Good morning readers!
It's back-to-school time and tomorrow we'll be knee-deep into our new curriculum. Yikes. It sounds like a lot of work for the kids and mom because none of the subjects are combined for the different grades. (I really liked combining things last year.) I'm going to implement a new daily schedule for myself so I can attempt to stay on top of things. (Did you see my post I pulled from the archives the other day: How to you prioritize your day and what do you let go for the sake of sanity?) I'll let you know how it goes…
Here's what's up today:
- Jill wrote an interesting and comprehensive post on mammograms that you won't want to miss: 3 Risks Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Mammography. “As with all medically approved accepted techniques and tools there comes before it a web of interrelationships between the politicians who approve the grant money, the research institutes who parcel out that money to their labs, the interest groups and other economically driven relationships between government and business that drive the approval of any new breakthrough in medicine. Make no mistake about it, it much more than just trying to save lives.” Read more on this: Are the Pink Ribbons a Big Scam?
- You wanna see my favorite Facebook picture from last week?
- Well, actually, maybe it was this one:
- Remember a while back I was having issues with grease stains on my shirts (since I never could remember to throw an apron on)? Some of you had suggested Lestoil and I'm here to tell you: that stuff works, thanks everyone!!!
- Thank you Emily for sending this article, “Adolescents are what they don't eat, too.” This will give you even more reasons to eat pastured meats (read more about the benefits here or find where to get it here) or to take your fermented cod liver oil (read more about why you should here or find where to get it here)!!
- If you've been following the Bakers Green Acres story and live anywhere near Indiana, you'll want to come to the Farm Fest 2013 Baker family fundraiser event in Indiana later this month, generously hosted by Seven Sons Farm. Mark Baker and Kimberly Hartke will be speaking. “Their farm festival is an annual event, drawing up to 700 people out to the farm for a relaxing day. Hay wagon rides, straw mazes, farm animal petting, and a smoked beef brisket lunch promise an exciting (and delicious!) day on the farm for the entire family.” Get all the scoop here!
- I've told you before that we love the Brady Bunch around here. (Well the kids and I do, Kent not so much.) Yes, I know the acting isn't the greatest in spots, but there's just something about that show… We've seen the 1st season over and over and have now moved on to the Brady Bunch 2nd Season. Is this weird? 🙂
- This link is unrelated to health and nutrition, but is related to education as discussed above and it fired up a big ol' conversation on Facebook: Kids Go to College or You'll Die Alone in Misery. Jump into the Facebook conversation here.
- My friend Stan, author of Tender Grassfed Meat, sent me the following article: USFDA Allows Chemicals in Food Despite Lack of Toxicity Testing. “A commentary by Dr. Marion Nestle highlights the obvious conflicts of interest as one of the biggest problems with chemical food additive regulations (or lack thereof). She emphasizes the fact that Pew reported that all – that’s 100% – of the members of the expert panels that review food additives to make GRAS determinations have financial relationships with companies that manufacture the food additives being reviewed. Follow the money! ” Not surprising, but wow. And people wonder why I make such a big deal about reading labels…
Have a great week!
Pat says
Hi Kelly,
Just saw your snippet about getting grease stains out of your clothes. I, too, don’t use and apron, (or a bib), so I get those little spots. I read not long ago about using eucalyptus oil to remove grease stains, and by golly, it works. I just happened to have a small bottle in my cabinet and dabbed a little on some stains, and they came out! I also used it on some dark spots that had washed into a white shirt, and they were gone, too! I like this much better than using a “degreaser”. If you have already covered this, sorry, I don’t get to read all the posts. Love your blog. Thanks and good luck with school!
Jeanmarie says
Love the new Facebook meme-graphs. I will have to pass them along!
This line really makes my blood boil:
“Pew reported that all – that’s 100% – of the members of the expert panels that review food additives to make GRAS determinations have financial relationships with companies that manufacture the food additives being reviewed. Follow the money! ”
Does anybody really doubt anymore that food manufacturers have little interest in promoting health?! Grrrr. I’d like to make a sweeping generalization about evil food companies, but fortunately, a few good ones in the Real Food/Paleo/Primal world have sprung up. Food companies *can* act ethically and for our benefit while making a profit. I’m not sure it’s possible as a publicly traded stock corporation, though.