Even though this blogging business gig is tricky at times and the biggest time-suck of my life, I just don't think I could ever quit because of YOU. You guys blow me away with your willingness to help me or anyone else who needs you at the drop of a hat! Whether I post issues here or on my Facebook page, I'm always shocked at how many of you respond to help. The other day I posted on FB about a friend who was struggling because her newborn was five days old and her milk hadn't come in yet. Within moments the advice flooded in. Later a reader asked about how to get cod liver oil down and many of you responded then, too. (Here's where I get my cod liver oil.) I mentioned the other night, “I hate Algebra. That's all.” Soon I had so much great information and tips or sites to help, it was awesome. And the unbelievable support and encouragement you've all given me throughout this, our first year of homeschooling, has been priceless; I could go on and on! I hope you're a friend on my Facebook page so we can chat over there, too. I'll often share my personal dilemmas, find free kindle books for you, share other bloggers' interesting posts/recipes, funny photos, etc.
Which brings me to three ways I could really use your help right now…
- Stupid Facebook won't show you my new posts there unless you tell them you want to see them. According to my friend, Jo-Lynne, only about 20% of the people who “like” my page even see my posts. “And it’s a bummer for those of us who “like” a page, thinking that we are guaranteed to see that page’s updates on our timelines. But then we don’t. And we miss out on all kinds of great deals and conversations.” Here's how to make sure you'll see my posts in your feed: Go to my Facebook page and hover over the “Liked” button. When the drop down box appears, check off “show in news feed”. That's it and thanks, because now I can see you around there more often. 🙂
- Do you have a question you need help with or something you've always wondered about? I always like to have more content to share over on FB, it helps me and it helps others, so please message me there or email me and I'll post it. I always do it anonymously unless there's a reason you want your name on there. [email protected].
- I'm always looking for interesting or especially funny pictures to share on Facebook, but fishing around to find them takes so much time! If you come across something cool or funny, will you message me or email me pleeeease?? (Thanks to those of you who already do this!)
- Now here's something to help YOU: If you want to save a Facebook stream so you can refer back to it, copy the link to that stream somewhere by right clicking on the date it was posted, copy, paste. (A date won't show for a day or two, until then it says “11 hours ago” or whatever.)
If you do those three things, it would help me LOADS! Thank you my dear sweet reader friends. 🙂
Here's what I've got for you today…
- On to much more important things…what a week huh? First the Boston tragedy, then the Texas tragedy, then the Boston manhunt, and we've got major flooding issues around here. (Our dam downtown is pictured on the right – the lower walkway is totally covered in water.) All of this craziness and tragedy makes Facebook issues seem like nothing at all, that's for darn sure. But wow, don't you love all the stories that come out of the bad that happens, stories of true heroes and good people?
- Well it took going a few rounds with YouTube (literally I felt beat up after trying to figure out all my dumb issues – somehow I had two accounts…?), but I've finally got everything in one place and all reorganized, so I'd love it if you'd go subscribe to my channel and see if there are any videos there that you missed. Click here to go to my KellyKitchenKop YouTube channel.
- I hope to post more video blogs now and then, but it's tricky around here. Here's why: If the kids aren't screaming about something or tattling on each other (it's rare that one of those two things are not happening), then it's likely that I look downright scary because I often don't shower 'til 1:00 p.m. (or later!) when we're done with school. This is especially fun when someone comes to the door. The other day I even took Kade to band in my pajamas since I was running behind, but don't worry, I don't make a habit of this. (And don't tell Kent, he'd freak out. He can't believe how NOT vain I am. Ha!)
- TWO things to tell you LOCAL READERS about!
- Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm giving a talk at Harvest Health in Hudsonville at 6:30 p.m. If you missed my talk “Bringing your family from junk food to real food” at the WAPF conference in Detroit last month, you're in luck, because I'll be doing basically the same talk. Come say hi! (Please RSVP to [email protected] or call the store 616-896-6630.)
- Remember I told you about my friend, Kathy, who is responsible for turning me into the food freak I am now? Well she's doing a class this week on Thursday at her home here in Rockford on Indian cooking! (Advanced ticket sales only at Old World Olive Press in Rockford.)
- Here's a super helpful post from my friend, Jill: What Dr. Oz Didn't Tell You.
- Moms and homeschoolers: this was such a great find the other day (can't remember who told me about it) that I have to share! I got this for our 7 year old who hates writing and he's loving it, it's a Crayola activity center that makes it fun to write and do different games. 🙂
- Does this surprise you? (Yeah, I didn't think so.) NY Times Reports ADHD Medications Overprescribed To Children.
- More interesting stuff from Facebook last week:
- Check out my latest Pins on Pinterest!
Have a great week!
Janira B. says
For times like this, I think Facebook would be handy but my husband & I choose not to use Facebook. We already spend enough time online as it is. So this will be the only way I will get your info. Thank You so much for all your knowledge here on your website. 🙂
KitchenKop says
Yes, FB is another big time-suck and if not for my blog I’d probably choose the same as you have!
Soli says
I’m the opposite with math. What I tell people is numbers are easy, words are hard. I have a math brain. Too bad I live too far away to act as a tutor.