Good morning, reader friends. 🙂 I hope you had a fun weekend. I got to take a little scrapbooking get-away with my Mom, aunts, sisters, & cousin up at my Aunt & Uncle’s in Traverse City, MI. Check out the gorgeous fall view of the Grand Traverse Bay from their home:
And in case you’re wondering, no, I’m not much of a scrapbooker. I do like to do it, but only get to about once a year when we do this annual trip. (Hmmm, maybe I'd have more time for that if I didn’t write a blog, eh?!)
Here’s what I’ve got for you this week…
- Check out my other new post today for this super easy Kettle Corn recipe!
- Have you signed up yet for the Urban Homemaker Giveaway? There’s still time and the item has a $59.95 value!
- UPDATE – I had an article up about the dangers of microwave use, but it's not there right now. For now, have you seen my original post on microwave dangers? Don’t freak out, just read it and let it slowly enter your radar.
- Have you heard about the nastiness going on down in GA? Here’s one blogger’s excellent response to that. (Thank you, Elaine, for keeping me up on all this!)
- Find out some great news about a couple of Real Food Media bloggers at this post from Augie!
Have a great week!
Local Nourishment says
I asked my dairy farmer about the Athens Raw Milk plunder. She said it could have been avoided if the SC dairy had a GA Pet Milk license or the GA customers had purchased local instead. I know there are no GA providers listed on the page. But I agree with elaine: better to buy pet milk from a trusted source than to impose irrational government regulations on safe dairies for the sake of “legalized” raw milk. For us, it’s all about getting to know our farmers and who we trust.
elaine says
Hi “Michelle in GA” – it’s nice to see a fellow Georgian (and Melody Joy) — thanks for the update. That’s pretty much what I had heard but I wasn’t sure I was completely up to date.
I hope and pray “legalizing” the sale of raw milk here in Ga. doesn’t actually make things worse : / I’m okay with giving my dog “pet milk” and I’d rather it stay like this than go to something like “cow shares” or running the risk that we would put small farms out of business with a gazillion governmental requirements.
michelle in GA says
The GA Dept of Ag ended up pouring out the milk. There were raw milk supporters present all day, and they were allowed to drink some of the milk (according to the account I read – I was not there). There is a bill going to the GA legislature to allow the sale of raw milk for human consumption. (Currenly, it is allowed only for pets.) There is much discussion on our local WAPF list about it — trying to balance the permission to sell the milk with the desire to avoid imposing unduly burdensome requirements that ultimately would be to the detriment of our small local farmers.
elaine says
Thanks for posting the news about what happened in little ‘ole Athens, Georgia. Incidents like this have the potential to affect more of us than just those poor folks in Athens who had to pour their milk down the drain (waaa!). It is an important reminder to me to stay plugged in to what is going on in the “real food” world — not just what’s happening in my back yard.
KitchenKop says
Pamela, I just spent some time over there trying to find it, I wish I’d read your comment first! I’ll go fix my post, thank you for telling me!
Melody Joy says
Wow! I live about an hour from Athens, closer to the SC Border, so we actually get to purchase our milk in SC, making it much easier on us as far as the authorities. But things like this just get me upset! I don’t understand why we can legally buy and sell things that are harmful for health as long as the surgeon general’s warning is present, but things that are beneficial have to be regulated so drastically. It makes no sense.
Pamela @ Seeds of Nutrition says
Hi Kelly…..
I just read Jen’s comment above for link on dangers of microwaves not working.
With my blog back up and running correctly it’s one of the postings I had to remove because of some difficulties. I’ll be reposting later. We are doing some more in depth research to verify the information since we are finding there’s some conflicting reports and documentation.
Thanks so much for linking me though. It will help my readership rebuild it’s self after all my blog woes.
Sara says
I hadn’t heard about the GA raw milk debacle. I hope my supplier isn’t harrassed. I also hate to think of going back to the grocery store for milk! gag.
Jen says
Hi Kelly. The link to the dangers of microwave use article isn’t working for me.
Ooooh, that situation with raw milk in GA makes me so angry! LOVE the response! When will the government agencies ever “get it”???