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Simple Tuna Melt Sandwich

Author: Kelly the Kitchen Kop


  • 4 cans tuna fish or this kind, sometimes for more/varied nutrition I'll also add in a can or two of these sardines
  • 1 batch homemade mayo about 1 1/4-1 1/2 cups or so (don't let this freak you out, it literally takes 5 minutes! There's a video at that link showing you how easy it is.)
  • Sea salt — add it according to your own taste preference
  • Pepper — “”

Optional to go in with your tuna for more crunch or flavor:

  • Celery chopped small
  • Onion chopped small or green onion
  • Relish
  • Cheddar cheese for the top sliced or shredded — we like a lot, try to find raw organic pastured cheese if possible
  • Tomato slices if desired
  • Your favorite bread — you could use my homemade soaked bread recipe or this sourdough bread recipe, OR we sometimes use bread from a local baker who makes a fermented loaf. You could also find a true sourdough at the store, which means one that has no yeast in the ingredients. (Best to also find organic so it has no preservatives or other scary ingredients.)
  • Butter for spreading on the bread pastured butter is best


  • Mix the tuna, mayo and optional ingredients.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  • Butter enough bread depending on how many you're feeding.  We like to serve each tuna melt sandwich open-faced, but closed is fine too.  Toast the bread lightly on both sides under the broiler in your oven.  (I sometimes do this in my favorite pan, just because it's easier to keep an eye on how toasted the bread is getting OR just pop into your toaster, butter when it comes out, and continue with the next step.)
  • Spread tuna on the toasted and buttered bread, make sure it goes all the way over to cover the edges so they don't burn.  Add tomato slices on top if desired.  Lay on the cheese.  Put them back under the broiler until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • This makes 8-9 tuna melt sandwiches, so adjust the cans of tuna and other ingredients accordingly if your family is smaller or if your eaters aren't as voracious as mine