A reader unsubscribed from my blog updates not long ago and said it's because I'd gotten “so negative lately” – do you think so? I do tend to go off on my rants at times! Like Friday's post, Consumers Wants to Poison Our Woods. Sometimes rants are justified and necessary, though, plain and simple. I know that most of you get that, right?!
Sooooooo, I'll begin today with something very positive…
- Here's an absolutely beautiful little film that ends with the words, “Giving is the Best Communication”.
- Those of you who know me well (which I guess is any of you faithful readers!) might find this hard to believe, but I used to be really shy as a kid. I couldn't stand that feeling, and I remember around junior high age or so making a conscious decision to “act as if” I was not shy. I must have heard about this idea somewhere and gave it a try. Guess what? I don't remember being shy since. It's not that I'm comfortable in every situation nowadays, not at all, but I did become what some would call an extrovert. I do still have some introverted tendencies, though, such as a deep enjoyment of my alone time, but that could be due to this thing called, Motherhood. Ha! My point to all of this is to introduce you to my new favorite blogger (with no health or nutrition connection that I've seen so far), Matt Walsh, who wrote a great post last week called, “I'm an Introvert and I Don't Need to Come Out of My Shell.” This line was one of my favorites: “We live in a country where it’s perfectly acceptable to find the silent person in the back of the room and say, in as loud and shrill a voice as possible, “WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET?!” Yet I’ll be frowned upon if I walk up to some gossiping blabbermouth at the food court and innocently inquire as to if, and when, they plan on shutting their mouth for 15 seconds.” He also has some great remarks about the myth that homeschoolers need to be socialized, and I couldn't agree more with his opinion on small talk. Be sure to check out his other recent posts that you will not want to miss, trust me. A couple of examples: I am a biological terrorist because my kids didn’t get a vaccine and Christianity has done more for science than atheism ever could.
- Back to food chit chat. With all the parchment paper I go through, I've been thinking about getting these Artisan Silicone Baking Mats. They are way more affordable than Silpats, but what do you think? Anybody use them?
- I guess we don't have to worry about plastic toxins anymore now, huh? EPA Quietly Withdraws Two Proposed Chemical Safety Rules. In an email statement to The Huffington Post, an EPA spokesman said that the rules were being withdrawn because “they are no longer necessary.” ???
- Here is a cute (and informative!) video from Genevieve of Mama Natural (don't you love her?) called, “Olive Oil Scam Revealed!” (You can find trusted olive oil here.)
- A good friend emailed me and had this story to share: “I'm at the market right now and was just visiting with one of the local family-run pastured chicken farm owners here. There's a Cargill plant here in town as well as a another nasty industrial chicken processing plant, and a maintenance person for one of those places was here a while ago visiting with him. He told him that if it weren't for small family farms like his, he'd be a vegetarian. He then went on to tell the horrors of industrial chicken processing. Nasty, nasty stuff. He added that he never eats deli meats, chicken nuggets, or similar products because of the disgusting meat that gets made into it–it's the stuff that can't be sold on its own because something's wrong with it. The people who deal with that stuff wear masks because of the smell. Ewwwww!” Do we need any more reason to know where your meat comes from?! If you can't find a good local source of healthy meat, you can get safe pastured meats online at this link. (Or read more about healthy meat here.)
- You DO need more reasons? OK. Here you go… This is pure scariness: ‘Artificial egg' made from PLANTS backed by Bill Gates set to revolutionize cooking goes on sale at Whole Foods. Why in the world would they think that we want MORE fake foods at our supermarkets?! And another freaky one about chickens: The USDA will now allow chickens raised and slaughtered in the U.S. to be shipped to China for processing, and then shipped back to the U.S. for sale to consumer
- This story was actually on an ABC news site! Anxiety In Your Head Could Come From Your Gut. It's great if this is becoming more well-known! Most of us real foodies, and certainly those familiar with the GAPS Diet, know what a powerful connection there is, and that when your gut is healthy, there can be healing of all sorts of health issues, because your gut is primarily where your immune system lies. Read more in the GAPS Diet book. Or here is an overview on the GAPS Diet: Gut Health 101: 6 Questions and Answers About A Strong Immune System and the GAPS Diet.
- Read and share this now, before the CDC removes the report from their site: 10.8% of children who receive the genetically modified DTaP vaccine become symptomless, but contagious, carriers of whooping cough. The vaccine is defective but apparently will not be removed unless there is tremendous pressure from the public. Read and download the report on the CDC website here.
Jeanmarie says
Kelly, you’re not negative. That reader just couldn’t bear having her paradigm shifted. In my opinion.
Marilyn says
Kelly, I appreciate knowing what is happening in our world. For too long, we have had our heads in the sand. When I get too discouraged, I once again place my trust in God. There is a better world to come. In the meantime, I remind myself I am one person and can only do so much in any one day. However, I am one person and can do something every day! I APPRECIATE your rants. Keep up the good work!!!!! Rant away. We are listening!!! We can only make a difference if we know what is going on in our world.
Danette Rieckhoff says
Kelly- you never can be sure WHO the people are that subscribe to your blog right?
I don’t think you are negative. You are awake while so many of us are or have been asleep. You are a blessing right before our very eyes. I don’t know how I would be dealing with our current situation without God or without Him leading our family to your website. It was no accident. Everyone is on their own journey. The person who unsubscribed is as well. Do not fear: thinking or feeling that you are a whiner will only trick you. Read Psalm 57: 2-10 The person who unsubscribed could have truly been annoyed. SO WHAT? Their journey keeps going on doesn’t it? Keep in mind that it could have been someone that would LOVE to see you stop doing what you are doing. Shall I name any? Nah. Giving people the information they are searching for is important. Never, ever, ever stop doing your passionate work. Your “rants” might wake someone up!
Peggy says
“Act as if” helps me when I (an introvert to the point of hermit-ness) must go out and socialize in the big wold. It did NOT help (and did a great deal of damage) my depression several years back. I think it’s a valid strategy for dealing with short term issues, but spending the majority of one’s day in full on Hollywood mode isn’t healthy.
I agree with Matt. There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, and expressed in a healthy way, we shouldn’t necessarily inflict guilt upon ourselves or our children because of it.
And just because you find something worthwhile to say that doesn’t tickle the ear doesn’t mean you are negative, sweetie. Preach it!
Julie says
I love parchment paper. Forgive me.
Cherie says
No, you are not negative. But I think that most people have a difficult time believing how toxic our food really is and even though even I know, I find that I have to make compormises that I am not always happy with due to convenience. I think many people interpret concern and outrage as negativity… oh well… that is why our country is where it is at. Poor health galore……
On another note. I am much like you. I have strong leadership skills, I am a public performer/speaker and thus most people think of me as an extrovert. But inside I am very private and much prefer time alone. I’ve always thought of myself as an introvert with strong leadership ability. You obviously readiate those qualities as you share your life and your passions with many others on line. I am thankful that you are transparent. It is not an easy thing to weather criticism as you juggle raising a family, homeschooling, and entrepreneurial endeavors as well, but you are doing a mighty fine job and encourage many more than you could know. It’s a difficult task to juggle, but I love your posts!
I vote… perfect 10!
Christina says
I have a silpat that I actually love. I do worry if it’s safe though… While all my research seems to state it’s perfectly safe, it’s hard to believe given that everything else you once thought was ‘perfectly safe’ is now dangerous 😉 Anyway, I’ve never had the issues others mentioned with the knock-off silpat transferring silicone taste to my food. And the mat works so incredibly well for everything. I have had too many food items stick to my pans and sometimes it even ruins the food. Not with my silpat! I’ve used it for EVERYTHING, including bacon, but I am nervous that someone soon will confirm that they are ‘bad’ and shouldn’t be used…
Sarah says
Kelly, personally I love your blog! Please don’t change because of one person. I have a side question…I accidently left lacto fermented mayo out over night while it was doing the fermenting thing. 2 tablespoon whey to 6 egg yolks and 2 cups oil…do you think that it is still okay?
Allyson Bossie says
Um, Negative? IDk that I would label it that. Informative, telling us things we really need to know that we would have to spend hours researching, that may be what you are. I need this info, so whine on baby! As for the mat, I don’t have an Artisan, I have a Silpat. Now, they are pricey a bit, Maybe $40 for mine, but so worth it if you bake. Love mine, and wouldn’t trade it
Susan says
Negative? Hardly. Realistic? Absolutely!!!
I’m sorry you lost a reader, but perhaps that individual simply has their head in the sand. There is a lot of scary stuff going on out there and the only way we can be truly educated -and better yet, prepared- is to understand things on many levels and sometimes that process is negative. That doesn’t mean that those of us who enjoy this information dwell on it; it means we take it in and plan our next move because of it.
Please don’t change anything you are doing, Kelly. Your blog is informative, educational and usually extremely compassionate, and if the occasional person can’t appreciate all those things about you, then who needs them?
As Billy Joel sang, “I love you just the way you are”!!!!
Love and hugs!
Tina says
I have those exact same silicon mats and I really like them! Clean up is a breeze and you can roll them up to store them. I use the for baking and rolling out stuff. Never had any taste transferred to my food.
Carol in MT says
I have a knock off of the silpat. I baked on it once and also could taste it. I now use it for a kneading surface for my breads or rolling out cookies, but never baking. Don’t use parchment, just butter.
If people want to leave let them go, they will be happier else where and you will be happier too.
Leah G says
If we all bite our tongue in the name of false happiness then what good can come. Then again I am very passionate about educating others on the troubles we face day to day. We have to address the chaos in order to correct it. You bring too much important information to the table to be called a whiner. Some people prefer to live in another reality though.
As for parchment. I am lazy and yes we use quite a bit of the unbleached stuff. Its a vice I should break. I am scarred of the silpats. Remember when they took BPA out of things and in their place added BPS which is even more toxic?
Jill says
I just love Matt Walsh’s blog too! He articulates common sense so well, and is totally unafraid of being politically incorrect or offending. Just a very real, very smart guy! Plus his posts are hilarious!
Renee says
Thanks for the tip about Matt Walsh-he IS hysterical!
Renee says
There is a difference between being negative & being honest & real & getting up & taking action, which you are clearly doing. Saying you’re negative is like saying a newscaster is negative. You are so much better than that though, because you are reporting the news & encouraging better courses of action. I appreciate your work!!!
Kari Wilson says
I enjoy your ranting….truly justified and necessary. I say rant on Kelly!
Chris says
I know right, edumacate us, Kelly!
IC says
I bought a knockoff silpat from Costco. I only used it once because I could taste the silicone. One of my kids said the same thing. I do use unbleached parchment for things that are hard to get off the pan (fruit leather for example.)
I don’t think you’re negative! I think it’s just there is a lot of shady doings in mainstream food and medicine that many people don’t know about. It does get depressing but then it is a silver lining to know there are a lot of other people who are looking to do better.
I also agree we are lied to – my current pet peeve is Zaycon, they resell factory arsenic and antibiotic filled chicken from the biggest growers but have somehow gotten a reputation for selling organic meat from local farms. I think most people read their site (says the chicken is hormone free which poultry should be) and assume it’s clean. If you know what to ask, the real story comes out . . .
Thank you for helping us know what to ask!
Chris says
Chris says
I just watched the “giving” video and WOW very moving, it was a good idea to add it to your blog, Kelly! KUDOS! I am gonna send it to lots of people now, thank you.
Also I recommended your blog to a client of mine that is interested in real food. She lives in Colorado and doesn’t have much exposure to things like this in her community so hopefully she will be joining our community soon. 🙂
Chris says
Okay well if you are a purist like me I would say NO WAY to parchment paper and the silicon baking mats!!! My reason is simple, we are LIED to every day by corporations that say they use safe materials and that the end product is inert, well that’s BS. Silicone is basically sand, but what do they use bind with the silicone to make these…. It doesn’t take but a minute to clean a pan. So IMHO I think they are a waste of money. The unbleached parchment paper actually looks decent, but they are expensive so I would say this one is a personal choice. There is a phrase in my profession that I have found applies to many concepts in our lives which is, “less is more”. On that note it makes sense to me to simply not use anything but a stainless steel pan and some high quality butter when baking. Yes I am aware this may not work in every situation, but I have yet any need to buy the stuff an doubt I ever will for cleanup is just part of the process. Exposure to added items i.e. chemicals and how they bond or interact with food is simply unnecessary to introduce into our bodies, after all we are inundated with toxins every day just breathing the air…
Kari Wilson says
Thanks Chris…I have ventured into the world of baking and wondered if the silicone was safe but figured it wasn’t. Is the parchment paper not safe as well or just expensive? Either way you are dead on point about the stainless steel and butter. It has worked well for my breads along with a little elbow grease when it’s time to clean. I can live with that any day over toxins.
Chris says
I have yet to use the parchment paper because I believe in the less is more concept and really do not see a need to spend the money for the paper. After a brief look I found it to cost about $8 for 65 feet for the stuff. I just don’t see the need to spend the cash is all, maybe it is safe maybe it’s not….just give me stainless steel and butter any day and I’m good. No fear or wondering if there are any chemical reactions going on with some paper that is supposedly safe to 450 degree….yeah right…now ask yourself what did they add to it to make it heat and or flame resistant or retardant…..