I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I guess that means that now we have to get cracking on the Christmas shopping, eh? If you have any Amazon shopping to do (where most of my shopping is done these days), if you'd go onto their site through this Amazon
link, I'd reeeeeeally be thankful as I get a small commission on any sales you make through there. This helps offset expenses to run this site… Just tonight I had to pay someone to help me with yet another issue that I couldn't figure out how to fix. Websites are like houses, there's always something broken or needing maintenance. Is it just me, or do you other website owners feel this way, too? Or maybe your spouse is the techy in your family and you never have to deal with this stuff. If so, please go hug them right now! Also, I just recently turned down another post worth $125 because I wouldn't write a post for Pfizer. This is how I replied to them: “The revenue would be nice, but I can't work with drug companies, my readers would think I've gone off the deep end. Couldn't do it even if I had no readers.”
Here's an interesting article on Michael Pollan and his newest version of the book, Food Rules: An Eater's Manual.
- Thank you to a reader, Deb, who sent this to me: “Here's an article which lists the original Mom and Pop brands who have now been purchased by BigPhood/ BigAgCorp's. Under the title, there is a place to click for the slideshow of companies listed. Some of the selling price figures will astound you. Yep, there's money in the food industry.“
- Another reader, Colleen, sent this post on how Consumers are losing faith in big food. Big Ag is worried about their image, haaaaaa! (Thanks Colleen!)
- Hey local readers, will you do me a favor? Will you call WGVU, our local PBS station, and ask to speak with Michael T. Walenta, General Manager, and request that they put ‘Healing Quest' in their program line up like so many other markets across the country have done? Because get this: Healing Quest will soon be featuring a series of Weston A. Price segments! One on Sally Fallon, another on WAP, another on cod liver oil, and many more, isn't this cool?! Call (616) 331-6666 or (800) 442-2771, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you'd rather email, you can use this form, and click on the TV programming option.
Have you seen the new Smart Sweets e-cookbook from my local blogging friend, Katie? She always puts together a great e-book and I know you'll love it. “You’ll find less sugar, healthier sweeteners, whole grains, soaked and sprouted grains, no grains, probiotics and even some vegetables in these desserts recipes.“
- In case you're like me and still basking in the glow of the Wise Traditions conference, here are a few more recap posts. First, a good one from Kat on a few of the different talks she caught while she was there and what she learned. Next up are some highlights from Cheeseslave who always does a conference recap that makes you just know in your bones that you have to be there next year. Lastly, check out Wardeh's cute picture slideshow – it was great to finally meet her after all these years! Did you do a recap that I missed? If so, leave us a link in the comments! (If it goes to moderation, I'll approve it as soon as I see it.)
Have a great week!
Jenni says
I really appreciate all you do.
I would just like to add something for you to think about. If you disagree, that’s fine.
My opinion is that if we keep our money in our own communities by shopping at local mom-and-pop stores, our communities thrive. I know that Amazon is cheap and I have definitely shopped there. But they are the Wallmart of the web. Just wanted to see what you thought about this.
KitchenKop says
Hmm, I’ve never thought about it like this. But I usually tend to use Amazon for things I have trouble finding around me, not always, but mostly that’s how I use it.
Take care!
AmandaLP says
Thanks for the links! The more I learn about industrial food, the more scared I get!
Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS says
Ahhh, thanks for linking to my slideshow, Kelly, but especially for mentioning how good it was we finally met. I feel the same way. You’re a dear and I’m blessed to know you!
Emily says
I’m a bad girl. Whenever we shop at Amazon, I intend to go through someone’s affiliate link, but almost always forget. Will try to remember yours, Kelly!
Carey says
Thanks for the reminder about the Amazon link!
Leah says
That link to the mom and pop brands doesn’t work.
looks like wise traditions was amazing!
KitchenKop says
Fixed it. 🙂
(Thanks for telling me!)