By Joanie Blaxter, founder of Follow Your Gut
Could FOOD be causing cancer, spontaneous abortions, and infertility?
Howard Vlieger, a third generation farmer and crop and livestock nutrition adviser in Iowa, asked that same question when he began having problems shortly after switching to GM feed.
Note: GM (genetically modified), GMO (genetically modified organisms), GE (genetically engineered) and BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) all basically mean the same thing and refer to when food has been genetically altered.
(Vlieger) gave his cows the choice to consume the conventionally grown corn or BT corn. (BT corn is GM corn.) His cows ate the conventionally grown, however they smelled the BT corn and walked away from it.
“That's not normal,” says Vlieger.
He has tried this with many other animals and found that if they have not been forced to consume GMOs in the past, they won't eat them and will go for the conventional feed instead.
(Emphasis mine, source: A Farmer's Perspective on GMO's.)
Furthermore, Vlieger's pigs, when switched to GM corn, developed much higher rates of infertility, miscarriage and gastritis-type symptoms than on the non-GM feed.
So he checked with his fellow pig farmers.
In Iowa, farmers found anemia and gastrointestinal tract problems such as ileitis (inflammation of the small intestine), bloody bowel, ulcers, and salmonella.
“When BT corn was taken out of the feed, the problems went away.“
(Source: A Farmer's Perspective on GMO's.)
Based on his field observations, Vlieger teamed with research scientist and biostatistics expert, Dr. Judy Carmen, to conduct an independent study on the safety of feeding genetically engineered food to livestock.
Several aspects of the Carman/Vlieger study, published in 2013, were fundamentally different from virtually every single trial ever previously conducted by the biotech industry.
Virtually NONE of the industry-funded, “safety” tests on genetically engineered feed specifically look for markers relevant to HUMAN health.
Instead, the overwhelming majority of biotech-sponsored research is conducted so that producers can be assured that if they give GM feed to their livestock, their animals will live long enough to generate a profitable yield at market.
Testing for these outcomes generally means the industry-sponsored study is:
- Relatively short-term,
- Usually conducted on animals anatomically quite dissimilar to humans and
- With a feeding pattern very different from the typical American diet eaten over a lifetime.
Thus, Carman and Vlieger took care to create their study with meticulous, double-blind perameters with clear application to human health.
- It was conducted on pigs, as opposed to rats or chickens or any of the other animal test subjects more commonly used by the biotech industry. This is important, because genetically, and in their digestive organs, pigs are very similar to humans.
- It was performed for a total of five months. Most industry-sponsored studies last 7 – 14 days. In other words, the inflammation had more time to develop and become obvious.
- The amount of GMO’s in the pigs diet much more closely represented what Americans eat which is usually a combination of both GM corn and soy.
At approximately five months of age, all the pigs were slaughtered and autopsied, including weighing, measuring and photographing the internal organs.
GM pigs had 2.2 – 4 times more inflammation and swelling than the control group.
The internal organs affected included the:
- Stomach (“severe… swollen and cherry red”)
- Intestines
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Uterus
(Source: Scientific Proof of GMO Harm in Pig Study: A Special Interview with Dr. Judy Carman.)
The swelling (“25% heavier”) of the uterus of GM-fed pigs was consistent with the higher rates of infertility and miscarriage that Vlieger and other farmers had been observing in the field.
Could these results have any connection to the fact that Almost One in Six Couples Face Infertility?
To see GRAPHIC pictures (you're warned!) of just how severely inflamed were the internal organs of these pigs after being fed a diet similar to what humans eat, but for only five months, as opposed to decades, possibly a lifetime for humans, go HERE.
Same study as the biotech industry… just longer?
Another one of the very few researchers who has also done independently funded research on the effects of eating genetically engineered food is Dr. Gilles-Eric Seralini in France.
Seralini and his team basically reproduced the same safety studies that the biotech industry had done, right down to using the same kind of lab rat, except his trial lasted longer and he was more careful in terms of what he fed the animals.
First, rather than ending his trial after one or two weeks, he continued his study until his rats died, which was generally somewhere around two years.
Second, he carefully separated his rats into four groups; those which ate a diet containing:
- Genetically engineered crops with NO herbicide glyphosate
- Genetically engineered crops AND with the addition of glyphosate
- NOT genetically engineered crops that DID contain a small amount of glyphosate
- Rat chow that contained NEITHER genetically engineered crops nor glyphosate
Seralini found that consuming either genetically engineered crops or the herbicide glyphosate led to a…
High level of tumors particularly breast tumors.
However, Carman added, the combination of genetically engineered food WITH the herbicide glyphosate produced the worst results.
Since genetically engineered food is not labeled or restricted in any way in the U.S., this has huge implications for the average American woman.
The number of breast cancers suffered by American women will increase by about 50 percent by 2030, researchers from the National Cancer Institute… Breast cancers already are the most common form of cancer in the United States,
What crops in the U.S. are commonly BOTH genetically engineered AND treated with glyphosate?
- Soy
- Corn
- Sugar from sugar beets and
- Canola
That pretty much means avoiding most convenience store or restaurant foods. Personally, I also skip:
- Conventionally raised meat, eggs, dairy and farmed fish; in other words, any animal that eats any kind of GM feed, including genetically altered alfalfa.
Unless it’s labeled “Organic” or “GMO-Free,” or “Pasture Raised,” I DON’T. BUY. IT.
Baby or Frankenstein?
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! That what a friend of mine says about genetic engineering.
She argues that it’s important to distinguish between the process of gene insertion from the very different issue of the toxicity of exposure to glyphosate.
While she agrees that glyphosate has been definitively shown to be far more toxic than the chemical manufacturers had initially claimed, nevertheless she believes passionately that the process of inserting genes for specific, “desirable’ traits holds promise for bringing great good to the world.
As seductive as that breathy promise is, I can’t agree.
Unlike hybridization, genetic modification is a 100% artificial process that could never be duplicated in nature. Only by using technology are we now able to actually inject a foreign gene in between other genes.
Silly mother nature! Of course we should be able to cross a tomato with a fish!
To picture this, think dominoes. Does the insertion of a new domino in the line up potentially affect the position of the others?
While the biotech industry claims that this highly technological process is safe, stable and has absolutely no effect on the rest of the genetic material, some geneticists dispute this assertion.
Mae Won Ho, PhD, argues that new evidence shows that once a foreign gene is inserted into a new location that:
…new genes and gene-constructs introduced into transgenic crops and other transgenic organisms can spread, not just by ordinary cross-pollination or cross-breeding to closely related species, but by the genes and gene-constructs invading the genomes (the totality of the organisms’ own genetic material) of completely unrelated species, including the microorganisms living in the gut of animals eating transgenic material.”
(Emphasis mine, source: Horizontal Gene Transfer: The Hidden Hazards of Genetic Engineering.)
Translation: We’re living in a science fiction world where 100% human made beings, once released outside a lab, can potentially reproduce without control, by passing on their altered genes to other plants and animals.
These altered, possibly unstable, genes may be transferring to completely different species via bacteria, microflora, insects, etc.
Furthermore, if we eat these artificially created crops or animals, these altered genes may also negatively affect the organisms living in our own microbiome upon which the functioning of our immune system directly depends.
It means that when you either eat a crop that has been genetically altered or food from an animal (flesh, dairy, eggs) that itself has eaten genetically engineered feed, you potentially risk not only:
- Damaging your microbiome and therefore, immune system, but also,
- Your own genetic makeup as well as the future of your descendants!
For Glow-in-the-Dark Kittens & Puppies, See the Video Below.
This is not a joke. It's genetic engineering that has already been done.
Soon you may be able to go to your local pet store or zoo to see a geep (goat/sheep), cama (camel/llama), zorse (zebra/horse) or liger (lion/tiger).
And, of course, bio-luminescent dogs and cats. (Think of the advantages! You’ll never trip over your pet in the dark again.)
And who’s in charge of deciding about the potential dangers of this technology as it drives to develop new areas of experimentation? Proft-driven biotech companies.
Personally, I would not watch the video below with children present.
What Can You Do? Lots!
- Vote with your fork. Only buy and eat food that is grown without genetic engineering and/or the use of the herbicide glyphosate.
- Make sure the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) does not pass. This bill would prevent any state or county from passing bans on growing genetically engineered food or on requirements to label GM food. Having already passed the House of Representatives, this bill is on its way to the Senate.
CALL YOUR SENATOR TODAY and urge them to NOT support HR 1599. Tell them this bill is an attack on consumer rights and states' rights, and you expect your elected officials to protect you.
To get your senators contact info, go HERE.
It's obvious that GMO = GOD MOVE OVER. And we have to help stop it.
It’s Time to Question Bio-Engineering: Paul Root Wolpe
- Where to find a safe source of health meat if you don't have a good local source.
- My Mom died after her breast cancer metastasized, but I still have politically incorrect thoughts on the issue of breast cancer.
- How I Almost Got in a Fistfight with the Organic Valley Rep
- What Killed this Med Student? Dishonest Psychiatrists and Chemical Straightjackets
- Find more trusted food and healthy living resources here.
- Never Leave Your Loved Ones Alone in a Hospital!
- Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Herbicide Clearly Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage in Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Sheep, and Poultry
- More posts under the “corruption” label
This was a post by my sweet friend, Joanie Blaxter, now a regular writer around here!
Joanie has been in sales and education in the natural foods and products industry since the early 70’s, with her most recent six years spent as a vitamin specialist in a health foods store. She has also been the Ventura, California chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation since 2010.
For health consultations Joanie can be contacted here and her past articles are located here.
Disclaimer: Neither Joanie nor I are health professionals! Use what you read here for your own research and then consult with a natural-minded doctor or health professional you trust to find what is best and right for YOU. Read my entire disclaimer here, and also note that there may be affiliate links in this post.
Jill-David Boman says
GMO’s are part of a modern day Tower of Babel.
Danielle Levins says
“I’ve always thought that the very concept of GMOs is irreverent (how arrogant to think we can improve on God’s creation–and when it’s all about money it’s even worse)” THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING THAT! I have felt exactly the same way for years! This applies for many spiritual paths as well! How dare we be so conceited and self loving (you nailed it with arrogant!), that we think that we can do better than the Heavens above. We have forgotten the strengths and virtues of humility!
Dee Jewell says
The harm from GM crops is as broad as our country and as plain as the nose on your face! Farmers have a front row seat watching the health of their animals decline. Consumers are fat, sick and medicated and should be looking for answers.
Joanie Blaxter says
@ John & Dee We all need to call our senators on Tue July 5th!
Senator Roberts (R-KS) and Senator Stabenow (D-MI) announced a deal to bring Monsanto’s dream bill to the Senate floor. Your Senators will vote as soon as next week.
The final bill is terrible. This so-called “compromise” simply hands Monsanto and Big Food corporations a complete victory.
Instead of on-package labels, the bill calls for companies to provide a website url, a QR code, a symbol or a phone number on the package, sending consumers on a wild goose chase to figure out what GMOs might be in their food.
This sham of a federal labeling scheme pre-empts any state law, robbing states of the right to adopt meaningful GMO labeling laws as Vermont has done.
Added to that, the bill doesn’t even provide for any federal penalties for companies’ failure to comply, and it excludes the most recent forms of genetic engineering. It’s a total cave-in to Monsanto.
It’s critical that you take action today, even if you have before.
Call or email both of your U.S. Senators to urge them to oppose Senator Pat Roberts’ bill or any compromise that doesn’t mandate on-package labels for genetically engineered foods.
You can look up who your Senators are and find their contact information:
Phone: 202-224-3121
John Pennington says
Given the choice, animals avoid GMO feeds. Like all corporate entities, GMO corps only tell us what earns them profit. If Big Money would let climate change wipe out all life for the sake of profit, Big GMO certainly won’t care about something so inconsequential as our health.