Good morning reader friends! For once I'm getting this post ready ahead of time so you get a treat today: no rambling. 🙂
- This link is up first so you don't miss it, it's a topic I know all you Real Foodies will find interesting. Tea Party Libertarians and Small Organic Farmers Make Strange Political Bedfellows. You'll recognize names like Laura Bledsoe: Farm to Fork Dinner Fiasco and Mark Baker: Where Oh Where Has Common Sense Gone? Communism Anyone? (Those links take you to my posts about these small farmers fighting the system). “As government regulations have coalesced around this new normal during the past few generations, small farmers have found themselves caught within the confines of laws that weren't designed for them. What that means is that when there's a grassroots movement like there is now, back toward simplicity, back toward raising your own food in a manner that people have done for thousands of years, including the people who founded this country, suddenly the methods that they want to use on a micro level are all illegal,” said Rowes. Or, as Hamilton put it: “It's like hitting a fly with a B-2 bomber.”
- Have you seen this post? My All Natural Chill Pill for Anxiety.
- Want a 99¢ e-book? You're in luck!!! My in-real-life friend, Katie, has a new one out and it's perfect for real food rookies: Better Than a Box: How to Transform Processed Food Recipes into Whole Foods Favorites.
- Are you signed up for my email newsletter for special deals and blog highlights, including loads of freebies?
- Last week Jill from Real Food Forager (if you don't happen to know her yet, you'll love her) covered a topic I've wanted to learn more about for a while now: the Acid/Alkaline Balance in our bodies. “It is well known that a body that is too acidic is prone to illness. Our modern lifestyle with fast food, chemical dependencies, lack of alkaline forming vegetables and alkaline forming fermented foods, all contribute to this acidity.“
- Highlights from Facebook and/or the blog last week:
- I made this homemade hot fudge for company the other night, yum!
- Here a reader asked if others could offer suggestions for helping her sister who has a brain injury from a car accident a few years ago.
- How to get liver down if you don't like it.
- Did you see my video about The Giant?
- I asked for tips on finding good practice ACT tests.
- Did you read about my DUMB move last week?
- I made these tasty little numbers when our kids' friends came over who were gluten-free: Gluten-free Almond Cookies
- What successful bloggers have in common.
- This one from Heather was hilarious! You might be an unconventional Mama if…
Have a great week!
Amy G. says
Kelly –
Putting it on Facebook would be great!
Amy G. says
I’m sorry Kelly – this has nothing to do with anything you’ve posted today – but I thought w/ 4 kids, you might have a natural, effective stain remover for laundry that you use. I have tried everything and nothing takes stains out!
Somebody, help!
Jen says
I soak stained items in oxygen bleach. It takes everything out… even set in stains. I dissolve 2-3 scoops in an old kitty litter bucket, add the stained clothes, and soak overnight. The next day, I dump the whole thing in the washer, and wash as usual. Works great!
KitchenKop says
I’m glad Jen had an idea, because I didn’t! I can put it up on Facebook tomorrow too and see if we get more suggestions.
Amy G. says
Thank you, Jen! Actually, you are right. I have used oxygen bleach in the past and it does work well. I guess I got lazy and was looking for a spray-on product, instead of having to mix and soak. Ironically, I purchased an Oxi spray-on product some time ago, and it didn’t work! So back to soaking I will go.
Anne says
My mother fondly remembers that when I was a child I would adamantly say “I do it myself.” I believe all children start life with an earnest desire to be self-sufficient. But somehow over the course of 15-20 years we lose that orientation. I see a lack of self-sufficiency in education, politics, food, everywhere. The political climate is at the foundation of all this. In the food arena, the government must tell us what is safe and what is not safe for us and control access to things deemed unsafe. In education, the government controls access, content and delivery. Gone is that rugged individualistic, self-sufficiency that founded our country. Politicians are just giving us what we ‘want’— dependency. It doesn’t matter what party is in control, the same actions arise. I think we should all try to do more for ourselves!! And vote with our dollars by spending money on things that foster independence.
Lisa says
The left sees a disconnect between Libertarians and small organic farmers because they don’t understand the issues, and what is happening in our country. Freedom from a tyrannical intrusive government is the real issue. The more power the government has, the less power the individual has. The more government regulations, the less freedom people have. Is choosing what we eat really a kooky far-right issue? Or is it just common sense?
Peggy says
I used to love the interaction between friends on the far left and far right when I was actively blogging. During the election, though, every issue became “the hill to die on” for somebody and nobody was paying attention to longer-term issues. All seemed content to consider only those issues that would get THEIR man to the White House. Eating is something we all do everyday regardless of political affiliation and it should bring us together not divide us. If ever there was a topic for bipartisanship, it is food.