Remember Julie's guest interview? This post idea comes from her sister, Laura. Laura & her friend, Susan (my neighbor) think Julie & I are a couple of crazies. (We love to laugh about it!) She said that since she doesn't know what something like “fermentation” even IS (mentioned in Julie's interview), and she doesn't see herself doing something as “radical” as switching to raw milk,for example, (how ironic that it's seen that way these days, when for centuries that's all people drank!), she suggested I give tips now and then for beginners. I'll try to give a new, simple Health & Nutrition tip each week.
If reading this blog overwhelms you, I know how you feel, I felt this way in the beginning, too (and still do some days). Just take baby steps, and do what you can!
Julie, Laura, Susan
This week I'm giving another suggestion that involves reading labels – can you tell I want you to get into that habit? It's very important for good health to know what you're putting into your body! For this week, start avoiding high fructose corn syrup! Yes, this means NO SODA POP! (Unless you find the kind made only with real fruit juice and sparkling water – my kids love to drink an “Izze” now and then for a special treat!) ***This ingredient is similar to trans fats in two ways:
1. High fructose corn syrup, like trans fat, is also a HEART KILLER – and there is no debate over it – it is widely know that these will significantly increase your likelihood to get heart disease, diabetes & obesity – the “big three” that are like an epidemic here in America.
2. Also like trans fat, a few years ago it was nearly impossible to avoid it unless you totally went organic, but now more food manufacturers are realizing that if they want your money, they'd better make options without it. If you can't find options without it, like bread for example, then you're only choice is to buy organic – so in that case start by making the switch on things your family eats a lot of. If you're a big bread-eating family, go organic. If your kids put ketchup on everything, go organic. But if you can't afford to totally get away from it for now, don't worry so much about the things you eat rarely.
Believe it or not, soon you'll get so good at this that your eyes will be able to quickly scan labels and the junk will be back on the shelf and NOT in your cart in no time at all!
Start reading labels and avoid anything with trans-fats. This shouldn't be too tricky, as manufacturers are finally catching on that consumers want to avoid it. If you are having trouble finding what you want, you may need to buy organic. Remember, don't believe the label if it reads, “Zero trans fats”! Look on the ingredient list, and if you see, “partially hydrogenated _____ oil” (the type of oil varies), then don't buy it! Read more here about trans fats.
So that's it, only one new thing to do this week to bring you and/or your family to better health, you can do it! 🙂
- Scroll down through all the Rookie Tips, beginning with the newest
- Eating healthy, without sacrifices
- Where is the truth on health & nutrition?
- Eating healthy on a budget
Alexx says
For the Canadian readers – High-Fructose Corn Syrup is called Glucose-Fructose up here.