Good morning readers! Yesterday my daughter, mom, sisters, nieces and I all went to the Novi mall to have lunch and shop, and I was loving the kitchen store because I actually got to hold some Le Creuset cookware. I always say, “When I have money someday I'm going to get me a bunch of this stuff!” The yellow is my favorite. (What's yours?) If you are Amanda P. you can get some Le Creuset, Fiestaware, or anything you want on Amazon because you are the February $75 gift card giveaway winner! Contact me within 48 hours and once I verify your email address, I’ll get your Amazon gift card to you. 🙂 Here are today's links that I've found…
- Anyone else out there toyed with the idea of getting some chickens for your backyard? We talk about it now and then, and I’ll bet a bunch of you have, too. A good place to start would be this Guide to Backyard Chickens — click here for more details. Learn 6 reasons to keep backyard chickens, everything you need to know about backyard eggs, and how to take control of where your food comes from!
- If you're looking for on-topic posts only (health and nutrition related), this one won't do it for you, but if you want to read an absolutely beautiful story about life and death, check this one out. You'll need a tissue handy — but it's worth it: There’s a hospital bed in my living room.
- This may not be a “new” stress remedy for you, but I've only heard about it recently and was was amazed by all of the positive comments about this stuff: Click here to get Rescue Remedy. I ordered it to have on hand for stressful moments. (Like when the kids won't. Stop. Fighting!) A friend of mine won't be without it and says that it heads off panic attacks and helps to deal with stressful situations as they come. Rescue Remedy is considered safe for all ages, and also for pets. A commenter on Facebook (see the conversation here) thinks we’re all a bunch of gullible hippies, what do you think? (Here's what I've always used in the past: My All-Natural Chill-Pill for Anxiety.)
- Wow, did this post ever blow up last week when I posted on Facebook: “Well guys, see if you agree with “Jeff”, who works at a hospital in some capacity, and who has “over a decade of education”. He says that I am “frightening” and full of BS for believing the “crackpot pseudoscience” that says full fat dairy and saturated fats are better than low-fat. He doesn't mention Dr. Eades, who I quote in the post, and who is a *medical doctor*. He also believes “Statins save people lives.” See his not-so-sparkly comment here. Also, someone else said, “Kelly, what if someone reads your post and stops taking their Dr. prescribed medicine without consulting their healthcare provider? Are you so sure you haven’t harmed them?” I replied AGAIN (as I do almost daily around here), “This is why I do my best to make it VERY clear to anyone who reads my stuff, and I say this ALL OF THE TIME, just ask my regular readers: “I am not a doctor, do not blindly follow me or *anyone* else – DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.” If you reply there, please be kind. The ones who aren’t make my toes curl.
- Speaking of studies, have you seen this one? Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers. It goes along with this one, Taking Healthy Kids to the Doctor Could Make Them Sick. ***I say again, use common sense and DO visit a doc when needed. (We very rarely go ourselves, though. Read about our own vaccine decisions and our go-arounds with the doctors office.)
- This one is interesting from Stan: Traditional food combinations and what they mean. Do you have Stan’s How to Cook Grassfed Meat cookbooks yet? I was going to show you a picture of them here, but WordPress is messing with me this morning and is giving me an error, grrr, happy Monday to me! Oh well, just click the links to check them out.
- Did I share this one with you yet? Have you recently given up wheat or any other food item? You will crack up over this Portlandia skit, where Peter thinks he's fat and gives up pasta. My favorite line: “Fettuccine doesn’t count!”
- Here's another funny one, it's a video where Jon Stewart learns how tricky it can be to find a “safe snack”:
- You can find safe snacks here! I was going to show you a picture of my yummy Layered Taco Dip, but… NOPE. Can't do that one either…
- So I also can't show you one of my new favorite kitchen gadgets, a wine aerator! It “breathes” wine to improve flavor! Who else uses these, and do you notice a difference, too?
- What do you think of Michelle Obama's new food label unveiling? I thought the sugar comment made sense, but the calorie count part, not so much, because again, what if they are GOOD calories? Although I suppose if they're on a label, they probably aren't good…” I like the graphic partway down in this article.
- Have a great week!
Some of the links above are affiliate links, thank you!
Connie says
I’ve been using rescue remedy for years with the cats I foster from a local shelter. I used it with my own cat and it helped him a great deal. I started using it on myself when my anxiety would pop up with no reason what so ever and I couldn’t tap it down.. and I was amazed.. I adore the pastilles they make.. and totally recommend them to anyone who is going through stress, has stress, has anxiety, or has a pet that has anxiety (my first introduction to it was someone recommending it to a dog who hates thunderstorms)
Jill says
LOVE the Portlandia skit! When my daughter was on the GAPS intro diet she was obsessed with pics of different (forbidden) foods online, so the 2nd half of the skit totally reminded me of her and was all the more funny because of it! (By the way, once all that stuff was out of her system her cravings went away.)