Google Facts and “Truth” Now Up for Grabs?
Well guys, something really has me in a tizzy now. Quite possibly my worst tizzy ever. It's bad enough that Facebook is deciding which posts you'll see in your feed, even if you've already “liked” the page, but now Google could be going bad, too. If you value your right to decide about your own health care, about your own parenting options, or really anything else, and if you want the internet to remain a place where you can research ALL sides of every issue, you'll want to sit up and pay attention…
“New Scientist reported that a team of Google researchers is developing a software that will suppress websites that are not “trustworthy” – one target being “anti-vaccination” websites. Google’s current model of operation uses links to gauge the rank of a website. This new system being developed however, will only rise in ranks if it isn’t “misinformation”; but who defines what is “misinfo” and what isn’t? ” (Source: Google Wants To Attack Alternative News Websites By Ranking Them Based On “Facts” Not Links)
So this means that sites like mine, who dare to encourage you to question everything (like whether or not every vaccine is good for us or whether or not butter is really SO bad, like most health professionals still believe), will be buried on page 25 of a Google search. So more and more, only mainstream thinking will show up at the top of search results, thereby giving those sites more credibility, and then it will become even more difficult for any of us to make our own choices on the issues that we believe in. Not just because doing the actual research will become more difficult, but living out our alternative choices will become less accepted all the time. All of this WILL happen if Mr. Google gets to decide, based on pressure from the government and Big Pharma no doubt, what is “fact” and what isn't. And think of the “fun” Monsanto would have with that. The whole thing makes me shudder.
Is this SO SCARY to anyone else???
Kent said, “Well, that'll just give Google a good bump and then people will start switching over to other search engines.” Personally, I'm going to try and remember to STOP saying, “Google it”, and instead say, “Go search online” from now on. Some say Bing is the best alternative, others are talking about a fast-growing new search engine: DuckDuckGo. I'm going to give that new one a try and set it as my default search engine right now. Who is with me?!
Hopefully Google will not end up implementing any of this, but the way the present climate is regarding anything “alternative”, it just doesn't seem so far out that it could become a reality.
Regarding the Facebook BULL…
Many have joined MeWe and are hoping it replaces Facebook because they don’t like where FB has gone, privacy-wise. I didn’t really understand the breadth of it until I read Kate’s post: If Privacy Matters to You, Leave Facebook. I don’t know if it’ll make a dent in Facebook, but I hope so — if you want you can click here to join my MeWe group. I'm getting a little more active on there as time goes on, please say hi over there if you join!
Even before the privacy question, Facebook has been driving me crazy how it won't let you see most of what I post there, unless I PAY for Facebook ads. (And obviously I don't have a lot of extra funds around here to throw at advertising…) So as always, just comment, like, and share whatever it is you want to see more of on Facebook, that's the only way to make sure you'll continue to see it. (Read more here on how to make sure you see what you want in your feed.)
That's assuming Facebook isn't already actively deciding what their “truth” is yet when setting up the algorithms that determine what you see…
A week or so ago, Zuckerberg came out publicly as “pro-vaccine.” The next day, there was a piece in TIME calling for Facebook to “shut down anti-vaxxers.” I’ve watched since that time as my posts’ reach has been directly related to the subject matter. Is it about, say, food or homeschooling? It gets pretty good reach, especially with a lot of likes and comments. Is it about natural health/remedies? It gets almost no views, even if a lot of the people who do see it like and comment.
I’m not the only page to notice this. It’s happening to most every “alternative” blogger out there. (We’ll just ignore the fact that our organic — that is, unpaid — reach on an average post has gone from around 20% of our fans a couple years ago to barely 1% now. Facebook would like us to pay to reach the people who already “opted in” by liking our pages.)
It’s completely legal, too. Facebook is a private company and they can make whatever rules they want. They can limit our reach just for fun, or because they don’t happen to agree with what we’re saying. We’re not guaranteed a platform to speak there. “Free speech” legally only means the government can’t censor you or throw you in jail. But private companies can (censor, not jail). (Source)
Does all of this shock you or did you already know this stuff? I'm just curious how much all of you, my readers, are aware of regarding these dirty internet games?
Read more:
Sandi says
I agree with you. However, you can also use Opera or FireFox (open-sourced & non-profit) for your browser and use someone like Go Duck Go or Iquick as your search engine (both of which are private and don’t record your history. That solves what Google is doing so it won’t affect you. If everyone switched to other sources, then Google loses…money talks.
Kim Morisett says
I don’t think you’re overreacting at all, Kelly! It angers and frustrates me too. It all comes down to whoever has the most financial sway, has the control – no matter what area of life we are talking about. That is why the love of money is the root of all evil, because it causes people to do things that lack integrity. It is not a new thing in this world; we are just seeing it come out in new ways. I’m not even a blogger, and I’ve had posts removed from my own FB wall. I enjoy the convenience of Google but have been leery of how big and powerful it has become. Too much unchecked power is never a good thing, i.e. Monsanto. Do you know that when I got a new phone that was Google-based, it had everything about me on it, the second I put in my email account? That made me very uneasy, despite the convenience of it. I had no option to keep the phone from doing that either. It was a work phone with work email on it, yet it loaded all of my personal stuff on the phone!
lisa says
Kelly, thanks for all that you do in getting out vital information. More and more we are seeing an erosion of our personal freedom/liberties – the mandatory vaccination issue being at the forefront right now. Please continue the fight. It’s very difficult to get this information to the general population but if FB readers continue to share your posts this will help to some extent. It may tick off some people in our FB community but at this point who cares. I’ve been a democrat my entire life but this year my vote will go to the candidate who takes a stand against forced vaccinations. Once we permit the government to control what we must or must not put into our own bodies is the day this country has utterly failed as a democracy. Love your work! You are a true patriot!
Teresa says
I am with you on this Kelly and have been aware of it for some time now just hadn’t made the switch yet but I will starting now. Thanks for all you do!
Ann says
Thanks for speaking out Kelly. You might be interested in reading this regarding Google.
Kenn32 says
I don’t see where google’s attempts to suppress websites according to content will have any impact on your site or any similar ones. As I understand the intent, it would be only for google search ranking according to their views or opinion, and not for direct input of an address link to view a site or page. If you post a link on your blog to recommend another blog or website with content you feel relates to alternative issues being discussed in your blog, contrary to what google’s censors may feel is best for the world, that can’t be regulated by google since the website domain is under your control. You paid for the domain and you paid for the time on the server through your website host.
I found your site by clicking on a link in another blog many months ago, not by doing a search for your site in google, yahoo, or a similar search engine. Your worries about being ranked on page 25 or wherever for someone searching for your blog are nonsense. If anyone searched for: kelly kitchen kop, they would see your info at # 1. If someone searched only for raw milk, or anti-vaccines, home schooling, or other generic terms often discussed in your blog, a link to your blog might possibly turn up on page 25, or maybe on page 44,379. Search ranking is all relative to how much relevant detail is included in the search terms when someone wants to find information.
KitchenKop says
The problem, though, is that the majority of those who find my site every day (and other similar sites) are *new* users just doing a topic search.
tessadomesticdiva says
why in gods name would google and other media/web giants make anything political about their product??!! GAG! It’s not enough that I am fighting the mandatory vacc legislation here in Oregon…
Kathy Weiss says
Since December 25, 2014 when google’s search page said nothing about “Merry Christmas,” opting instead for “Tis the Season,” I have used bing to search for EVERYTHING! Google makes millions (billions?) off our searches and I’d be willing to bet that 90% of those people are CHRISTIANS! Yet google can put 150th birthdays for obscure poets, artists and the like on their page!? Join me in kicking google to the curb! I’ll soon be switching my gmail account to Outlook too.
MSheiko says
Kelly, this makes me sick. I can’t say I’m surprised. Thank you for this post and giving me the push I needed to stop using Google search! Now, Kelly, which email providers should we use? Give us a post on that!
KitchenKop says
Gads I know! There’s email and then also I love Google Drive, grrrrrrrrrr
susan ivey says
Praying one day we will get more of our freedoms back, but it may get lots worse first. Is it too much to ask to let caring people who only want the best for their family, friends, and the whole world for that matter, to let us do what we feel is best for those we love and to speak the truth of what we find through trial, error and research?! We can’t even buy raw milk in Alabama! Come on now!!! Thanks for all you do, Kelly. I was just thinking the other day, that before i got my computer, I had to trust what I was “told” was the truth about my families health, etc. Then i found your blog, and others, and thought never again! I will find the truth even when the gov’t, special interests, don’t want me to. Now all this! But, fortunately, on healthy eating at least, I’ve already learned a whole lot. 🙂
Suzanne says
I have heard about this a few times in the past couple of weeks. It’s horrifying that we aren’t told the real truth. It’s money. All of the Bigs (Pharma, Food, Business, etc.) need to lie to make money — they would say stretch the truth a little.Go to and as well as and for research. I used all of these great sites for research for my nutrition Masters and thesis. They proved invaluable. Flip the bird to Google.
Lori Alexander says
Another reminder that this isn’t our home! {Surprising since the things you mention aren’t about Jesus.}
Kimberly says
Horrifying. I’m sorry to be a pessimist, but I don’t see it affecting Google’s profits. The majority of people aren’t concerned about any other loss of freedoms. I see people blindly following this too.
jamie says
Just great! Another thing being controlled! We mine as well be robots if the government wants us all the same and to believe in the same things! They want to brainwash everyone! I won’t be using google! Maybe I’ll quit now!:(
Liz Hoidas says
Been using DuckDuckGo for a while now, takes a bit longer to find relevant information, but the algorithms give me what I want, unbiased and related to my keywords! Go luck Kelly! Rant justified IMHO
elainethematchmaker says
I am appalled that this goes on. What happened to being a FREE country? More and more we see our rights being taken away. I know I read how the whole Internet will eventually be censored. How ghastly!