You know you're doing something right when Monsanto sends its thugs after you. But what I don't get is this: how can these clowns not realize that their mafia tactics are broadcasting their deeply corrupt nature to the entire world? They've got a lot of money on the line, so that tends to cloud their judgement I suppose.
(I touched on this in my Monday post, but I had to tell you more!)
Their latest move is to go after Dr. Oz:
First, watch these videos and you'll see why Monsanto is on attack, you will love this guys — the truth is presented so clearly, woohoo Dr. Oz!!!
More from Natural News:
Dr. Oz should be given a Congressional medal of some kind for his willingness to expose the truth about glyphosate on national television. In a recent episode that went viral, Dr. Oz discussed the toxicity of the biotech industry's favorite pesticide “glyphosate” — a dangerous chemical that even the World Health Organization now admits likely causes cancer.
In response to this episode, the so-called “Monsanto Mafia” went berserk with all their usual character assassination tactics, and now they've come up with a contrived plot — a campaign of intimidation and character smearing — to try to silence Dr. Oz by destroying his credibility.
A letter signed by ten doctors — all of whom have financial ties to industry — calls for Columbia University to force Dr. Oz to resign from the university's Department of Surgery. (Source)
Do I believe everything Dr. Oz says is spot-on, or that we should blindly follow all the advice he shares on TV?
Of course not (I ask you ALL the time around here not to blindly follow anyone), but he certainly seems to be coming along in his views and helping people to think beyond what's “normal”. Read my post from a while back, The Ignorance of Dr. Oz, where I rant about his misunderstanding on the issue of saturated fats — although hopefully he has come around more on that issue by now, too!
They're also attempting to roast Dr. Oz because he's promoting alternative treatment options and homeopathy!!!
There were — and still are — plenty of reasons to be skeptical about Oz's medical advice. Oz has long been a proponent of homeopathy, an alternative therapy, despite the fact that it defies the basic laws of science and has been shown in numerous studies to be useless. (Source)
Oh really? I'm sure Joette Calabrese could give us hundreds of stories of people helped via homeopathy!
Check out this one:
“I feel strongly,” Oz said, “that in the West we have come to believe that medicine offers all the solutions, and so we no longer play the proactive role we should be playing.” (Source)
No wonder they don't like him. We wouldn't want people avoiding medicine now would we?! (Please forgive my sarcasm.)
Here's an excerpt from the letter written by the doctors to Columbia University:
Dr. Oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine, as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops. Worst of all, he has manifested an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain. (Source)
That got them a short but quite sweet reply. Columbia University replied to Dr. Miller:
Dear Dr. Miller et al,
As I am sure you understand and appreciate, Columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding faculty members' freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion.
Doug Levy
Chief Communications Officer
Columbia University Medical Center (Source)
Well, what do you think about all of this? Please share in the comments, and also share this post with those you know need to hear it!
- Oz claimed some of the doctors who have accused him of conflict of interest have a conflict of interest themselves surrounding GMO. He ticked off the names of some of the letter signers and pointed to their own ties to industries involved with GMO’s. (Source)
- More details on these doctors' links to Monsanto
Billie D says
Good for Mr Levy at Columbia!! Dr Oz, keep telling it like it is!!
Catherine says
This article conflates so many issues, I’m left a little dizzy. Dr. Oz has done some great work getting the word out on certain issues (i.e. GMO’s, home birth, importance of whole foods). But that does not redeem him for the many years of hyperbole & pseudoscience & shameless sales pitching. Which is a huge impetus for: 1. Congress calling him to testify and 2. The current petition calling for him to be removed as Head of Surgery at Columbia. I am well aware that Monsanto wields a lot of backroom influence and I despise them for it. But to write this off as the work of a group of conspirators is a gross oversimplification. Dr. Oz is being called to answer for a parade of dubious and, at times, dangerous claims (anyone remember raspberry ketones?).
Also, homeopathy does defy reason. For anyone who cares about food and alternative medicine: it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Dr. Oz’s lack of scientific rigor tarnishes our entire community, just as homeopathy gives the entire alt med arsenal a bad name. What a shame.
Kelly Cook says
How does homeopathy defy reason?
Sherri says
I have been studying (& using) homeopathy for about 10 years now and I have found it to be the only form of medicine that is logical. The more I study it, the more I am amazed how true and accurate it is in regards to the laws of science – it is reproducible with exact same results time and time again. Homeopathy operates under the “law of similars”, which states that any substance that can cause symptoms when given to a healthy person can help to heal those who are experiencing similar symptoms. This is nothing fake or faddish about it. This law has been in existence since the universe was created. Nothing can change it. Man’s opinion can’t change it, just like we can’t change the law of gravity. It exists and is real whether we accept it or not. Man’s challenge is to test this law for himself, and only then will he understand the truth.
Anyone who undertakes a study of homeopathy must also make sure he is studying “true” homeopathy as set for by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He must also verify that he is dealing with remedies that are made correctly. Homeopathy is not herbs or any other alternative medicine. The remedies are made according to strict scientific regulations, which is a method of diluting substances that minimize the toxic properties while at the same time magnifying the cure. This is called potentization and this is the key that differentiates homeopathy from any other type of medicine.
They have been many who have tried to discredit homeopathy, but when they seriously study it they find that it is real and cannot be discredited.
barbara vee says
I love Doctor Oz and KUDOS to him for standing up for what he believes. He gives us information and viewpoints to make our OWN health decisions. I personally hate the GMO and insecticides used on our foods which has caused the majority of cancers in our world. I am disgusted that labeling doesn’t disclose GMO foods and MORE. The USA let’s big business dictate too many things that hurt the majority of the population with much more than just GMO’s….but it is a start.
birdiebaby says
Go get them Dr. Oz, it’s about time people take responsibility for their heath and expose the Monsanto story.
Our food is being poisoned, and it not necessary. Who really has the conflict of interests? What about the lobbyists and insurance companies, along with the doctors. What would they do if we were all healthy? Hmmmm…..
Elisa | blissful E says
I can’t see the video you linked to here in Australia – it comes up with an error message, “the video you are trying to watch cannot be viewed from your current country or location.” That’s too bad, because it looks like the genetic modifications are creeping into our food supply here, too…
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Elisa, try watching in another browser, that works a lot of the time!
Homebird says
Hi Elisa
I’m in NZ and get this all the time. I’ve installed the Hola app into my browser. It’s free and you can select the country you want to view from. Very easy. You can Google it.
KitchenKop says
Thanks so much, I’ll try to remember that one!
Elisa | blissful E says
Wow, that is a breakthrough in browsing technology right there. Thanks for the heads-up, Homebird! I can see the video now! 🙂
Elaine says
You know what’s comical? Dr. Oz “Didn’t Even Say” he was “opposed” to GMOs – just that he supports “labeling GMOs.” Wow I wonder what they would have done if he said he was opposed. They are running scared and I say, it’s about time!
KitchenKop says
Elaine, you’re right!!! The whole thing is so laughable, yet SCARY at the same time because these people are *really* that dense.
Beverly Smith says
If GMO’s were so good for us, why would Monsanto have to go to such lengths to defend them? Maybe they’re getting a little bit nervous with all the expoursure, information, and proven science that this is just plain bad for us, plain and simple. Knowing what we know about glyphosate, how in the world can a fairly intelligent person think differently. Many of the harmful things that are allowed by our Department of Agriculture and FDA are not allowed in other countries. What does that tell you? I am thrilled to constantly receive information about what is in our food chain and to see more and more products labeled non-GMO. I think it would be very interesting if a reporter would research where people who hold top positions with the FDA and the Dept. Of Agriculture, go if they leave their positions. Something to think about!!!!!!!
Wayne Gage says
“… and proven science that this is just plain bad for us” Gmo’s have not been proven bad for us. Without GMO’s you would have much less food on your dining table.
Beverly Smith says
To put it very simply, how can eating glyphosate be good for us?
Sonja Sarr says
I LOVE that this is getting exposure. I tape all of the Dr. Oz episodes, and I agree. You need to filter everything and continually be discerning. With SOOO much, he is spot on (whole foods and exercise) and has a huge following. SO if he says it, there will be lots of exposure/traffic, etc…and ideas are shared with a vast amount of people who start to question. And that is a GREAT thing! We need to be educated about what goes in and on our food, and to know how it’s grown so we can make decisions for ourselves in regards to buying organic, etc…So when Dr. Oz exposes the realities of glyphosate, that sure hurts Monsanto. And that’s a good thing, too.
Gordon says
I can’t stand Dr. Oz. He’s a self-promoting huckster. I quit watching his show for that reason. I like Monsanto and GMOs even less than I dislike and distrust Oz..