Good morning readers! Anyone out there who is NOT looking outside at the ‘Blizzard of 2014' with it's high winds and negative wind chills, you're lucky. The rest of us will just be thankful for our warm houses and stocked freezers and pantries. (And especially thankful that our freezer doesn't have any of this meat inside.) Here's a picture someone on Facebook requested, and it should give you an idea of how sore Kent's back is:
Hey guess what? Tonight from 9-10 pm Eastern, I'll be doing my first “Google Hangout” – it's a LIVE Google+ thing WITH Q & A time, and it's sort of like Skype only it'll go onto YouTube. You'll be able to see me, but I can't see you, so YOU get to wear your jammies, but I don't. Well, maybe I still will. 🙂 It's planned and hosted by my local and in-real-life-friend, Katie of She has invited myself along with Kate Tietje of, and Diana Bauman of, and we'll be talking about tips and strategies to help those who are new to the real foodie world. OR for those who have been at it a while but just need more encouragement and ideas. ***Just sign on to Google+ and RSVP so you'll get notice when it's live. If you can't watch live, still RSVP at this link, and then you can watch it anytime after we're done taping. See you tonight!
- Wellllll, I told you it was getting close and today is it, my official 2000th post – wow. It's been a pretty wild ride since the Kitchen Kop blog went live on 1-1-2008. Yikes, that's around 330 posts/year. No wonder my dirty bathrooms and laundry piles haunt me. LOL. It's been 6 years with many technical frustrations, but also the best part: ‘meeting' you, my faithful reader friends, who I adore. Seriously. 🙂
- Have you tried this stuff that I loooove from Go Primal – besides their natural deodorant, they also have new products: body whip, lip balm and body powder – everything is all-natural, no junky stuff in there! (They are a #paid sponsor, but I have to say, their body whip is my FAV.) I'm so thankful for small companies like this one who are making it possible for us to be as careful about what goes on our skin (and into our bodies) as we are with what we feed our bodies.
- Let's rant a minute, you wanna? From a reader friend, Carrie: Hi Kelly, Have you seen this?
“Benbrook described a vicious cycle, saying “resistant weeds have become a major problem for many farmers reliant on genetically-engineered crops, and are now driving up the volume of herbicide needed each year by about 25 percent.” “Many experts in the US are projecting that the approval of new multiple herbicide tolerant crops will lead to at least a 50 percent increase to the average application of herbicide,…” (Read article here.)
Hmmm. Sounds like Monsanto has much more to gain from this-$$$$. An unexpected bonus for them, or, all part of their master plan?
- Another reader friend, Tina, shared a related link — this Robyn O'Brien talk. I think I've shared it before but think it is worth sharing again. “Beginning in the 1990's new proteins were engineered into our food supply. It was done to maximize profitability for the food industry. At the same time, no human trials were conducted to see if they were safe.” So so wrong.
- My top two Facebook posts from last week that got the most shares were this one:
And this one:
Cool, huh? 🙂
- The kids and I were watching a movie over the weekend and saw this trailer from the first “Encounter” movie:
- And then I found the full length movie for part II of “The Encounter” – it hooks you in quickly! You may think it's cheesy in parts (Kent would probably say so), but I thought it was really well-done. Maybe I'm just a big sap, though!
- Remember that there may be affiliate links above, thanks for helping to keep me blogging. And an especially huge thank you to those of you who email me specifically to ask how to make sure I get the affiliate commission on their bigger purchases. Or those who shop through my resources page. All of you, my reader friends, are the best.
Stanley Fishman @ Tender Grassfed Meat says
Looks SOOOOO cold. Stay warm, Kel! I know you will be well fed!
DS says
At our last house I had mailboxes with tools all over the yard. They were the small type that hang on the side of the house and we hung them on the fence. However you do need to be aware that spiders like them. My aunt has the kind shown and never complained of spiders so I guess they are a better choice.