Good morning friends! I hope any moms out there had a nice, relaxing day yesterday, and I pray that those of you longing to be moms know how much the rest of us appreciate all you do to help others in your life. Kent and I are both SO blessed with amazing, supportive, loving Moms who live only an hour and a half away (we both grew up in the same small town and started dating in high school), so we were able to go visit them and hang with family. As I write this post this morning, there's an awesome thunderstorm rolling through here in West Michigan and bringing with it the most delightful cool breeze and the fresh smell of rain. 🙂
Here's what I've got for you this week and it'll be short since I have to get the kids up and get them off to their homeschool building soon. Only two more weeks of that, AND we'll probably finish up our curriculum here at home this week – all that fretting I did about getting through it all and here we are done in mid-May… So now we'll do more field trips and read-alouds, I loooooove read-aloud time. Geesh, I'm rambling a bit today, eh?
- Have I said lately how much I love you all? I reeeeally appreciate all of you who responded to my post, Have Pity on This Dingbat Blogger! 🙂
- Now I'm going to have myself a little rant, but only because I know you guys get it and can understand my food freak language that annoys most of the rest of the world. This includes my sister, Terri. I was at her house last week when one of her adorable little day care kids was there, a baby boy who was eating some “breakfast” his mom sent. It was these little pink marshmallow looking “fruit” snacks. PINK means red 40 food coloring (scroll down through these posts if you're not convinced yet on the dangers of food dyes) and I can't even imagine what the ingredients were in those little blobs of nastiness. When I verbalized something similar to that, my sister said, “Wow you must be annoying to live with.” I cracked up, but also was reminded of how blessed I am that Kent is the same way, so we basically just annoy our kids together! Here's the thing, though, please do not think that I am judging this mom, because I fed my kids the same junk before I knew better. And Saturday when I had to take a turn working concessions for our son's soccer team, I didn't judge then either, when I'd see the steady stream of kids coming up with their parents to buy the most disgusting stuff that I used to think was “food”. Things like nacho chips and “cheese” sauce. Or brightly colored candy. Here was the worst: frozen corn dogs that would get warmed up IN the plastic wrapper IN the microwave. Gads it was torture not to say anything but I kept my lips zipped. We just can't do better until we know better, which is why I keep writing this blog, hoping to help more along this journey that was really tough in the beginning. (If you want a crash course without going through loads of archives here, check out my Real Food Ingredient Guide. If you want even more help, check out my Real Food for Rookies online class.)
- You have to watch this video and share it with your kids if you haven't seen it yet, it's called, “Look Up“:
My dilemma with the above video, though, is that while I totally agree with it, lately I've been taking a walk when I “work” on my phone, because I figure it's better than sitting on my butt in my favorite chair, right?! Each day I have so much I'm trying to keep straight with all these balls in the air, so figuring out what I have to do yet and when takes a chunk of time, not to mention answering emails, and all the other stuff I could get done while I'm out and moving. (My treadmill desk is good for this, too!) Plus, if I do this, then I can come home and be more available for my family. So don't judge me if you see me out walking and looking down at my phone, OK?! 🙂 Besides all of that, the video is really good and makes you think doesn't it?
Okay, after saying all that, then I saw this: This is what a smartphone obsession looks like. Now I'm thinking that I may continue to walk while I reorganize my life, BUT I'll also be sure and take time to look around me and enjoy my blessings, too.
- There's wisdom in this graphic, huh?
- Did you see this new Google search tool just for real foodies that I put up last week?
- “Junk food companies are acting very much like tobacco companies did 30 years ago...” “Years from now we'll say, ‘I can't believe we let them get away with that'.” Have you seen this trailer for “Fed Up“?
Want to find sprouted grain breakfast cereal, safe seafood, real olive oil, junk-free chocolate candy, the best fish oil, fermented food starters, soy-free mayo, meal plans, soaked nut butters, and more? Find all sorts of gems for real foodies on my resources page. (And by doing so you'll help me keep blogging, too, thanks!)
- It seems like it's always something unexpected that goes nuts on my Facebook page each week, click here to see what was the latest to set it off. 🙂
Have a great week!
Kaye Tench says
Ooops! Sorry . . . The Look Up one.
Kaye Tench says
That actually brought tears to my eyes!
Everyone should not just see this, BUT pass on and share . . . so huge thanks for bringing it to my attention.
KitchenKop says
Which of the topics above are you referring to?! 🙂
Lori says
I thought you got your olive oil from Chaffin Family Farms.
Are they no longer a reputable company?
Or do you use it for making mayo only?
KitchenKop says
Hi Lori,
It’s just that I found olive oil that I like even better now! The flavor is even milder and better for making mayo. 🙂