Did I mention how much I love writing for my blog, especially when there’s a good old-fashioned rant brewing inside me? Last week’s post on vaccinations got a lot of you riled up right along with me (which is why I love all of you, reader friends!), and later this week I have a follow up post where I’ll be asking for your advice…
Also, tomorrow is the 1st Tuesday, so get your posts and comments ready to share your Kitchen Goals of the Month! (Feel free to grab this picture to use at your blog if you do a post on it, and then don’t forget to leave your link in tomorrow’s comments.)
- Wait ‘til you read this juicy bit of news: “A special article published today in the journal Nutrition sharply criticizes the recent Report of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). Authors Hite et al. argue the Report fails to conform to the standards of evidence-based medicine, despite its claimed reliance on a newly created USDA Nutrition Evidence Library. The authors call the DGAC to task for failing to consider recent scientific results while at the same time further confusing the American public.” Read the whole article. (Thanks to Kimberly for letting me know about this.)
- Have you “liked” my Facebook page yet? (Or asked your friends to?) The only thing is that I hope you guys are patient with me. When life gets crazy that’s the first to go, so sometimes I’m on a lot, other times not so much. I just posted on there about our delicious dinner yesterday, though – you may want to go read about it.
- I love how those in the Real Foodie world have taught me to question everything. Recently Sarah got me thinking about the issue of prenatal ultrasounds. (I never thought twice about those with my pregnancies.) Read it and see what you think…
- I finally got into Katie’s Healthy Snacks to Go e-book that I purchased a while back, and wow, it’s FULL of information! I even got to sample her Larabar knock-offs when she brought them to a local Weston Price Chapter meeting (we both live in Grand Rapids!), and my favorite was her version called “Sunny Vacation”. I love her extra nutrient-dense snack ideas in the front of the book like hard-boiled eggs, cheese (grass-fed is best!), crispy nuts (remember that all nuts should be soaked to break down the phytic acid), homemade yogurt, and guacamole, which my whole family loves. In the ‘meat’ of the book she includes great information on each snack recipe, like whether or not there’s a soaked version (always use this version if possible), whether or not the recipe is gluten free, grain free, dairy free, nut free, sugar free – I think she covered it all! She also tells you whether that snack is a frugal option, and whether or not it’s diaper bag/backpack friendly! Sounds cool, huh? Here’s where you can get a copy of Healthy Snacks to Go.
- Have you been over to my Christianity 101 blog recently? I post there very sporadically, but I’d love it if you would subscribe so whenever I do post you can catch it.
- “We can’t afford the sustainably raised apple, but now we have an apple instead of an apple turnover, and that’s how we measure progress.” I LOVE THAT QUOTE from this CNN video on school food.
- Have a great week!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Great! I’ll tell Katie you said so! 🙂
Genet says
I just downloaded the Snacks To Go ebook!
(Wide eyes — Mouth open)
IS all I can say!!!!
(Picking Jaw up off floor)
This book is AMAZING!!!!
I just had a LIGHT BULB moment!!! A Gee-I-Think-This-Will-work moment!
It is sooo much more than snacks. I see MONTHS of breakfasts and some light meals in there as well!!! And I LOVE the step by step grain soaking instructions!
Thank you!
Maybe I can be a good mommy after all !
Oh MAN . . .too bad its midnight . . . .cause I can’t WAIT to try these !!!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
A Larabar can be found at health food stores. They’re sort of a cross between a candy bar and a granola bar, but the ingredients are all good. (Except they have unsoaked nuts in them.) But they’re expensive, so a recipe to make your own is nice. 🙂
Genet says
Ok . . .I was looking at this Snack e-book.
Looks interesting.
One question. What is a Larabar ????
KitchenKop says
Soli, thank you for telling me! My host company found suspicious stuff on my site when I asked them to look. I hate hackers.
Soli @ I Believe in Butter says
All better now! I’m like the canary in the coal mine, only I will never die. 🙂
ValerieH says
I learned about ultrasounds in 2003 when I read Henci Goer’s book, The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth. She read through all the studies and explained them in layman’s terms. However….. I found very little room in discussing the outcome of studies with the way my OB’s wanted to practice medicine. Their hands are tied by malpractice insurance and hospital policies. It is difficult to switch doctors during a pregnancy and some OB’s threatent to drop you if you don’t do what they want.
Maybe that’s just my experience. I hope so. I did what I could to focus on a positive outcome in spite of modern medicine.
jenna Food WIth Kid Appeal says
thanks for sharing the CNN article kelly. i’m always torn when working on better school food, even the smallest changes require so much effort and don’t seen to close the gap enough. the program i’m developing now aims to increase participation and consumption of fruits and veg currently available (and reimbursable) in school lunch. it’s not sustainably grown or organic, but at least it’s non-GMO and antioxidant containing. maybe some of those antioxidants can clean up (some) of the toxins in the other crap served. here’s more about the Eat to Learn program if you’re curious. https://foodwithkidappeal.blogspot.com/2010/09/eat-to-learn-spinach-why-your-kids.html
KitchenKop says
Soli, I don’t have any new plugins!????? I have no idea why that would be happening. Is that happening for anyone else???
Soli @ I Believe in Butter says
Kelly, what is the new plugin on your page? Whenever I go to it directly java gets triggered and it opens one of my media players.