Are you concerned about health independence and do you wonder: what is emergency preparedness?
Disasters can and do happen, and the possibility of not having the medications we need is really not so far-fetched at all. If you're fortunate enough not to need any meds right now, then you probably haven't thought about this, but for the majority of people out there who do depend on their local pharmacy, it's a very real concern…
- What if there was a natural disaster?
- What if our politicians screwed everything up even worse than they already have and our whole economy tanked?
- Couldn't you think of a few more scary ‘what ifs', too?
(Source: When Meds Disappear — the Survival Crunch of the Ill – Survivopedia)
And can we really trust the medications we all depend on now anyway?
- Aspirin is Dangerous and Should Not Be Used – Naturalnews
- Anti-Anxiety Drugs Lead to Higher Mortality Rates – NYT
- Why Tylenol is Trouble – Holistic Squid
This is all not to mention the side-effects common with most every medication out there, the problems they cause are often worse than the original ailment!
If you fully trust the healthcare industry today, then you can close this post and I wish you luck, but if not, then there really is a better way!
Most of you have heard of Joette Calabrese, she is THE homeopathy expert. She's also on the board for the Weston Price Foundation, which in my book gives her extra credibility. Here's more from Joette:
Like life in general, my knowledge of homeopathy has taken many turns and deepened over time.
In the beginning, when I was raising my first babe, all I wanted to know how to do was keep my son out of the pediatrician’s office and off antibiotics and analgesics. Done.
Neither he, nor his subsequent brothers, were seen by doctors or given any medications, including aspirin and acetaminophen.
As they grew older, I hoped to keep our family out of the ER, despite the amount of skiing we engaged in and the farm injuries we might encounter, so I took a special interest in first aid remedies.
As our small homestead grew, I knew this was an opportunity to learn homeopathy for small farm animals.
Throughout this time, I was taking advanced homeopathy classes in Toronto, New York, Ohio and New Jersey…”
I'm glad to know that even Joette's knowledge deepened over time, because I'm slowly digging in deeper as well.
I went to nursing school 30 years ago, and while I haven't worked as a nurse in decades, throwing back an Ibuprofen for a headache is still where I'm at. But I want to learn about these better-for-me (and my family) alternatives!
- What else can we do for a headache?
- What about natural first aid in case there's an emergency and we can't get to an emergency room?
- What about common health issues like high blood pressure or diabetes, just in case you don't have access to your meds?
- What if we're exposed to high doses of radiation or chemical exposure?