Good morning everyone, I hope you're off to a great week. We could use more prayers, as Mom has been in pain and then when we got that under control she was nauseous. I've been up there quite a bit helping to care for her and so thankful that I can be. (Thanks for understanding why I'm not posting as much!) Her biopsy is this week and then we'll finally find out everything at the oncologist appointment. It'll be nice to be out of limbo and I'm trying to not be fearful, knowing that Jesus has us all in the palm of His hand (I have to remind myself that a lot), but wow, it's not easy. (Here's my original post about Mom.)
Here's what I've got for you this week…
- First, I have a big question that I'm hoping you'll all answer for me: These Monday posts take up a lot of time on the weekends trying to pull together interesting and useful links for you, but I know most of you really like reading the stuff I find, so I don't want to stop doing them. I'm thinking of gathering the info in a different format from now on – so instead of all the links being listed here, you'd need to click over and check out the new articles or videos in a separate place. This would make it easier for me to gather the info all throughout the week, and you could either just peek in on Mondays OR subscribe to get updates daily, whichever you prefer. ***Here's my question: Would you still pop over to read the new stuff if it meant an extra click or no? THANK YOU to all of you who do share your thoughts – please email me ([email protected]) and put MONDAYS in the subject line, I really appreciate it guys. 🙂
- Just for fun, compare these two Time magazine covers: the most recent cover and one from 1984. It's interesting that Ancel Keys also made Time's cover in 1961 for his lipid hypothesis–which propagated the myth that dietary saturated fat causes heart disease. Read more about healthy fats here. Read the Facebook comments here.
Has your life been touched by a child with chronic illness? 14 children….18 months…One Goal: Recovery! You've got to watch this tear-jerker but amazing video — click here. I hope you can help them get this film made, people need to KNOW that recovery is POSSIBLE for kids with Autism, ADD/ADHD, allergies, asthma, obesity, learning disabilities. (And here is a resource for starting on the GAPS Diet which has helped heal many of these health issues.)
- Can cancer be starved? There's a lot of interesting info in this video, but there were a few red flags… Red flag #1: He's working with Dean Ornish to do further research. Eeek. He's a major low fat guy. (Read about healthy fats here.) Red flag #2: Some statins are helpful? Hmmm…? There was a lot that I did love in the video, including this: “This is one of the themes I'm talking about is that we can empower ourselves to do the things doctors can't do for us, which is to use knowledge and take action. If mother nature has given us some clues, and we think there might be some new future in the value of how we eat, then what we eat is truly our chemotherapy.”
- I always include some unrelated-to-food stories in my Monday Mix-Up posts, and this one brought tears to my eyes because good friends of ours lost their son to a drug overdose not that long ago: Scary Mary Presiding.
- See which Facebook post got the most shares last week!!! (Not sure I could live there, though, what about you?)
- This is hilarious! If you've ever eaten a lot of beets, you'll relate:
- I loved this from Dyno-Mom: Five Reasons Not to Have Kids.
- Want to find sprouted grain breakfast cereal, safe seafood, real olive oil, junk-free chocolate candy, the best fish oil, fermented food starters, soy-free mayo, meal plans, soaked nut butters, and more? Find all sorts of gems for real foodies on my resources page.
Have a great week!
Tina says
Starving cancer theory….I wanted to share a few thoughts on this. We landed in WAP and Dr. Natasha (GAPs) world about the same time I did my first juice fast for health. I was a bit confused about the differing food theories and rules in the juice fast/raw food/ primarily vegetarian stance vs clean meat eating and bone broth stance of WAP/Dr. Natasha. Someone explained it well though. The meat eating bone broth is nourishing and maintaining, where the juice fast, low fat, primarily raw and veggie diet is a healing diet. Of course, having said that. there is still confusion. Some say that cancer cells won’t live in an alkaline environment, hence the high veggies, but then others say that the only tried and true studies on that show that Vit C is one of the few things that will stop cancer. Dr. Mercola had an interesting article on that which I came across when I was trying to determine if alkaline water was worth the cost and effort. ( He says no, others agree with him….and they say that cancer will grow in an alkaline environment.) The big issues everyone seem to agree on is that you want to remove all sugars, wheats, GMOs and heavy starches when trying to heal a cancer situation.
Have you looked into German New Medicine for Cancer?
Good luck, I can’t even imagine how difficult this is for you but please know we are all in your corner praying for you and offering any help we can
T~ says
That is an interesting TED talk though…I agree with your concerns listed..and I also wish he would have been a bit more emphatic about the “sustainably grown” foods. If you take a healthy food like tea or strawberries and coat it in carcinogenic fertilizer compounds or genetically modify it to contain carcinogenic round up or other pesticide/herbicides, I don’t think it will give the same results. There are more factors at play then just the food supply as an environmental impact. Would you agree with that? Overall though, it does show why so many people have such great results with juicing and diet improvements to combat cancer.
Lori Alexander says
Loved the article about reasons not to have children. I have decided to ALWAYS listen to God instead of man and He calls children a gift and a blessing. Our children are our greatest blessing by far. Kelly Crawford is a mother of 10 children and wrote a great post about the misconceptions of mothers with many children. Here is her link if anyone is interested {I love her blog!}
KitchenKop says
Thanks for sharing that, Lori, I loved it!