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Healthy Organic Raw Applesauce Recipe — Blended with the Peels for More Nutrition

Author: Kelly the Kitchen Kop


  • About 9 medium organic apples apples are usually sprayed with a lot of chemicals, so I always buy organic
  • Juice of 3 lemons ditto the above with citrus fruits!
  • ½ cup real maple syrup – you could use raw local honey but I love the taste of the maple syrup. They both would have some nutrients, though, much better than refined sugars!
  • 1 cup of water or I used Kombucha Tea
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground allspice optional
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg optional
  • Dash of sea salt


  • Wash the apples well.  (Here's how I wash my produce.)  Core and quarter 3-4 of the apples, but do not peel.  Put them in your blender (I love my Bosch blender!) with the lemon juice, syrup, 1/2 cup water or tea (if needed to get the apples to mix in well – it depends on the type of apples), spices, and sea salt.  Blend until the pieces of peel are really tiny.  Pour the blended apples into a glass bowl.  Peel, core, and quarter the rest of the apples and blend with another 1/2 cup of water if needed.  Blend until your desired consistency, I like to leave this batch more chunky because the first batch gets very thin when trying to get the peels very small.  Mix second batch of apples with the first batch. Stir by hand until blended. If you don't eat it all that day like we usually do, pour the applesauce into freezer bags, label and freeze.