Grab your coffee or tea and let’s chat!
- I know I told you all about this a few months ago, but between the WAP conference and the holidays it got put on the back burner, so I wanted to update you and let you know that I'm getting closer! Soon I'll finally be doing the “Real Food Rookie Class” for those who are beginners and would appreciate a little help in the early-on stages of the Real Food journey. It will be very affordable and I'll try to be that person for you that I wish I'd had 6 years ago!
- Remember I've told you about Rich & Michele, our friends who own my favorite coffee place, Frenz? Well Rich writes a column for our local newspaper and look what I just found in my Google alert: “Watch Out! There’s a New Kop in Rockford.”
- Thanks to Jeanne for a great new post idea: The first Tuesday of every month I'll blog about my kitchen goal(s) for the coming weeks and then I hope you'll jump in and share yours, too!
- Wait until you read about the new giveaway Ren is doing – what a neat idea for how to get entries!
- I love this quote from Jimmy Moore at his Livin’ LaVida Low-Carb blog about taking control of your health: “I tell people they are the ones who need to take back control of their own health and stop thinking that’s the role of your family physician. His job is to provide you with information from tests he runs on your health so that you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you. Unfortunately, most people abdicate their role as the “boss” of their own health to their doctor who very rarely offering a non-pharmaceutical answer to your health ailments.”
- Kent sent me this article about Kraft foods just because he knew I’d love the title: “Cadbury family attacks £12bn takeover by ‘plastic cheese company’ Kraft”.
- You will LOVE this post from Cheeseslave about how a REAL Mom successfully pulled off the GAPS Diet in their home in order to bring her family back to health. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Here’s where to find GAPS resources to help you.
- Just in case you don’t get the WAP emails: “Alice Jamison is writing a book not about physical degeneration but about the physical regeneration that is happening to children raised on the WAPF diet. She has prepared an anonymous online survey which she hopes as many people as possible can fill in. It will take less than five minutes to complete. The survey is for women who have had children, whether or not on the WAPF diet. Alice is just as interested in someone who has just begun eating a WAPF diet, as someone who has been raising their children from utero in a WAPF tradition. Take the survey. In addition, Alice is seeking families to interview for her book. If you are interested, please contact her.”
- I received this email from Krissy recently about Food for Life breads: “I just purchased a loaf of the 7 sprouted grains bread from Food for Life. I looked at the ingredients at home and noticed that they are now adding organic wheat gluten. I called and spoke with them and they confirmed the change and attempted to explain why. I voiced as a consumer that I do not want the gluten added and will no longer buy their products. All of their sprouted grain breads and English muffins are changing to contain organic wheat gluten (not sprouted wheat gluten). Their pastas, tortillas, and cereals will remain the same and will not be reformulated to contain the organic wheat gluten. They are making no changes in the packaging to alert you of the ingredients change. Most people probably won't notice the change right away. This is very similar to Dean Foods Silk changing to non organic soy beans, removing the “organic” wording and leaving the packaging and price the same. It took several months for the public and organizations to learn of the change.If you want to contact Food for Life their number is 1 (800) 797-5090; extension 34 (I spoke to Griffin in consumer relations).”
That’s it for this Monday Morning Mix-Up, have a great week everyone!
Teena says
This is a good reminder to keep checking labels, even for brands we “trust”. Keeping on top of that is important. Ironically, I noticed recently that Meijer brand wheat pasta went from 16 oz to 13.25 oz but did not lower the price. It happpens more often than we know…
Laura LaMie says
What a nice article. It’s a reminder to me to thank you for taking the time to info, encourage and share lots of good info, recipes etc. with all of us. I enjoy your blog and the connection you provide to so many other interesting blogs as well.
elaine says
Woot! Woot! Look at you, girlfriend – all written up in a newspaper!! What a great article!
Dana says
Aw man! We use Food For Life’s Ezekiel bread at my house. My daughter loves it for “French toast pancakes.” I guess it is time to get a move on and start making my own sourdough…
Kate says
Lots of good news today!
By the way, Tropical Traditions is having free shipping today only if anyone wanted to order anything! I need to stock up on strained tomatoes personally. 🙂
Melissa @Cellulite Investigation says
Oooh, how exciting that you had a whole article written about your blog! Blogging might not pay the best, but it’s amazing what an influence you can have with it. Well done, Kelly!
Liz F. says
Great article about you Kelly!
I want you to know that we’re eating a homemade loaf of soaked 100% whole wheat bread this morning and I never would have even tried soaking grains if it weren’t for your blog. Thank you for pushing me in the right direction.
Jim Purdy says
Like you, I agree wholeheartedly with the quote from Jimmy Moore:
Kim - the Nourishing Cook says
I love the article that he wrote about you! You are famous! 🙂
thank-you for the Tuesday posts on kitchen goals, I definitely need to participate. I think my first goal above any cooking will be to declutter! Cooking in a clean, decluttered kitchen is much more calming.