If you were lucky enough not to follow my tweets all weekend, then you didn’t have to witness a whiny pity party because more hours of my life were wasted on technology. The iPhone was making me crazy again and this time it looks like it was due to more problems with Outlook/Windows. (Seven hours on the phone with Apple on Saturday, and two more on Sunday.) Of course I just got this new PC in March, so I can’t justify buying a new Mac… For those of you who want to remind me that there are much bigger problems in the world, believe me, I know. Part of my frustration is knowing I shouldn’t be so upset over something that really doesn’t matter. OK, enough whining about my weekend, I’ve got some great Real Food goodies for you…
Another tweet you may have missed, but a much more cheery one: I read these 3 books to my kids last night. One teaches about eating right in a fun way, and the others teach your kids about being kind and loving others. They’re my favorites and I think every parent should read these to their kids. 🙂
- Read Dan's take on the movie,
“Ingreedients”. Is there any way us Real Foodies couldn’t love it with that great name?
- You’ve got to watch this video with Michael Pollan that Kristen (“Food Renegade”) posted last week. And get this, he’s coming to Lansing in April and I get to go see him! If you want to ride over together or meet some of us who are going and possibly get a group rate (?), email me.
- Should we drink juice? See what Donielle says about this hot topic, especially if you have kids. (p.s. We have juice maybe once a month around here, unless we’re having a little in our kefir soda pop, which is only 1/3 strength…)
- Thanks to Jo-Lynne for pointing me to this from Fathead about Statins. (I’d have caught it myself when it was more timely to post if he’d add an email subscription option to his site – I’m sorry, but I’m just not a feed-reader!)
OK, this Rice Cereal Can Wait article started out so good, telling us how rice cereal is no longer considered the best first food for a baby since it lacks nutrients (not to mention that it’s a super-processed food), but then he had to go and say this: “In addition, saturated and trans fats should be limited, as should sugar, said Dr. Greer.” Why oh WHY would he continue to lump healthful, immune-system building saturated fats with trans fats and sugar?! Babies NEED those healthy fats so their brains can grow properly! (Thanks to @CrunchyMummy for finding and Tweeting this last week.) Read more about healthy foods for your baby.
Have a great week!
Photo credit for cereal & for Ingreedients.
Martha says
I read (I think from Mercola) that cell phones should be at least 3 feet away. I leave mine off and in the car since I basically only have one for “emergency” situations. I have it on when my kids may need to get a hold of me. That said, all our house phones are cordless and we have wi-fi in the house, so I doubt those steps make much difference.
Ellen says
I agree, Kelly! Where *is* all the research?? I have been hoping that the air-filled tube earpiece (Bluetube is the only one I know about) will act like a stethoscope and put a short buffer between my head and the signal. Who is to say that will be enough, or that the signal from the rest of the wire isn’t amplified and still reaching my head? I am constantly astonished at the lack of research and evidence out there about the health effects of cell phones, which play such a major part of our lives.
tina says
Processed juice is sugar water. That’s the way I look at it anyway. I use a handheld juicer and juicer orange for my boys a few times a month. Other than that, they get no juice.
peggy says
I currently am using a flat little “square” that I can carry in my pocket, bra or place on my computer, and a little “button” that adheres to my cell phone. I am lucky that I can keep my cell phone off. I do not carry it on my person. Here is the web site. It was recommended to me by a health-care specialist.
I only pray that it works.
Enjoy every word you write! MUCHAS GRACIAS!
KitchenKop says
I wish I knew about those Mercola earpiece things. Probably the only one telling us how great they are is Mercola. Not that that means they *don’t* work, but as always, I’d like to hear it from another reputable source.
Traditional pickled eggs? Now you’re REALLY over my head. Did you Google it? Sorry I can’t now. I’m at that time of night where I have to get through my to-do list only so I can go to bed!
Paula says
Off topic question alert!!!
Ove at http://www.backyardchickens.com, we are trying to figure out a safe way to pickle eggs.
The modern way is to brine and can them.
Can we figure out if there is an old traditional method for short term lacto fermented “pickled” eggs?
Ellen says
I like my Bluetube fine. Dr. Mercola keeps changing the way the earpiece fits and I actually liked the older one better. But, I haven’t tried the newest one yet! I find that I use the speaker about 1/2 the time and the Bluetube the rest of the time. I don’t know about the buttons… It seems to me that distance is the best way to keep the radiation away.
elaine says
I had seen those Bluetube things that Dr. Mercola sells – would you recommend them? I had thought about getting them. My son has a Blackberry that lives in his back pocket (or attached to his ear!) and of course, at 19, he is so much smarter than me that he thinks I’m being silly about all of this. I woiuld like to find out if those little button things that the hfs sells are really worth it. We leave cell phones off when at home (except the darling son).
Ellen says
I posted an article this week on cell phones and health at BodyEarth
It seems they are particularly risky for children as the radiation can penetrate their skulls more!
I don’t have an iPhone, but I have heard that the instructions that come with it suggest keeping it at least one inch away from your body. It’s hard to carry it in a pocket that way! Of course, the farther away, the better.
When I use my cell phone I either put it on speaker or attach a Bluetube earpiece that Dr. Mercola sells. It has a tube filled with air to transmit the sound to the ear so that the wire isn’t transmitting as much radiation to the head. I rarely let my child use it, and now only on speaker.
CrunchyMummy says
I can’t take full credit for finding that article (although thanks for the hap-tip!). I saw it when @Dou_la_la tweeted it.
Great post!
Kat says
I make a point of not allowing cell phones in the bedroom overnight. As for during the day, I leave mine in my purse. At work that ends up being about 5 feet away from me in a drawer at my desk. At home it’s usually in the front entrance/hallway so it’s quite far from me. I tend to leave it on a loud ring, and use Skype for making calls when I’m working or at the computer.
I’m trying to remind my bf to stop keeping his in his pants pocket, and to leave it on the desk or something while at work.
elaine says
My local health food store has a little gizmo that they say “interrupts” the radiation. It’s a little stick-on type button. It’s just hard to know if these things really work or is it snake oil? Also, supposedely (sp?) the cordless home phones are just as bad with radiation as cell phones!! We’ve actually gotten a couple of old landlines out of the basement and dusted them off and put them in a couple of rooms. With the hubby out of work and our budget limited I’m finding that I’m able to do the “elimination” type things (also with cleaning products – using vinegar and baking soda) easier than some of the pricier food related things (I’m really looking forward to being able to order Alaskan Salmon!!) — but for now it helps me to know that I am still being proactive about our health.
KitchenKop says
Hi everyone, I looooove reading your comments, thank you so much for taking the time to do it.
Elaine, funny you say that because Ellen (first commenter) just sent me a great post on this topic that I plan to link to next Monday. It’s got me thinking more. As a matter of fact I just moved my iPhone over a ways from me on the couch…but how far is far enough?
Kate says
I’m glad they are starting to speak out against rice cereal. We hadn’t planned on giving it to my son ever (6 months this week and no solids yet or for awhile). Recently we found out we are actually allergic to rice anyway! Egg yolks with coconut oil, tiny bits of grassfed beef, and organic vegetables will be among his firsts. I did a post about baby-led solids awhile back actually.
As for juice, I didn’t used to drink it too often (except in kefir, which, like yours, is 1/3 strength), but now I am sugar and grain-free for awhile to cure yeast and a glass of orange juice is the only thing keeping me from being violently ill right now. My daughter drinks mostly filtered water and sometimes coconut milk. 🙂
elaine says
Sorry about your telephone woes – but it made me wonder … have you seen some of the articles (Dr. Mercola and others) about the high levels of radiation that the IPhones emit? They are at the top of the list.
I read the link that AnnMarie posted on FB about iodine and one of the things they suggested was what to “eliminate” from your life (harmful toxins in cleaning products and health care products, etc) in addition to what to “supplement” — their premise was there is no sense in spending the money to add things to your life if your body is so taxed trying to deal with the toxic load it is already under. Really got me thinking…
chanelle says
I really enjoyed the posts about feeding baby. I just had my 4th 3 months ago, and I could relate to the guest post–I’ve gotten better educated as I’ve gone along. No rice cereal for this little guy (when he starts solids).
Thanks for the great link on juice too.
Martha says
Sorry about your tech troubles. My hubby is a “computer geek” and is continually upset by the problems/incompetence/etc in the technology and software as it comes out. So many seemingly little things that waste hours of time.
Emily says
LOL, Kelly, I can totally related to your frustrations w/ technology (ask DH)!
Anyway, I’m going to have to check out those books; they look wonderful. And hopefully “Ingreedients” may be out on DVD at some point?
RE saturated fats: It’s kind of crazy that now that eggs are considered healthy again, people are eating coconut oil like candy, and what with the Beef Board pushing their wares, that the “saturated fats are bad for you” myth would persist. (I would think that the beef people would create their own study to “prove” that saturated fats are healthy.)
I guess it’s just going to take some time and a lot of bloggers writing the truth before people start learning the truth.
Ellen says
Hi, Kelly.
Fruit juice is a big concern for us, too. I used to send my son to school with a juice box every day (organic, no high fructose corn syrup, no added sugar), but have backed way off this year. Now he gets one maybe once or twice a month, for special occasions. He’s very slender and active, so I don’t worry about calories. What I’m concerned about is actually the fructose. It has been shown to raise triglyceride levels and contribute to metabolic syndrome.
Also, the chocolate milk they give the kids at our school contains HFCS — just like drinking a soda.