially *share* my stuff on Facebook (or Instagram), that helps a LOT so others will see it, because otherwise FB randomly *hides* most of my posts unless I pay them ad dollars, even if you've LIKED my page already. (Frustrating…) Here's a link to my Facebook page.
So to all of you, my sweet reader friends…
Thank you for your support and also for your prayers. I know there are many worse things we could be dealing with right now — by the way, please know that I'm also praying for each of you, for whatever your family may be going through today.
God bless you all.
Related links:
- How to search for something on this site.
- Amazon link
- Resources page
- Follow me on Facebook
- More about my book, Real Food for Rookies
- Have you noticed my archive page is all cleaned up finally?!
- Follow me on Periscope (but I think that link may only work on a mobile device)
- Follow me on Twitter
- Have you seen my other blog where I post very sporadically? Sign up there for email updates so when I DO post, you won't miss it.
Dorsey Clark says
Praying!!!!! Thanks for reminding us of ways we can help. Will gladly shop through your link now at Amazon.
Stephanie says
Keeping you and your family in our prayers. God always works things out for the best. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing with us. I love your blog and appreciate all the helpful information. I will gladly use your links when I purchase from amazon.
Kathleen says
Kelly, I have been a ‘stalker’ of your blog for years. I don’t think I have ever commented, but have learned a TON from your writings! And I have your book sitting on the counter in my kitchen.. I purchase from Amazon regularly and will certainly link through your site. I wish you and your family strength during this difficult time. Just know that God has “bigger and better” plans for you and your family.
KitchenKop says
Awwww, how cool Kathleen that you finally jumped in to say hi and share some encouragement, THANK YOU!!! I’m mostly a blog-stalker too, though, so I can relate. 🙂
frugalboutique says
Hi Kelly!
As a fellow homeschooling mom of 12, it feels so overwhelming to make healthy foods consistently; but your website has been a HUGE help to me. I first found out about you through a friend giving me a link to your article about how to heal cavities! I have been taking the Green Pastures Blue Ice since Fall of 2013 with great results, have made sauerkraut consistently and soaked oatmeal! I’m so proud of my accomplishments through the help of your website spelling it out easily for me! Next on my list are sourdough bread and yogurt. 🙂
After reading of your current dilemma, we have needed to purchase several things on Amazon, so I was so happy to go thru the link on your site to make my purchases! I just keep one of your pages up on Safari at all times to access it quickly and there you go! I have also purchased your book for Kindle.
I pray everything works out for your good in His timing!
Thank you so much for all the work you put into getting information out to all of us!
KitchenKop says
Wow, Wendy, you are an angel and I’m so thankful to everyone here and to you for your sweet words and prayers (I’m SO happy to know my site has helped you, that’s my main goal!), big hugs of thankfulness to you!!!
Sarah says
Hi Kelly,
I saw a sign around town that made me think of you. I wanted to let you know that I was praying for you!
KitchenKop says
Thanks again everyone, you are the BEST. (Kent has had meetings and has more tomorrow, thank you for continuing to pray!)
Erin says
Also wanted to say thank you for giving us guidance in how we can help!
Erin says
Definitely praying Kelly! Thank you for all you do to keep us informed.
Mary Eaton says
We love you Kelly!
Allyson Bossie says
prayers for a new path sooner than later 🙂
Armida Lopez says
You got it!
Dale says
Keep putting one foot in front of the other as they say, as you continue to live your journey, and may these foot steps each take you closer to where you need to be. Sometimes when a door closes, a window of opportunity opens up! Praying that happens!
Kim Janak Norwood says
I’ll be praying for you and your family!
Brenda Laracey Davis says
Prayers for your family. What field does Kent work in or would like to work in?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
@Brenda — can you email me? [email protected]
Michele Guest says
Praying for your family Kelly! You will get through this tough time by the grace of God! Hugs my friend!
Samantha Salyer Jacokes says
We have gone through the same thing three different times and thankfully things have worked out for the better each time. What field does Kent work in? We are in MI too, so maybe we know someone who can help!
Lisa Drury says
Just saw this post this morning Kel. We will pray for you guys and do what we can at our end.
Carol Clayton says
Lifting you and Kent up in prayer, Kel. God bless your family and your future. He WILL provide if you ask. Luke 11:5-13
Dianna Atchison says
Prayers for your family.
Patty Jess Conover says
St. Joseph- pray for us!
Cat Kidd Hamidi says
Praying for you and Kent.
Doug N Renee Nelson says
Prayers for your family. <3 Hang in there and trust God. Proverbs 3:5-6
Sandy Dau says
I will pray, Kelly! The same thing happened to us two years ago, and being in our 60’s, we were really concerned. But God provided in a way we never dreamed of! He will for you and Kent, also. Keep your eyes focused on Him, and you will be amazed at how “all things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purposes”. Blessings!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hey and if you guys would SHARE this post so more of my regular reader friends see it, I’d be grateful!!! 🙂
Mary Sheiko says
You are the best, Kelly!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Mary Sheiko — xoxoxox
Mary Alice Souther Phillips says
Praying, Kelly.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks Mary Alice Souther Phillips — I’m so thankful for your prayers!
KitchenKop says
Thank you all for your love, prayers, and sweet encouragement, big hugs to each one of you!!!!
Love, Kel
Theresa says
You and your family will be in my prayers <3 I agree with another commenter about the stress. I have also seen it be unhealthy and strain families. Trusting in the Lord to carry and provide is called living out your faith! Hugs,
Jo Schoeneck says
Oh Kelly! I am so sorry. We have been there a few times also when my girls were growing up and I know exactly what you’re feeling. Your head immediately takes stock of your finances and then races with how to cut expenses and how to make more income at the same time that the pit of your stomach feels like someone dropped a cannonball in it. I will be praying and helping in all the ways you listed. Let’s pray Kent steps into an better job than he left and that there are hidden blessings for all of you as you struggle together, knowing God can redeem any situation. Genesis 50:20-21. Romans 8:28.
lynnjoan says
Job stress can be so awful… 🙁 We will pray that God will give you and your husband clear direction….
Rachael R. says
You and your family are in my prayers. I’ve been reading your site for many years and appreciate all of your work and your integrity. I don’t do a whole lot of shopping, but will think of you the next time I go to make a purchase.
Blessings and Warm Regards,
Rachael R.
Sarah says
I will be praying for wisdom and direction for you and Kent. I dislike times like this but they have always been AMAZING times of seeing God’s hand at work in various ways! I will also be praying for comfort and peace for both of you!
KindFoodFarm says
You are in my thoughts and prayers, Kelly. Pulling for you guys!
Michele says
God’s got your back my friend! That you can count on =) Hugs and Prayers to you and Kent
Karen Christian says
Kelly, many prayers your way and best wishes. Thank you for the practical ways we can support you as well.
Lori says
Truly bless you….. 🙂
Lori says
Praying God gives you peace as you trust solely in Him. I know God has a plan for your family that will trult bless you!
Soli says
Much luck to all of you, Kelly.
Marcia says
Praying for you and your family during this stressful time. God is Faithful! My husband was downsized a few years back, so I can relate to the uncertainty and strain this puts on you both. We saw God provide in many unexpected ways. Trusting God with you for continued provision for all your needs, for your business to expand greatly, and for your husband to find the right fit at a good job.
1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
The Grainless Girl says
I’m praying for you! Also, thanks for your prayers! I have learned a lot reading your posts.
jmmatlock says
Kelly – Our family has “been there”; I know how scary it can be! I will be praying for you, Kent and your whole family in this tough season. God is able! I can tell you from the other side that what God gave us in that season of our lives was so worth it and I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I shop Amazon often, and will put a couple of reminders on my computer and tablet to help me remember to shop through your site. (((Hugs))) my friend!
Kathy says
I’ve followed you for a while now and have learned a lot. I too will be praying for your family and Kent as a new adventure is out there. God always provides for our needs.
Laura says
Prayers headed your way! Please don’t ever regret getting the truth out.
I will definitely be using your Amazon link for my purchases. Every little bit adds up!
“Choose faith over worry.”
Audry says
Saint Joseph, pray for us! Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us! A family novena to one or both is highly recommended.
Our prayers are with you and your family.
Jackie Graham says
Hi Kelly, praying for you and your family! I know it is difficult to face an uncertain future, but God has you in his hands and the reason for this time will become evident. You will soon see blessings! For my husband and myself, when times get tough, we see the strength of our marriage and support each other with loving kindness that takes us through to better times. I pray that this happens for you, also.
Lori Alexander says
I will pray for you, Kelly. It’s during times difficult times that our faith in the Lord grows stronger and is when we see more clearly that this isn’t our home and never will be. We have a MUCH better home being prepared for us. Thankfully, the Lord promises us that when we ask for wisdom, He freely gives it and I am positive He will give it to you and your husband.
Kimberly says
Hey Kel!
We JUST went through this at the end of last year, and it’s amazing to see how God can work. I’ll be praying he gives clear direction and wisdom, not to mention the faith and peace we could all use more of in times like this. Life is too short for Kent to be unhappy at work. This is exciting!
Linda says
Kelly, I’m so sorry your family is going through this difficult time. It’s so easy to blame yourself that you’re not doing enough, isn’t it? I’m guilty of that too. I also pray the best for you & am certain it will come. I have to remember to use your link to amazon. Is Kent on linkedin? I think that’s what it’s called. You probably already know it is an online service to help with careers.
Elihu says
Praying for you, Kelly. May the Lord give you peace as you wait on His perfect timing.
Debbie Thompson says
Praying for you and your family. As we have gone through job loss also, I know how stressful it can be, especially for the husband. I am confident that God will provide for you. As Padre Pio said, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”.
kathy S. says
So sorry to hear of your current difficulties. We have gone through similar things and God always provided for us. My husband probably worked for at least 12 companies during our 37 year marriage. He works in the food chain industry which is brutal. He was fired from 2 positions, and quit the other ones. We have moved about 17 times due to the job changes. It has been a difficult life, and somehow I was able to continue to homeschool our 4 children while being a stay at home mom. Our children are all grown now and have families of their own. I am grateful for God’s providence and the desire it inspired to live a more simple life. You are in my prayers.
Melinda D. Wood says
It will be an honor to take you and your family before the throne of God. I have used so many of your recipes and not one of them has ever failed in any way. The business world is highly stressful. My husband texted me a few months ago saying we were moving after a seriously stressful day at work. So I can definitely relate. Thanks for the good information on how we can help your family.
Jan says
Kelly, thank you for sharing your family’s need for prayer. It’s difficult for me to be transparent (pride), and I so admire and appreciate that form of humility in the lives of others. Thank you for encouraging me in this way today. Please know that I’m praying for your family. I’m reminded of the Bible story of the loaves and fishes. When given to God, little can become much. My prayer for you is that Kitchen Kop will be blessed by God in un-imagineable ways for the support of your family. I’m also praying for direction for your husband. God bless you and your family.
Ephesians 3:20 Living Bible (TLB)
“Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.”
Kristy A says
Hi Kelly, I’ve been a reader for a long time. You have been a constant when my world was uncertain. Thank you for that. Here is a site you may find helpful, Pray more it helped me tremendously. I will definitely link to amazon through your blog when making purchases. God bless Kelly, your family is in my prayers.
Mimi Terry says
We empathize with you, having gone through the same thing at older ages than you and Kent. What we found, not surprisingly, is that once again, God did NOT abandon us, but lifted us up, protected and guided us through the difficult time. Stay strong in your faith in Him. He will do the same for you. John & Terry Osborne
Michelle says
Will be praying for you.
Pat Bourret says
Will keep you and Kent in my prayers. It is a blessing that he did quit when he did or the stress would have put him in the hospital or even worse. I have seen it firsthand what stress at a job can do. I will continue to pray for God’s guidance and direction, blessings, or whatever your needs may be. Stay strong as God will be there for you and your family.
Linda Hermanson says
Praying for peace while you wait for His timing. He knew about this way before you folks did. He has a plan for you!