You've heard how the government is going after farmers in Michigan (Where oh where has common sense gone?), but have you also heard about the atrocities happening in Minnesota?
Coops Beware…
Have you been helping your friends and neighbors by running a coop or by your willingness to have a drop site at your home? Do you have a convenient system in place for buying your favorite farm fresh foods from a local buying club or coop to save yourself stops each week?
Soon you may be considered a criminal.
The video below features Alvin Schlangen, farmer and founder of Freedom Farms Coop who faces a year of jail time and hefty fines — just for helping to connect people with fresh from-the-farm food.
Watch this video and then see the action items below to learn more, because once again, we need your help!
How you can help and/or find out more!
1. Buy the FarmageddonDVD and show it to your friends and family far and wide!
2. Be ready for the men with guns: how to prepare for a food or farm raid.
3. Come to the rally on May 14! More information here on the Raw Milk Freedom Riders.
3. Make a donation if you're able!
4. Check out Kimberly's post for more on this entire story.
5. Join the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund to help FIGHT this type of government control.
6. Sign the petition!
THANK YOU! Please share your thoughts below and let us know which of the above you could do to help.
Another Susan says
Thanks for the post, Kelly! And for the many supportive folks all over the country. We feel much stronger with you behind us.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Did you see that “Another Susan” likes your picture? 🙂 Thanks for being the one to originally draw my attention to this issue.
Schmidty says
I want to thank you also, Kelly. I haven’t been able to put my finger on exactly what makes a particular blog *golden* but yours is. You’ve got a great group of commenters.
KitchenKop says
I couldn’t agree more. It’s all of you, my readers and commenters, that make my blog what it is, that’s for sure. (It certainly isn’t my ‘great’ writing or photos, LOL!) I have the best readers ANYWHERE. 🙂
Another Susan says
Hey, don’t knock your photos, Kelly. That one up there with the eggs looks mighty professional 😉
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
It’s cause it’s not mine, LOL!!!
Heather Anderson says
My heart is breaking for the state of our nation. When we can’t choose our food sources, there is no real freedom left. Thank you for continuing to share the latest on these various battles. I really value the information.
Laura @ Stealthy Mom says
(This is simple semantics, but…. the “Russia” referred to in this discussion was the “Soviet Union.” Russia was one of many countries under the control of the Soviet regime and not the name of the entity itself.)
Stanley Fishman says
I think that Russia is a great analogy, one that invokes a totalitarian government that seized all the farms, murdered millions of small farmers, and took total control of all food. This nation is supposed to be the United States of America, a land noted for its liberty. You do not have liberty when tyrannical government agencies force farmers to kill their own heritage hogs, or go to prison, or charge people with crimes for distributing wonderful farm food, as in Minnesota. Or having swat teams storm a food coop with guns, as in California. Unbelievably, I know some people who immigrated from Russia, who said that people in Russia today have more food freedom than Americans. Who would have ever believed it?
Schmidty says
Bottom line, for me: Vote the communist out of office. He goes and so do his cadre of czars. It has to be turned around.
Susan says
If only it were that easy. Everyone seems to think if Dr. Paul is elected into office that our food freedoms will change, but unfortunately, they won’t. Our country isn’t run by the president. He’s merely a puppet. Our country is run by banks and big corporations, and as long as our politicians choose to stay in bed with places like Monsanto, things will not get better.
Things aren’t going to change. They are going to get worse. Look around you and read the latest executive order Obama signed. Look into the NDAA. If you want to go total paranoid, Google U.S. concentration camps. Google the goverments relationship with Walmart and why there are empty Walmarts all over the country.
As frustrating -and wrong- as it is that farmers are being attacked, it seems that someday our lack of access to raw milk may seem the least of our worries.
Schmidty says
I’m up on it, Susan. Have been for the last six years as much an anyone possibly could.
Paul? Paul is a joke — a man with what seems nothing more than a cult following whose time has come and gone, a man without personal or political efficacy. We’ve done ‘cult of personality’ already and don’t need more of the same.
Sure, the corporations are all-powerful and inextricably intertwined with the powerbrokers in DC … and definitely part of the problem. But in the big picture thread-following type of way, it IS communism and Kelly hit the bullseye.
The CIC’s mom was a red diaper baby as were his grandparents and mentors. He has set us firmly on that path by will and intent and is accomplishing milestone goals at a freakily scary pace. It is not by accident, not due to bumbling or ineptness. It is not a “bug”, it is a feature.
Follow the thread and you are not looking at corporations; follow it and you are led directly to academia. That is what is in the kernel of the change we are seeing — that, and liberalism. Think about it: liberalism and progressivism’s core tenets are “tolerance” (in name only) …what we are seeing is the antithesis of tolerance (and therefore, freedom). This IS political and many good-intentioned people are being co-opted for the cause. It’s time for eyes to open as to what is happening right under our noses.
A helpful video along those lines is one of an interview with Yuri Bezmenov, an ex-KGB guy, speaking of the communist dream for America. Prescient and chilling in its forecast, and filmed sometime in the 70’s I believe, this guy nails it as to exactly what is happening and how it came to be — and how it was/has been in planning for decades.
Bezmenov on demoralization in America :
Monsanto is not the problem.
Susan says
Monsanto is not the problem, I get that. But they are definitely part of the problem. Take the big pie that you and I are analyzing and they become integral in how a communist government would feed the masses. Whatever masses are left I suppose, if you believe the New World Order theories.
You are absolutely correct that eyes need to open, but try sharing this info with friends and they’ll think you’ve lost your marbles. When I point out things that have happened, that point in the direction of a total government take over, they think those incidences are merely coincidental. Ironically, these same people have no idea what the NDAA is. When I try to explain it to them, they say if it was important enough they would have heard it on the news. They are the exact sheeple the government wants them to be. And isn’t it interesting, since you’ve researched this, how little info there is out there on the NDAA from mainstream media? Most info is on blogs. I myself tried to write about it in a local paper and was shot down by my editor, who was told by the powers-that-be that there was no way they could print my story. All it did was merely explain what it is. I didn’t get political and I didn’t make statement. I merely pointed out that Obama signed it and this is what it meant. In the 9 years I wrote my column, only one other time was my column rejected for print. Interesting, huh?
I get that no one wants to live in a state of paranoia. i really don’t want to either, but it is really hard to see the evidence before us and not wonder if what Grandpa said was true: “History always repeats itself.”
Schmidty says
Susan –
I think the NDAA was the canary in the coal mine. If we needed it in any more strident terms, that was it.
Through many subtle mechanisms we have been gently guided in this direction and now the big push is being made and yes, it’s chilling how people just don’t want to hear it. It’s like that frog who will leap out of the boiling water if thrown in but if you put him in a tepid pot of water and then turn the fire on low he won’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late.
I went back to school in my 40’s and spent eight years there …a bachelors then two masters. I got a birds-eye view from a more mature perspective on what communist cesspools colleges have turned into and I can’t properly convey the shock I had then and have now at how brainwashed these kids are after 12 years in what has become our public school system. They are nearly brain-dead in their complete lack of critical thinking skills and the level of indoctrination in which they reside. They all know the talking points and that’s about it …they are like a flock of parrots. I know, I know …generalities …but in this case they are apt.
You — and Kelly et al — speak of agriculture, family farming, and the government interference and regulation (crackdown) ….but the real issue is water. If you think we’re being kept in the dark about what’s happening re the gvmt and farming, do some digging on the gvmt and water regulation. Wells on privately owned farms, national park water resources, aquifers, etc. It’s happening quietly. Sure, in order to control the population you must control food but even more importantly you must control water.
I, too, have been contacted privately by the editor of my local paper and told in no uncertain terms that he would not allow certain topics to be addressed (by me) at all on the forums. Nothing of an overtly political nature either, in my case. It is patently clear that there is an orchestrated effort underway to control dissemination of information by the mainstream media and yes, indeed, history does repeat itself.
Our strength is in our self-education and our numbers. We are not yet under the yoke and although it is breathing down our necks I do believe the American spirit of rugged individualism and determination will prevail. There are so many fronts, though. And it do get tiresome.
As far as politics and the cusp upon which we sit …we were hoodwinked in 2008 by a master grifter. 2012 offers a (IMO) bleak alternative but it IS an alternative and if we manage to sidestep the sure destruction of this country (as it is surely headed on its current trajectory) there must be major changes in the power and grip of the federal government. They’ve got the most important angles covered, though, in this whole cradle to grave entitlement mentality that is so worryingly prevalent.
Russia, indeed.
Susan says
Hey and don’t you love the good news about the Feds allowing China to take over U.S. banks? I need to find a cave somewhere!! 🙂
Melissa B. says
Kelly, you’ve got my back if it happens to our buying club, right?!?! Thanks for sharing this. And while some might not like the “Russia” part of the title, the communist control issues seems to be an accurate description of what’s starting to happen here in the U.S. Scary stuff.
KitchenKop says
Absolutely. Keep my number on speed dial.
Erin says
Amazingly, I live in MN and have heard nothing about this injustice from any local news source. I have tears of frustration in my eyes over the government’s intrusion and control of our food supply.
As far as using “Russia” in the title, reading the accounts of the Soviet takeover of family farms shows that it is an extremely accurate analogy to what is happening here. Russia (where people where free to grow/produce/eat what they wanted) became the USSR as the communist government took over EVERYTHING and controlling the farms and food supply was a huge part of controlling the populace.
Katie says
Kelly thanks for this post! It’s so important that we stay vigilant about protecting our rights to real food. While the content of the post was great, I was a little put off by the title. I find it frustrating when people use “Russia” as a scare word to catch people’s attention. Let’s be honest here, no country is perfect, and as we can see by all of the oppression by our friends, neighbors, and farmers, that includes the USA. Tired of oppressive regulation, power structures that benefit the few over the many? Welcome to the Unites States of America. No need to throw mud at other countries and vilify them, growing fear. Fear is what allows regulators to walk all over farmer/consumer rights in the name of food safety. Let’s go above their game of rhetoric.
Thanks again for all of your work!
ValerieH says
Yes, putting Russia in the title confused me. I thought there was some news from overseas.
Soli says
Catching up on all my blog reading and I want to applaud you for this comment, Katie!
Laura @ Stealthy Mom says
Oh, man. This is everywhere! I have been toying with the idea of facilitating some sort of network to get food from farmers to families in our area. Iowa looks like nothing but fields and fields of GMO corn and soy dotted with CAFOs. There ARE farmers raising grassfed beef, free range eggs, and non-crated pork out there but they are hard to find. There are organic farmers, and farmers who would like to grow non-GMO crops if they could find buyers. Iowa is pretty volatile, since every state and federal rep- and even the governor- is heavily endowed by Big Ag. How much trouble could I get into here?