Monday Mix-Up Continued… (Click here to go back to page 1.)
- Are you like “poor Skinderella”? Click here for help from homeopathic expert, Joette Calabrese: 15 common skin conditions and 15 homeopathic protocols to uproot them.
- Have you noticed all the bins of GMO high fructose corn syrup-loaded Halloween candy in the stores right now? If we didn't have hundreds of trick-or-treaters, I'd get this candy, which we all love. Glow bracelets are my favorite alternative for trick-or-treaters, and in my experience kids really love them! Here is an inexpensive pack of 100 assorted colors.
- Are you a bread-eater? If so, you probably know that sourdough is THE healthiest bread there is (true sourdough that is, made *without* yeast), so are you ready to make your own sourdough? In this post a local friend shares how to do it with simple instructions: The Best No-knead Sourdough Recipe.
- Maybe bread is not your thing, so in that case, have you seen this new book by my friend, Jo-Lynne? The Everything Gluten-Free Breakfast And Brunch Cookbook: Includes Crispy Potato Pancakes, Blackberry French Toast Casserole, Pull-Apart Cinnamon … Asparagus Frittata…and hundreds more! I do believe one or two of my recipes are included as well. 🙂
- Read about how one Mom reversed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis through diet. Real Food heals, guys! (Check out her books here.)
- World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease:
“Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine. What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.” Read the entire article here. I've also written on this topic in the past: The True Cause of Heart Disease. Also, read all about healthy fats here.
- Did you hear about this contest where you can win a trip to Alaska? Check it out here! You'll also be helping one of my favorite organizations: The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund — they do so much for our beloved farmers who fight the government every day for the right to provide us with life-giving foods like sustainably grown organic produce, pastured meats, or raw dairy! Why we should have to fight the government for those rights remains a mystery…
- If you missed my monthly update, you can click here to see that, and then be sure and click here to sign up for it so you won't miss next time! (If you're already a subscriber to my new posts then you're already signed up for the monthly one.)
- Did you know you should NEVER buy antibacterial soap? Find out more about the dangers from Sarah.
- If you liked anything in today's post will you please share it with the buttons below? Thank you!
Laura says
We also like the Unreal candy but they sweeten it with agave – ack!
Jeanmarie says
Even worse, it contains skim milk powder, which is going to have oxidized protein and cholesterol, which is dangerous. So many things right about these, but some worrisome ingredients, too. Still, I’d choose them over regular candy.
charles grashow says
Dr Dwight Lundell had his license revoked by the state of Arizona. Why should he be listened to?
KitchenKop says
I could GUESS that they didn’t like the TRUTH he was spreading. But I don’t know for sure what the story is.
Peggy says
See, that inflammation thing really worries me. I have chronic inflammation due to multiple injuries and surgeries to my knees. And by chronic, I mean every day for the last 42 years. I’ve cleaned up my diet and take oodles of natural remedies for it (turmeric, fermented cod liver oil, etc.) but it’s still a daily thing. I have done the prescription med route and just won’t ever go that way again.
I guess I feel like I have a great big target on my back and heart disease is locked and loaded!
Jill says
Peggy, have you ever looked into acupuncture and/or naturopathy? It’s pretty amazing, the chronic health issues they can effectively deal with that allopathy (conventional medicine) can’t even touch, other than prescribing drugs to block symptoms.
KitchenKop says
Peggy, I could be wrong, but I would think that localized inflammation due to injuries would be a very different thing. It’s not a systemic issue after all, but as I said, I could be way off and am not anywhere CLOSE to an expert on this stuff.