- Have you seen this great post by my friend, Anne Sergeant? Eating Healthy Shouldn’t Cost an Arm & a Leg. Now you can see her in person if you’ll be in the Detroit area on September 12th! Find out more from this Growing Connections Organic Harvest Festival flyer.
- Oh my, you have to read this amazing story!!!! “The Look on the Doctor’s Face Was Priceless.”
- If you appreciate the information you find at this blog, find out how you could easily help me, too…and thank you!
- I just read an interesting post from Zachary Cohen: What Do Don Draper and American Food Have In Common? (Although I have to admit I’m one of those he mentions who had never heard that name before. TV is last on my priority list unless it’s EWTN or a cooking show, and even those are rare!) By the way, as a side-note – Zachary also mentions an article he’s quoted in, which has a link to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey’s ideas for health care reform. Mackey took a lot of crap about this, but his ideas make great sense! See what you think, but please do not try to engage me in a debate about it because I don’t pretend to actually follow this issue very closely.
- Remember the adorable movie I told you about recently, Julie & Julia? Have you seen it yet? If so, I hope you’ll tell us what you thought. Take a look at my other new post today – it’s a sneak peak at a letter to Nora Ephron written by one of my favorite readers, Jeanmarie. Guess what it was about? BUTTER! So you know it’s got to be good.
- Read about how a big drug company got busted for their shenanigans: Score one for the little guy! (Thanks for sending me the link, Jen!)
- I know I’m throwing a lot out this week, but I just came across one more thing that I want to share with you: read the sad and frustrating story of what happened to this family recently. Thank you Augie for getting the word out!
Have a great week!
Fin says
Thank you, your blog is very inspiring!
Julie says
Love the story from Mark’s Daily Apple (great website!). I recently switched to a primal/paleo diet to address my own issues with candida and account for my newborn’s food sensitivities. Soon after I moved my toddler over to eating the same things and no grains or beans (although he drinks raw goat milk and eats a lot of fruit). The improvements in him have been drastic. Like he said in the article, it can be socially challenging at times but feeling this much better is completely worth it.
Maria says
The link for “Eating Healthy Shouldn
KitchenKop says
Ooops, sorry Tina, I meant to fix that link before posting. I just fixed it now so that anyone can read it, even without a FB account.
Tina says
Do I have to join Facebook to read, “The look on the doctor’s face was priceless”?
Augie says
Thanks for the link!