Good morning readers. Please say a little prayer for me because I'm in the process of switching my website hosting company and it's been a BIG pain in the rear. Right now I'm working on our old PC because I can't even GET onto my site on my Mac right now. I stink at all of this stuff and can only muddle through with His help. And my all natural chill-pill helps a lot, too, it really does. 🙂 Thank you!
On a happier note, our 12 year old friend, Spencer, and his basketball team won the gold in the Special Olympics over the weekend!! Here's a picture of him with his family, the only one missing is Kyle, he's still recovering from his severe injury in Afghanistan – Click here to read more about Kyle, Spencer and their amazing family.
- Guess what? Jenny's book now has the “look inside” feature, check it out here.
- Need a healthy homemade sandwich bread? Here are three options for you:
- My soaked bread recipe.
- A sourdough bread recipe.
- A great grain-free sandwich bread from Danielle. (Pin it here for later if you'd like. Or find her cookbook, Against All Grain, here.)
- Do you often experience indigestion? You might want to consider taking bitters. Read about 10 bitter benefits here. You can order bitters here.
- This picture on Facebook cracked me up last week. One of the commenters there said, “I wonder how they smell?” Haaaaaa. There's another hilarious one that has been seen by almost 5 million peeps now, click here to check that one out.
- Have you seen this book? Written by a British chef, A Girl and Her Pig is a down-to-earth, entertaining cookbook full of exquisite recipes (for more than pork) and pictures. There are tons of glowing reviews, except by those who were offended by the great cover! Click here to download the $2.99 Kindle version.
- Check out this soooooo neat pregnancy time-lapse video, and through it all the guy is singing a song to his wife. 🙂
Have a great week!
Linda says
Congratulations to Spencer! My almost-15-year-old daughter, Rebekah, is in Special Olympics too! She loves it! Such a great thing! Atta boy, Spencer!
Sarah says
Congratulations Spencer!!