Here are some great links you’ll want to look over as you drink your coffee on this first day of summer vacation! 🙂
- I just added one more new post for today about a food movie highlighting the dangers of GM foods, if you're not sure what the fuss is all about, you can learn more there!
- Fixing bad moods with food – “Are you depressed, anxious, irritable, tired, overwhelmed or emotionally fragile? These types of mood disorders have become shockingly common, and in many cases, can easily be resolved.”
- Are Sunburn and Skin Cancer a Modern Day Phenomenon? – “In today’s society, we are accustomed to the warnings about sun exposure and the threat of skin cancer. We worry about getting burned, and do everything we can to make sure we cover all exposed skin with sunscreen. We are convinced that the sun causes great harm…” Read more to find out how a traditional diet with plenty of healthy fats can help you not to burn. Also read my post on the topic: Don’t be afraid of the sun!
- Your “toxic load”, how does it affect your health? – “From cleaning products, to pollution in the air, to the water we drink, to contamination in our food supply, to the clothes we wear, to the houses in which we reside, to the sheets and pillows we sleep on, we are all exposed to tremendous amounts of toxins each and every day of our lives.”
- Get ‘em off without OFF! – this post has good info on natural bug repellents, also check out the comments at last week’s post when I asked for everyone’s input – many of you had some ideas I can’t wait to try!
- Here’s some riveting reading for you…(NOT). I’m in the middle of one of my kitchen-frenzy days as I write this. I’ll do that now and then and spend a whole morning (or a whole day) in the kitchen as I try recipes, do my own research, get some things done ahead, etc. When I do this, it’s not easy because it always means I’m letting a bunch of other things go. I never give up trying, but God constantly teaches me that I just can’t do it all, darn it. Here’s what I’ve been working on so far this morning:
- Finished mixing up/kneading the homemade bread I started soaking last night – 3 loaves. Not sure how I’m going to bake them if the oven repair guy doesn’t show up…
- Made the blender pancakes for the kid’s breakfast that I also started soaking last night.
- Emptied and reloaded the dishwasher while talking to a friend on the phone – multi-tasking is a way of life, as you all know!
- Eggs are boiling for deviled eggs. Our teen loves these and won’t eat eggs any other way lately… “I’m so sick of eggs, Mom!” Grrrrr… (See my newer post: Hardboiled eggs in the pressure cooker peel so easily!)
- I got my chicken bones and beef bones back on the stove (separately, obviously) to finish boiling up for stock today. This evening I’ll strain, cool, and freeze.
- Now I have to figure out what I’m making for dinner…
- Where’s my toddler, you ask? Nope, not watching TV (not this time anyway) – I’ve stopped a couple times to get his snack and kiss a boo-boo, but otherwise he’s been playing really good, thankfully, and giving me lots of help now and then, too!
I don’t do a “kitchen frenzy” day a lot, maybe once every two or three weeks. Usually it’s done in short spurts. Last week I got going and had quite the mess all over the kitchen – soon I’ll post a picture. I’m sure you’re smack-dab on the edge of your seat waiting for that, aren’t ya?
Have a great week!
Kelly says
Think hard and try to remember what brand it was!
Catherine says
Kelly, I was just recently cleaning out my kitchen cupboards and noticed a soup package that I had gotten from the health food store. It had been in there for years so I went to toss it. I looked at the front of the package and in big letters it read “NO MSG”. I looked on the back for ingredients and there was “yeast extract”. Yeast extract contains a high amount of glutamate. I just can’t understand how they can lie so blatantly and get away with it.
I had tossed the soup package but then regretted. I should have contacted the manufacturer and filed a complaint.
Kyle says
I’ll try those pancakes. You do some good planning ahead!
Kelly says
Ali, I forgot to answer your other question – we just buy all our sausage from our local farmer who makes his own without any junk.
Just did some looking on the Boarshead. First, I remembered that, thankfully, today I bought Deitz & Watson, not Boarshead! (They’re supposed to be better according to some sites.)
Then I checked BH’s site – their “all-natural” meats say this:
–“Raised w/o the use of antibiotics or hormones” – so far so good
–“No nitrate or nitrite added”
–“Gluten Free”
–“No MSG added” (which means some naturally occurring MSG could still be there.)
–“Vegetarian grain fed” – this kills me when “grain fed” is advertised (you see this in restaurants, too) as if it is something beneficial!
Shows what I knew, though, I thought all BH was OK, darn it.
Kelly says
Zeke, glad you liked them, I hoped they’d grab my readers. 🙂
Barb, my oven is fixed now, but what a GREAT post to keep handy, thank you!
Ali, oh my gosh, if that is true I’m going to be SERIOUSLY TICKED OFF! You’d think I’d KNOW this by now, but SHOOT, we can’t trust ANYONE or ANY label!! I’ll be getting to the bottom of this one, for sure. I’ll let you know. THANK YOU for the heads-up! 🙂
Ali says
Do you eat Boars Head meats regularly? I know they claim to be all natural, and they certainly taste better than most deli meats, but some research has shown that they contain high levels of msg. My mom gets severe migraines if she eats any msg and has recently noticed a correlation between her headaches and the consumption of Boars Head meat. Applegate Farms for us!
Also, do you know of a source of Italian sausage that doesn’t contain msg. I can’t find one! But I also don’t live near a Trader Joe’s or Costco.
Barb says
Your oven is out?? Have I got a link for you…the Emergency Bread Manual from
I’ve only made pizza from the ‘book’ but it all looks good!
Vin | says
Hi Kelly, thanks for including my mood article. 🙂
I absolutely agree that we shouldn’t be afraid of the sun. It’s essential to our health! Ironically, people avoid sun to avoid cancer, but the vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sun exposure is a cancer risk as well. Furthermore, many of the sunscreens that people use are filled with chemicals that are also a ccancer risk. Sure, sunburn is a cancer risk, so don’t get burnt! I think a major reason why skin cancer is so prevalent is not because of the depleted ozone layer (although this is probably part of it), but rather the abundance of processed fats in our diet and the lack of saturated fats. Here’s a more in depth article that I wrote about this topic.
Vin |
Zeke says
Great links! The ones on sunburn and toxic load were particularly illuminating.
I never knew eating good fats would help with sunburn, but it does make sense.