In a few days I'll head out to the annual Wise Traditions conference in Santa Clara, California. I'm super excited to see so many friends and readers there. Even more fun is that this year I've got a travel partner: Lisa from the Muskegon Weston A. Price Foundation chapter is flying out with me!
- I know that some of you are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. We were praying for you all and hope that you have power again! In this post, Jill from Real Food Forager gives us Tips for the Next Storm: Don’t Do What I Didn’t.
- Has anyone ever heard of Kombucha Concentrate? It gives the benefits of drinking kombucha but without the sugar. Let me know if you've tried it!
- You know what hit me a few days after Halloween? This was the first year I didn't eat even ONE piece of candy. I never even wanted any. Isn't that wild? I never thought that would happen. Oh I still eat plenty of sweets, believe me, but none are as good anymore as the ones I can make here at home with Real Food ingredients. Anyone know what I mean?
- Did any of you pay attention to the big ruckus that a vegan reader got going over at this post? Get the Bad Fats Out Of Your Kitchen! I rarely trash comments, but one of his went over the line.
- Reminder: you can watch this movie FREE until the election is over: The Genetic Roulette Movie. Oh I so hope we will be celebrating at the conference this weekend that Prop 37 passed, don't forget to tell your friends and family in California how important it is to VOTE YES!
Lori says
Okay, I had to look at what the Vegan said. Seriously, there is no discussing with vegetarians or vegans. Today, I was talking to our philosophy/critical thinking teacher (I work at a community college) and he said that his wife is basically a vegetarian and that he felt he should be one too. I stupidly asked “why” and he said for moral reasons. I responded saying that we are meant to eat meat. And he said that we could all live without meat. I said that’s not completely true. This went on for a minute or so. At the end he said “you’ll see how moral you feel when the aliens come down and start eating us because we aren’t as smart as them.” I walked away. He could have been joking and probably was, but during the whole conversation, he was so and high and mighty.
I don’t mind discussing things like this when there is a give and take and a “that’s a good point, what about this,” but today made me realize that there is no discussion even with someone who supposidly teaches critical thinking. I feel sorry for his students.
Martha says
Have an awesome time at the conference! One of these days I’d love to make it to a full one. I enjoyed the mini one in St. Louis.
JMR says
I did have Halloween candy, I say in shame. But it didn’t taste good and I ate it anyway. Maybe next year I’ll progress to not eating it at all. The comments in your “Bad Fats” post were, ummm, interesting. I’ll never understand the need for vegans to spend so much time on real food blogs trying to argue meat/butter/milk eaters into being vegans.
Susan says
I think the reason vegans spend so much time arguing is due to lack of fat in their diet. Seriously. Remember how WAP commented on how serene everyone was when they were consuming large amounts of fat? Vegans always seem so down-right hostile!! Their brains are starving!
I had an argument with a vegan once that said he got plenty of good fats from vegetable oils. I asked him if he thought that was an oxymoron, since, well, veggies don’t have fat! He had no come back for that!
Diane says
I didn’t have any Halloween candy either! One of the true joys of this way of eating (I follow Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint diet), is that I’ve largely lost my cravings for sugar, and believe me when I say that those cravings used to RULE my life!