Hey guys, it's time for another “mix-up” post, where I grab stuff from ALL over the real food and natural health online world and share the latest. Just scroll down through to see what grabs your interest — I bolded the headlines so it's easy to skim.
Don't you love that quote in the picture above? That's why I feel so strongly about supporting our local farmers and here's an easy way to help YOUR farmer.
So apparently I really stink at fundraising and I'm bummed out about it. I've always tried to use my “platform” as a blogger to bring about some good in the world, mostly by helping you regain or retain your health, and that's why I wrote my book, Real Food for Rookies. Recently I've also tried helping to raise money for a couple causes that are dear to us, but they were both sort of a big flop. Only 4 people gave in total, and one of them was US. My sincere thanks to you three! I had hoped that more of you might have extra tithe money that you could send along. In case you still might be able to help, here's a quick recap:
- After my post about why we ditched reverse osmosis/RO water and what we got instead, it hit me even more that some have to walk miles for access to clean water! So Kent and I have been giving more of our tithe money to a foundation that builds wells for remote villages in Nigeria. Read more in my post: You thought Flint was Bad? Are there snakes in your water?! Or click here to give.
- Kent and I are very much in the pro-life camp (but also believe strongly in God's forgiveness if you or someone you know has had an abortion) and I'd been feeling like I wanted to DO something more with that, so we got involved in an organization called “Cradles of Grace”. They “care for single pregnant women and young single moms, encouraging life transformation through the love of Christ. We surround them with godly community, guide them through a parenting or adoption decision and help them to lead healthy, productive lives. Single women and children are the most rapidly growing group in poverty. The intent of Cradles of Grace is to make generational change and help women walk through their life-giving decision successfully.” I put this on my FB page recently: “Our daughter is walking with me on May 7th to raise funds for Cradles of Grace, a ministry that helps young Moms or young pregnant women. We help monthly with child care while the Moms meet for support and encouragement (and help with the practicalities and struggles in their lives). If you can help, go here to donate, and thank you!
Here's what I've found for you in today's mix-up…
- It's time to announce the latest Amazon gift card giveaway winner: Ashley J. — she's been a KK subscriber since 2012! Just shoot me an email to verify I have the right Ashley (with the correct email address), and I'll send over your $50 gift card. 🙂
- Speaking of Moms… As another Mother's Day approaches without my Mom, a book I'm reading the kids for a read-aloud really got me sobbing the other day, but they were happy tears because of one chapter that talks about her mom's death. The whole book, An Invisible Thread, is SO good and about a woman who takes an 11 year old panhandler under her wing, but in this one chapter, you won't believe what happened after her mom died, and it brought me SUCH peace and joy!! It basically solidified even more what I already know, but when you grieve, you really need and appreciate these reminders. I also found a couple Mother's Day related articles to share: To my friends who still have their mothers and I love this quote from 500 words that describe what it's like to lose your mother: “When you finally realize that life continues on, you realize you are here to live it, and live it for her. You remember the kind of life she wanted for you, and that’s a happy life. You feel her in the wind and you see her in the stars, she visits you in your dreams and she guards you with all of her heart. But most importantly, when you think of your mother, remember that she is constantly guiding you and sending you love when you need it the most. You will feel refreshed, you will feel her hug, you will feel her heart and that is when you will feel brand new. And each and everyday you will realize that you have all of these feelings, because you were lucky enough to call her your mother.”
- Starting to think about fall and want to get your younger kids reading? Here's a Facebook post I put up asking for opinions on Bob Books, find out what people thought at that link (some loved them, others not so much). Also, check out my post about how we finally got into a homeschooling groove and how I found more time and peace in my life!
- I know that too many of you out there are struggling with Fibromyalgia (or other autoimmune diseases), and my friend, Leah, wants to help. Her online Fibro class is for people interested in natural recovery from fibromyalgia but are overwhelmed by all the things they think they need to learn to be well again. Click here to find out more.
- Do You Have a Sore Neck? Testimony from My Friend Cindy: No More Back OR Neck Pain! Check out that post from the other day if you have similar issues.
- Free Salve Stick! My friend Donielle is offering a free salve stick JUST May 1-7th to help you learn more about her company. These salve sticks are a great way to carry the power of herbs! Their small size means you can easily pop them into any pocket or bag to have on hand when the inconveniences of summer hit, like bug bites, small scratches, or any skin irritation. Use coupon code FREESTICK. (No purchase necessary, just pay $2.99 for shipping – while supplies last, to U.S. and Canadian customers – friends to the north will pay higher shipping fees.)
- Have you seen this video about the latest “gender identity” issues and which bathrooms we should be allowed to use?
- Notice anything unusual about Chipotle's outbreak a while back? (Was Chipotle framed?) Am I the only one who thinks something fishy is going on with Chipotle's e.coli outbreak where 500+ people were affected? From the first I heard of it, something seemed really off, and I'm not the only one who thought so, either. Check out the conversation over on Facebook where many others agreed. Also be sure to catch this post where thoughts on how this “outbreak” could affect many areas of real food eating is discussed. My friend, Mark McAfee from Organic Pastures, left some great insights on the situation in the comments, so you'll want to read through those, as well.
- I thought these bread-free sandwich ideas from my friend Cara looked so yummy! Great for those of you with food allergies or if you're just watching your carbs. 🙂
- 8 Signs you're eating too much sugar. I thought this was a pretty accurate article.
- Roundup in eggs and dairy… Poison for breakfast anyone? It was upsetting, but probably not totally surprising, to learn recently that Glyphosate was found in California wines. Even organic ones. But now it seems no matter how clean we eat, we can't escape this toxic poison. In this article from Health Impact News, they discuss the findings of recent research that showed Glyphosate was even being found in organic eggs and dairy. It just makes my blood boil to think about it! Be sure and read this interview with Dr. Cate Shanahan, author of Deep Nutrition, where she gives several suggestions to help your body detox from the Monsanto chemicals that we just can't seem to run from.
- Corporate greed, human suffering… This will rile you up and freak you out, but sadly, probably won't surprise you. The movie Erin Brokovich was a story of only one community in our country that has been polluted and sickened by big corporations, but it's still going on all over the nation. In this story that reads like a mystery novel, victims share how DuPont, whose old motto was “Better Living Through Chemistry“, becomes debatable when you read how these people's lives were destroyed. Have a tissue ready, but make sure you read all the way to the end where an interactive map is offered to see if your water has been polluted by the same chemicals that caused these victims so much suffering. And if you grew up seeing those commercials from Johnson & Johnson that made you feel all warm and fuzzy about them because they made Band Aids to cover our boo-boos, then you have got to see this article about how they knowingly destoyed so many lives with the drug Risperdal. 🙁
- After reading the above stories, wouldn't it be great if there was a place where you could tell big corporations that they are evil? As global corporations slowly take over the democracy we hold dear in our country, and it seems that our one, little voice behind a computer screen may never be heard, it's time to band together for a collective scream! And here's your chance. Please go over to this site and cast your vote for the worst corporation in the Corporate Hall of Shame. Sure, it may not be enough for them to turn their evil practices around, but it will tell them they are being watched. Also, make your “voice” heard everyday by not buying things made by these corporations. Eat real food, clean your home without chemicals, and use all natural body products. Don't know where to start? I tell you everything you need to know in my book, or go to my resources page to see all the products I use and recommend. (I still haven't gotten that page updated, but will soon hopefully!)
- Here's our 10th grade friend, Maggie, singing at a recent school event, isn't she crazy-awesome?
- Did you catch all of these recent posts? Here they are in case you missed them:
- Kombucha Not Just for Hippies Anymore! (And more Great Reads)
- The Easiest and Best Athletes Foot Remedy
- My New Kitchen Shelf and Some Kitchen Organizing Ideas
- How to Make Perfume: DIY Aromatherapy Solid Perfume
- Moroccan Chicken and Rosemary-Lemon Chicken (Roasted Chicken 2 Ways, plus Practical Paleo Cookbook Review!)
- Homemade Poppyseed Salad Dressing for Salads that will Rock Your Socks Off!
- Friday Food Flop — Creamed Kale
- Have a good week everyone!
(Affiliate links are often included in Morning Mix-up posts. Check out my affiliate disclaimer here.)
Sarah says
I cannot believe my thoughts are turning towards curriculum already! Part of it might be our first year of high school. I am so intimidated by that. As I begin to struggle with feelings of whether we are going the right ting for our kiddos God sends several confirmations our way to assure me we are indeed doing the right thing for them. Secondly thank you for highlighting a post about grain free sandwich ideas. A member of our family is suspected of having Celiac’s so I am trying to prepare myself with alternatives for that individual as we wait for results. Thank you again for the encouraging job you do Kelly!