Good morning, everyone! Well, tomorrow is the big day. I've been jabbering on and on about homeschooling here on the blog all summer (my apologies to those who are bored to death with it), and tomorrow we begin! If you're interested, you can read more here in this new homeschooling post: We're Off On Our New Adventure! (My Plan for Getting it All Done).
- Check out my all new About page! I paid an actual copywriter to help me clean it up and read nicer, and I'm glad I did. (Thanks Jenna from Food with Kid Appeal for the tip!) Let me know if you want her contact info. 🙂
- As if we needed more reasons to love the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund! It turns out
that they'll be representing the Wisconsin farmer facing jail time over raw milk. Yep, you read that right. I hope you'll donate to the FTCLDF to help them continue to fight for our food rights! Even just a little bit would help. I'm reminded that we haven't donated in a while either, so I'm going to do that now, too. (Read more posts about fighting for our food rights.) Also, go read this GOOD news about the Bechard family's favorable settlement and watch the moving video there about all that this farmer has been through.
- I loved this great post about how our metabolism works by Kendahl: Can sleeping make us skinny? I'm happy to report that I've been going to bed before 1:00 a.m. every single night (except for two) for the last two weeks, and quite a bit earlier than that most nights. It's been nice to have my mornings again! I'll let you know if I get skinny, ha!
- Have you seen Kimberly's take on the mass shootings that seem to have become more prevalent? Why don’t more public health experts examine the root causes of the mass violence incidents happening across America and around the world? School shootings, church shootings, and now a theater massacre. Are they too readily accepting these outbreaks of madness induced mayhem? The medical system gets the blame for not “catching” these perpetrators before they strike. The gun lobby gets criticized for fighting tougher regulations. Violent video game producers feel the heat of stinging criticism. But, what if the solution is right under our noses? If only someone
would bother to sniff it out!
- You can thank Kent for this last one, just for fun, since it's unrelated to health or nutrition… Here's what he said in his email to me last week: I think this would spice up your Monday morning post: A Chance for a true brief encounter with the king: Elvis Presley's soiled underpants could fetch £10,000 at auction! Not just his underwear, but his soiled underwear, LOL!
Jeanmarie says
Mental illness isn’t “sin.” Such backwards attitudes don’t help and can do a lot of harm by making it harder to get treatment. I’m not saying I know what the root cause is for any particular individual. Good nutrition just possibly might make a difference, though. I’m heading over to Kimberley’s post now to see what she suggests.
Martha says
No thanks on the soiled underwear! lol I was able to hear Mr. Bechard give that talk at the mini conference and then talked to him at the farmer’s market when we were on vacation in the Ozarks. I am thrilled for them.
Peggy says
I’ve never been a believer in justifying sin with diet, and have said so on some of Hartke’s other posts. But I must say, this one is compelling.
I’m a GOOD sleeper. If I can squeak out 10 hours I’m up without an alarm or coffee. My idea of a vacation is a dark hotel room on an empty floor in which i can sleep for days and days! Not skinny, though!